19215 - El golpe del Papa

El golpe del Papa sorprendió a los genocidas porque creían simplemente que a través del protocolo le habrían desarmado y ahora vuelve para recordarles ...

19206 - Transcendental Thoughts

1) Think that you are the other. 2) Think that you are the other other. 3) Think that you are complementary to the others. 4) Think that you are nothing ...

19187 - The Duel

The Duel of Digenis against the Grim Reaper is not only symbolic but constitutes a trace of past that continues living inside us for centuries ...

19172 - The epic of Digenis

The epic of Digenis is not only a novel of the past a philological memory but a trace from the first that are showing the value of sacrifice ...

19085 - Onze visie

Onze visie en niet onze droom is in de Stad want dromen is voor het slapen en visies voor de intelligenten en niemand geeft ons de recht ons ...

19260 - Il fossato di Famagosta

Il fossato di Famagosta è intatto per quanto possa sembrare strano nelle zone occupate di Cipro. Eppure è qui da secoli, senza le barbare bandiere per ...

19253 - Il triplice legame

Il triplice legame aveva resistito per secoli. Per questo era stato inventato. Scacchi. Ellenismo. Grecità. Tutti gli elementi della scacchiera SER. ...

19252 - Due Teste

Due teste. Due pagine. La prima per il futuro, la seconda per il passato. Conspaziamente nello stesso foglio. Due teste, un’aquila. Lo stesso schema ...

19251 - La leggenda dell’Aquila

Chi avrebbe potuto credere nella strategia della storia? Non era una domanda retorica. Se non credi nell’Uomo Millenario come vedrai il passato ed ...

19249 - The first labour

The first labour of the son of Armouri transpired when his mother coerced him to bend the lance three times then the young boy grabbed hold ...

19219 - Medemens

Medemens kan je niet alleen zijn terwijl mens je gelooft het daarom het is goed voor je om te denken in beide termen om te zien met je eigen ...

19215 - De klap van de paus

De klap van de paus verbaast de genociders omdat ze naïef beschouwden dat ze onder het protocol hem hadden ontwapend en nu komt hij hun te herinneren ...

19083 - De waarde van de Armeen

De waarde van de Armeen begint van zijn bestaan omdat het een vorm van verzet is heeft simpelweg een aanvullend strategisch doel omdat hij vecht ...

15450 - When the monastery opened

When the monastery opened no one could imagine, who would come to the door. Only one monk had a slight hope. Like a vigil candle that hadn’t gone out. ...

15448 - The Thousand year

So the war of the thousand years had started, even if most of the fighters didn’t realize it. You needed to be a thousand year to invent it. Who though ...

15447 - The crown of the Cross

The crown of the Cross was no longer a legend. The legend had created history. Always through strategy. And the historians would start their analyses. ...

15446 - The new Revelation

After a hard and tough two day attack, the miracle happens. The entrance to the city is a reality. And no one could contest it. The most violent confrontation ...

15445 - The stone word

When they arrived at the Garden of Olives the Master looked at Peter and he understood. The time had come. He went to the highest point so that all the ...

15444 - Towards Jerusalem

After this surreal victory for the light against the dark, the people of the cross continued their course towards Jerusalem. But before that they went ...

15441 - After the beginning

After the beginning there was no return. The path had opened and they had to continue. Beside the infinite blue they felt the desert. And it wouldn’t ...

15440 - The eagle touch

Only after the battle did the fighters understand that the eagle had touched them. It wasn’t only the spirit. There was also the feather of the eagle. ...

15439 - The hidden meaning

Who could follow the hidden meaning of the acts? No one who didn’t know the Didache. This is why the reading of the Gospels was so significant. Otherwise ...

15438 - The stone smile

When the battle ended, the Master embraced Peter. It was the first time he was smiling since they had left. The stone smile was carved within his spirit ...

19221 - La nostra leggenda

La nostra leggenda è nata in terra con l’azzurro bianco quando mi hai dato la mano sotto l’aquila con la tua linea della vita. Per te ho rubato ...

19215 - Il duro colpo del Papa

Il duro colpo del Papa ha sorpreso i sostenitori del genocidio perché credevano semplicisticamente che col protocollo l’avrebbero disarmato ed ora ...

19166 - If they prohibit you

If they prohibit you to raise the flag in your own country bring down those which are barbaric in order for the ragias to understand that you are ...

6553 - Study (Matous 1980)

White: Ke2, Rg3, Nb3, e4, f3 Black: Kf4, Qg7, e5 Solution:   1. Nd4 – Qxg3                   2. Ne6 (Mate)   Initially this move avoided stalemate provoked ...

19166 - Se ti vietano

Se ti vietano di innalzare la bandiera in patria allora ammaina qelle che sono barbare affinché capiscano i servi acconsenzienti tutti che senza ...

19165 - La lotta della Chiesa

La lotta della Chiesa è la continuità della battaglia di Cristo per l’Umanità perché crede che l’opera ed il suo rispetto sia la sostanza di vita ...

19145 - Humane resolution of Cyprus

Cyprus, however small it may be, decided to ban barbarism, because it belongs to Humanity. Cyprus's humane enactment of criminalizing the denial of recognized ...

19112 - With chess

With chess the little human is learning to resist and to confront the powerful opponents in order to cope with the difficulties which will in his ...

425 - The open tower

Black and white view. Medium long shot. Flash back. Lucia and Christos are sitting opposite each other around a wooden table. Christos’s desk ...

420 - That was not just a promise

Lucia is at Eva’s and Andreas’s home… She seems sad… Medium long shot. Lucia: I didn’t want to disturb you… Eva comes in holding a plate of spoon sweet. ...

419 - The forbidden wings

Black and white. In a full small room Christos has been writing all night long with a white pen. Medium long shot. We see the details of his ...

414 - The jacket of pain

Flashback. Extreme close up. Andreas: Christos, for God’s sake, isn’t it too warm for you in this jacket? Time. Undo the buttons a little bit… Christos: ...

15437 - The iron encounter

They began after the dive, the course towards the East. All the armies had been united. The enemy was common. It was the same barbarity. They did ...

15436 - After the branches

After the branches it was the tree’s turn. And that was an oak tree. When he arrived at Constantinople he recognized the City of the centuries. It ...

6468 - Endgame (Ivanov – Sveshnikov 1973)

White: Kf3, Qa3, Rc1, Bf1, c4, e2, e5, g3 Black: Kh2, Qd4, Bg6, e6, f7, g7 Solution:   1.   …    - Be4+                   2. Kf4 – Bg2+                   ...

19136 - The martyrs

The martyrs do not change the data only heroes can do it for that reason when you examine the history of future you should know beforehand that ...

19124 - Le phare

Le phare est une montagne en mer et le lac est une mer en montagne penses-y et imagine pour la première fois un phare dans un lac qui peut ...

16492 - About perfection

D: Why is perfection so important, Master? M: Because it’s an offer. D: An offer? M: A perfect work is an offer. D: To the humans? M: To Humanity. ...

19118 - Innovational Paedia

We all insist that we are pro Paedia, but we all send our children towards education, from which, in actual fact, we do not expect anything at all. We ...

19109 - Nella vita

Nella vita c’è una sola partita che impariamo nell’ora in cui giochiamo e scopriamo le regole quando giochiamo senza nessuna preparazione ...

19098 - Ton combattant

Tu prends le soleil pour brûler la mer tu déclenches l’orage mais ne le vois pas car tu es fière, tu penses trop vite mais souviens-toi que je suis ...

406 - The letter of the world

A monogrammed letter on the table. Extreme close up. Andreas: When has it arrived? Close up. Eva: Today… Medium close shot. Andreas: Didn’t you ...

401 - The shadows of the tower

Scenario Social drama A nostalgic music plays in the night of an apartment. A woman is looking for a book in a small library, while a man is reading ...

508 - The hidden brother

At Marina’s home. All there except Fotis. Full shot. Athanasia Where’s Angel’s grave? Irene We don’t even know where our own are… Aris ...

506 - The murder of the savior

At the garden of the heroes. Full shot. Athanasia Why did you want us to come here? John Now, for you this is the best place….Time. Look…He ...

19098 - Il tuo guerriero

Prendi il sole per bruciare il mare dai origine all’uragano ma non te ne accorgi perché sei presuntuoso, pensi troppo in fretta ma ricordati che sono ...

15435 - Pyramid of the dead

It was hard for someone to imagine the barbarity in the act, yet it happened. Peter had returned to Constantinople to find assistance at the time when ...

15434 - The first ramification

They examined together all the data There was a time difference. Peter would leave first with the people. The Master second with the knights. Strategy ...

19085 - Notre vision

Notre vision et non pas notre rêve est dans la Ville parce que nos rêves sont pour le sommeil et les visions pour les gens intelligents et puisque ...

404 - Always and Nowhere

INSERT: White Tower At the same living-room, we see three persons drinking coffee. Full shot. Lucia: You are the first to meet… The first friends ...

19069 - Time-perceptuality

Time-perceptuality is the ability to see Time in a multilateral way and manage facts and events in a space bearing the dimensions of the noosphere ...

19083 - La valeur de l’Arménie

La valeur de l’Arménie commence par son existence puisque c’est une forme de résistance, elle a simplement de plus un objectif stratégique parce qu’elle ...

19081 - 117 votes for humanity

The Armenian nation proved once again, how it's standing by Humanity. With 117 votes, Armenia’s National Assembly passed a resolution recognizing the ...

19081 - 117 voti pieni di umanità

Il popolo armeno ha dimostrato ancora una volta come sia a fianco dell’Umanità. Con 117 voti il Parlamento Armeno ha riconosciuto ufficialmente il Genocidio ...

19057 - Cento anni di memoria

Cento anni di memoria grazie alla verità perché non si cada nell’oblio perché si fermi la barbarie per dare esempio di resistenza di fronte al ...

15432 - It was before Monday

It was before Monday But everyone already waited the appearance. The Saints had come before within the battles. Only that now the war was coming. And ...

15431 - The previous demand

After centuries some elements had been lost. But not the foundations. So the letter of the Oriental Church arrived. The two extremes of the Cross had ...

19052 - The Omadologia

Leibniz's Monadologia was written in France in 1714, ie, three hundred years ago, by the standards of the era and the expression of the thinker. It's ...

206 - The Creators (ACT II and III)

ACT ΙΙ Simultaneous scenic setting, in heavy silence, diagonally. Towards the front of the stage, is Fiodor, and writes a letter at his office, towards ...

15430 - The initial oath

Months later they managed to find each other Away from the fronts. In the spirit of resistance. In the resistance of the spirit. Here, the temple was ...

15428 - The shields of necessity

The necessity was not sufficient It wouldn’t just be a battle And it wouldn’t last for a few weeks. Never in the history of Humanity had something ...

19050 - Le baiser de l’âme

J’ai profondément vu dans tes mains le bout du chemin et, de nouveau, j’ai attrapé les ailes de l’âme blessée. A mon coucher de soleil rouge je ...

19046 - Against the method

We were not against the method from the beginning but with the exit we forgot about the dawn because we did not know about the barbarity and we did ...

19045 - If you had touched

If you had touched God for a while you would see with Him the Christ but you prefer the prayer so none of us asks for your wish and you continue ...

19035 - One kiss

You gave one kiss for life and it was not only for a single person since you have chosen Humanity without phobias because nothing could follow ...

205 - The Creators (Act I)

In the darkness we hear an agonizing music, as if a human soul is torn away from time. It's solo violoncello. The curtain rises slowly and we discover ...

15161 - La leggenda dell’intelligenza

Con i camaleonti, le fondamenta divennero fari dell’Umanità. Così si creò la leggenda dell’intelligenza, che è il futuro dell’Umanità, tramite la spiegazione ...

15160 - Con i numeri LR

Con i numeri Lehmer – Ramanujan proseguì non solo la scoperta dei dieci numeri primi consecutivi in progressione aritmetica e l’accertamento della sesta ...

2248 - Пределы дружбы

В начале мы не верим, что есть пределы в дружбе. И все же с годами даже дружба может оказаться иметь социальное происхождение. Поэтому однажды ...

15159 - Il legame umano

Il legame umano non è gordio ed è la conseguenza logica della catena di Prometeo che permette dopo aver posto in rilievo gli anelli, di dimostrare che ...

15158 - Contro la catena di Markov

Molti dati dell’analisi si basavano sul concetto della catena di Markov. E quando percepirono che gli altri interessati cercavano di adoperarlo nei ...

15157 - Movimenti di rilevamento

L’intreccio si era espanso sopra il tessuto e cominciò la procedura dei movimenti di rilevamento non come Diogene o Eraclito, ma con la maieutica di ...

16696 - At the port of Sydney

At the port of Sydney we saw the geometry and the fragments of sphere which were joined together in order to create the humane achievement of one ...

16695 - Sea’s hands

The sea's hands were entering deeply within the earth as if they wanted to shape the shores in order to live together for the following centuries ...

16692 - Inside the church

Inside the church apart from the cross we saw the blazons and the symbol of Jesus Christ which showed that he was and is the Savior and all the ...

16634 - It is ridiculous

It is ridiculous for you to believe that we will not cope the Ottomans while we have won even the Persians who had civilization because it is always ...

15156 - Nel vagone italiano

Nel vagone italiano si vide la differenza. E la solitudine si trasformò in molteplici forme a causa del gruppo sconosciuto. Il lusso economico aveva causato ...

15155 - Classificazione eziologica

Analisi teoriche di universi deterministici. Assomigliavano a giochi matematici ma contemporaneamente classificavano spazi fisici. La teoria di Newton ...

15154 - Ritorno alla teoria

I numeri primi erano qui già da secoli pronti per lo studio. Gli elementi di Euclide l’avevano dimostrato e gli elementi di Bourbaki non avevano cambiato ...

15153 - Lettura sillabica

Nuovi dati, vecchi codici. Vecchi dati, nuovi codici. Hanno rotto i codici. Scrivevo codici. Decrittografia. Crittoanalisi. Assorbiva le lettere ...

18987 - The water protection

Since there is at last, a formal consultation regarding the water protection from agricultural fertilizers, the role of the zeolite must be promoted in ...

18947 - When you destroy

When you destroy a culture without guilt in the name of religion don't assume that you will have no consequences because your instruments will ...

15152 - Dopo la rivista del Tempo

Dopo la rivista del Tempo la singolarità cominciò a stampare prima della cronaca. Era un impegno precursore che preparò la resistenza della nuova struttura. ...

15150 - Ramificazione universale

All’interno della struttura generale, c’era un’ apertura. Semplicemente era difficile rendersene conto. Non era normale. Anche se in definitiva era ...

15147 - Le prime post- regole

Le domande iniziali riguardavano i movimenti, perché i principianti non si rendevano conto del valore del contesto a livello strategico. Però col passar ...

17825 - Sintesi strategica

Quando analizziamo i diversi stadi della strategia cognitiva cominciando dalla tattica, dall’operativo, dalla strategia fino all’alta strategia, alla strategia ...

1994 - Геноцид памяти

В то время как мы изучаем рукописи прошлого, фанатики настоящего стирают нашу историю. Они не поражают больше стариков, они протягивают руку праздности ...

4570 - Армянские следы

На глубоко красной картине не все видели армянские следы. Во всей этой крови как увидеть жертву? И все же ты молча посмотрел на человечность которая ...

18941 - Innovation in education

Innovation in education derives from the introduction of paideia. More specifically, the paideia, which is functioning in a free context, following a double ...

18752 - Dopo il silenzio

Dopo il silenzio si senti il grido che uscì dalla terra come se piangesse la ferita e quel corpo che divenne suolo perché senza bocca cambiò colore ...

18938 - Il nostro gruppo

Il nostro gruppo è certamente più rivoluzionario di coloro che credono di essere rivoluzionari perché noi non fingiamo di essere ma siamo la nostra ...

18931 - Un pezzo di cielo

Sei un pezzo di cielo caduto sulla terra per chiudere la ferita di un tramonto bruciato. Con te vive il passato perché hai preso dall’Ade il nero ...

18929 - La memoria intellettiva

La memoria intellettiva se vuoi sapere è la capacità dell’Uomo ad avere accesso all’opera dei Maestri dedicata all’Umanità così se vuoi imparare ...

18927 - Le jeu se poursuit

Le jeu se poursuit tout au long de la vie et c’est important depuis le début avec les petits hommes qui veulent vivre libres sans entraves parce ...

18911 - Le cercle de l’amour

Tu es un morceau de ciel tombé sur terre pour fermer la plaie d’un crépuscule ardent. Avec moi vit le passé pourquoi as-tu pris de l’Enfer l'obscurité ...

2266 - Музыка забвения

Мы ничего не слышим кроме музыки забвения. Каждый играет в невидимом оркестре покрывающем всякую человечность. И поэтому, когда наши умирают ...

18896 - La piel del mar

Me has dicho que aguante que sigamos la abstinencia y yo te quería insistentemente porque superé la resistencia. La pasión se hizo erótica tras ...

18891 - Comme l’Ascèse

C’est la première fin, le début parce que meurt l’immortalité mais alors seulement, elle devient vie et la quintessence est révélée. Et si toi, ...

18876 - Борец света

Оставь молчание я поглотил всю боль и если ты мгновение я лишь тебя хочу. Я сжег дождь как солнцесветение и украл поцелуй чтобы найти сущность. ...

18879 - If you could imagine

If you could imagine what would Prometheus say about Humanity you would hear a poem which became song in order to touch the people of the sea ...

18879 - Si tu pouvais imaginer

Si tu pouvais imaginer ce que dirait Prométhée à l’Humanité tu entendrais un poème devenu chanson pour toucher le peuple de la mer et du temps ...

18876 - Combattant de lumière

Laisse le silence j’ai pris toute la douleur et si tu es un instant je ne veux que toi. J’ai brûlé la pluie comme un rayon de soleil et volé le ...

18876 - Fighter of light

Leave the silence I took the pain and if you are a moment it is only you that I want. I burnt the rain like the sunlit and I stole the kiss in ...

18876 - Il guerriero della luce

Abbandona il silenzio tutto il dolore ho abbracciato anche se sei un solo momento è te che soltanto voglio. La pioggia ho bruciato come un bagno di ...

368 - A moment’s space

It all takes place in a small room. The atmosphere is very warm despite the apparent poverty. A man alone, is seated at a table. He is eating ...

18874 - Chess on the border islands

As chess is now officially incorporated in the Greek educational system, we can utilize on it, in order to help our border islands. Because we have to ...

322 - H Διαφάνεια ως εμπόδιο

Είναι ευρέως αποδεκτό να θεωρείται η διαφάνεια ως ένα μέσο για την άμεση πρόσβαση στη γνώση. Μη έχοντας κανένα ενύπαρκτο εμπόδιο, η διαφάνεια των πράξεων ...

308 - Κυβερνητικό όραμα του κόσμου

«Για να ανοίξει μια πόρτα, μια λαβή είναι αρκετό." Στον χρόνο των χαμαιλεόντων Από τη σκέψη στη δράση υπάρχει συχνά μόνο ένα βήμα, αλλά είναι αποφασιστικής ...

403 - La luce del momento

Prima che si spegnesse il caos si inginocchiò la curvatura sopra la linea per sollevare il peso del colore con le ali spezzate. La spalla divenne il ...

18684 - Solleva l’amore

Solleva l’amore prima che muoia caduta a terra perché nessuno ha fatto caso che è caduta e la calpesterà la barbarie se il tuo scudo non resiste ...

18858 - L’oubli

Tu es cloué dans la solitude comme un phare au milieu du sable mais tu n’as pas bien oublié. Tu avais les mains tachées d’encre tandis que je gardais ...

18857 - Si tu écoutais la joie

Si tu écoutais la joie alors toutes les matinées seraient différentes après avoir vu le feu dans le cœur mais comme tu n’as pas bien regardé tu n’as ...

18334 - Just don’t forget

Just don’t forget that Armenicity was not born with the genocide it existed before because the civilization of Armenia since the Antiquity it lives ...

16293 - Если ты не веришь

Если ты не веришь, что Оккупированные территории будут освобождены, прочитай больше истории веков, чтобы и ты увидел что то, что считаешь совершенно ...

18631 - Шахматная доска SER

Шахматная доска Sierpinski-Einstein-Rosen - концепция, предлагающая шахматному и математическому мышлению способность управлять двухмерным пространством, ...

18713 - Crime against intelligence

Τhe massive imposition of stupidity is a crime against intelligence. And democracy does not constitute an excuse. Because when there are technical issues, ...

18073 - When you don’t know

When you don’t know how to accuse your perpetrator then know that you become his accomplice since you help him in essence to extinguish every ...

18781 - The national issues

The national issues are not just for the sake of verbalism, especially political one. The national issues require actions, not because of nationalism, ...

17845 - If Holodomor

If Holodomor was more known by all those who love people then Humanity would be better prepared to confront acts of barbarity that continue ...

18333 - To be Armenian

To be Armenian is not only a simple existence but a resistance to barbarity that attempted to annihilate everything and everyone simply to be ...

18784 - Interesting divergence

Interesting divergence is expressed between verbality and actions, when one believes that there is no need to prove practically what he is actually saying. ...

18772 - Inertia and inaction

Currently we see great inertia and inaction, as if everyone is in a waiting phase. Many have not yet realized what happened, what is happening and what ...

18805 - The Game theory approach

The Game theory approach is mathematical rather than economic. John Nash may have received the Nobel Prize for economy in 1994 for his works in the Game ...

18802 - Dilegua i sogni

Dilegua i sogni la visione afferra perché son gioghi non guardare a terra. Apri le ali per in alto volare e con i cieli il tramonto portare. ...

18708 - Against barbarism

When there is an entire context of propaganda which states that, the perpetrator has never commited genocide against a nation, only our knowledge allows ...

18698 - La ricerca del Maestro

La ricerca del maestro non comincia dal nulla e non cancella tutto ma dal riconoscimento di una necessità interna che percepisce che il nostro mondo ...

3747 - El calor póntico

Sé que te gustaría tomar algo. Si estuviéramos en casa haría todo por ti. Pero ahora que estamos bajo la nieve con nuestras cabezas cortadas no puedo ...

3744 - Cerca por fin

Tantos años solos, en el frío de la ocupación, y ahora estamos cerca por fin, sin dolores, sin torturas, muertos sin más. Las primeras víctimas ...

18042 - В своето начало децата

В своето начало децата правят само това което могат но лека-полека научават че става и това което не могат научавайки го от примера на живия ...


To Theano ExadaktilouBefore I met you I was not aware of the pain’s meaning I did not know what a thought without body is a flower without earth a country ...

326 - The liberty of memory

To Andreas Katsoulidis Upon World’s asphalted driveway with the recollections bus inside father's words I met soils and sighs. Beyond oblivion's ...

325 - The little boy of pain

To Dimos Petropoulos He threw a cast of dice the doors opened the dices of sorrow went away and hit a forgotten metal sheet dated from a painful ...

18669 - Vulnerant omnes

Vulnerant omnes ultima necat per questo non guardare solo la quotidianità perché morirai prima ancora di vivere per l’ opera indispensabile e passerai ...

18669 - Vulnerant omnes

Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat pour cette raison ne regarde pas seulement le quotidien parce que tu mourras avant même de vivre pour l’œuvre indispensable ...

18668 - Ad vitam aeternam

Ad vitam aeternam abbiamo scritto subito dopo il dura lex sed lex per far ricordare che il nec plus ultra non è la legislazione ma l’ umanità quella che ...

18668 - Ad vitam aeternam

Ad vitam aeternam nous avons écrit peu après le dura lex sed lex pour rappeler que le nec plus ultra n’est pas la législation mais l’humanité celle ...

18631 - El tablero de ajedrez SER

El tablero de ajedrez Sierpinsky-Einstein-Rosen es una concepción que ofrece al pensamiento ajedrecista y matemático la capacidad de manejar un espacio ...

18164 - В театъра

В театъра имаме възможността по същество да играеем с времето и не само с живота защото на същото място можем чрез режисура да видим представление ...

8476 - Umanità, amore mio

Cosciente del tuo dolore e delle tue pene, Umanità, amore mio, non ti lascerò mai e poco importa il prezzo di questa resistenza contro la barbarie ...

18631 - La scacchiera SER

La scacchiera Sierpinski-Einstein-Rosen è un espediente che dà al pensiero scacchistico e matematico la facoltà di gestire uno spazio a due dimensioni, ...

18631 - Шахматната дъска SER

Шахматната дъска Sierpinski-Einstein-Rosen е едно изобретение, което предлага в шахматното и математическо мислене способността да се управлява едно пространство ...

18631 - SER Chessboard

The Sierpinski-Einstein-Rosen chessboard is a conception offering to chess and mathematical thought the ability to manage a two-dimension space in multiple ...

18631 - L’échiquier SER

L’échiquier Sierpinsky-Einstein –Rosen est une conception qui offre à la pensée échiquéenne et mathématique la capacité à gérer un espace à deux dimensions ...

13023 - Tutto è possibile

-Se avessi visto il sentiero di luce… -Tutto è possibile dunque. -E’ questione di complementarità. -Il profumo del mare. -E l’essenza della pietra. ...

15427 - In front of the temple

At the time of prayer, each one from his side looked at the same sky. They had no other church. And the monasteries had closed. Everyone feared the ...

15426 - The Red Cross

Because of the blood and of the wound. He wondered if Peter had endured. He hadn’t managed to learn where he was. But indeed the encounter had to ...

17865 - Outside the monastery

The students were monks. And they had never anticipated that asceticism would include ascetic practices . But with the awareness of their role, and their ...

18600 - Quand tu vois la Croix

Quand tu vois la Croix et que tu ne sais que faire n’oublie pas l'épée qui change de forme pour se transformer en une nouvelle lettre qui révèle ...

18599 - Je peux pardonner

Je peux pardonner mais je n’oublie jamais rien parce la mémoire nous protège de ces rayas qui sont indignes mais toujours en mesure d’opérer sournoisement ...

18593 - Lorsque chaque crétin

Lorsque n’importe quel crétin sort pour nous dire qu’il a des opinions spéciales et des contacts cachés qui soutiennent ses affirmations et que par ...

18574 - Chess continuity

When we examine the classic chessboard for the first time through other variants, such as historic chessboards and innovative ones, we see elements of ...

18588 - The continuity of the battle

The continuity of the battle is determined by the fighters and from the need they feel to fulfill a mission. When that regards the national context, nothing ...

18571 - EEZ and the Cypriot Church

The EEZ issue reaches everyone, not only in Cyprus but also in Greece. But as in Cyprus it has passed on to a practical level, it has even more significance. ...

18568 - Sur le rocher

Sur le rocher face à la mer nous avons écrit le mot liberté pour que les conquérants n’oublient pas qu'il n’est pas question que nous laissions ...

18568 - Sulla roccia

Sulla roccia davanti al mare abbiamo scritto la parola libertà affinché non dimentichino gli usurpatori che per nessuna ragione lasceremo la nostra ...

18561 - The struggle of continuity

The goal is not visible when we are within a strategic context, because this is solely how the mental scheme of counterattack functions. There is no need ...

18560 - At the final straight

When you are fighting endlessly without a pause, for the justice of the people and the nation, you are not afraid at the final straight. On the contrary, ...

18502 - The power of the EEZ

The power of the EEZ is not just that, which is changing the economy, but also the strategy that allows you to answer rationally, straightforward and bluntly, ...

17660 - Codici memotecnici

La librata* cominciò come un movimento e divenne poi un percorso. I mostri non vivevano all’interno delle società. Si interessavano esclusivamente all’Umanità. ...

18558 - Navtex’s propaganda

Finally, the second Navtex declared by Turkey as an action field of its seismic, concerns marine Plots 1, 8 and 12. There was no nomination in the second ...

18556 - Risky irrelevance

Anyone who believes that we should stop the utilization of the twenty marine plots of the Greek EEZ, in order to give priority to the pipeline that will ...

18485 - The persistent Greek

The persistent Greek is the one who does not give up, no matter what the situation is, because he knows that his own were heroes who would have never knelt ...

17659 - I condannati dell’opera

Su questo nuovo contesto, regnava la quotidianità. Nessuno scriveva più per il passato. Perlomeno nelle società. C’erano soltanto i giornali che parlavano ...

18539 - L’homme du Mali

L’homme du Mali ne demandait rien sauf d’être Français et lorsque l'attaque a eu lieu contre des innocents il n’a pas hésité à mettre sa propre vie ...

18537 - In the guts of Greece

In the guts of Greece there is not only earth and stone, but energy as well. And it's this energy which will aid the Greece of the future. We should ...

18535 - EEZ and Peloponnese

The EEZ is not a single national entity, it has also consequences on a regional level. And the best proof, is the Hydrocarbon Law, which foresees, that ...

18481 - New iconoclasm?

Sometimes you have to hold on firmly, in order to endure what you hear. Because, while we overcame iconoclasm centuries ago, and actually since then, this ...

18398 - Our occupied territories

Our occupied lands are neither lost nor unforgettable, firstly because they have never been lost and secondly because, they could be forgotten. The first ...

18008 - 600 años

Dedicado a Eduardo Lucena González Los españoles necesitaron 600 años para desasirse y vivir libres mientras que tú no has contado que desde ...

536 - The last world

The occupied territories, the islands of the dead poets The humans, the solitude and the outpouring of moments emigrated walls armored hands scarred ...

534 - The living cemeteries

As the years of dead memory had passed, the places where our parents lived I loved again. As the years of the bitter oblivion had passed, to the ...

533 - The myth of the bastard

Achilles: Father, you stole my immortality and you, my mother, my humaneness. Father, you endowed me with sacrifice and you, my mother, with solitude. ...

532 - The myrmidons of destiny

Myrmidons: Where is the Centaur hiding? Achilles: The Centaur is not hiding! Myrmidons: But there is no trace! Achilles: Horse’s traces or word’s work? ...

18527 - Il morto orizzontale

Il morto orizzontale non era fedele ma vivo come Uomo e tu dovevi comprendere la sostanza anche se non puoi vedere l’elemento che cambia la ...

17658 - Rivoluzione mentale

Così era cominciata la guerra dei cervelli. Dopo la resurrezione. Rialimentazione del quadro. Senza nuovi ordini. Altruismo generalizzato. Teoria degli ...

18513 - L’ humour résistant

Tu dois avoir l’humour résistant, lorsqu’ils essaient d’empiéter sur toi, pour ne pas que tu t’agenouilles lorsque les choses sont difficiles car ...

18501 - Après les détails

Après les détails viennent les indices qui forment tout le cadre pour que toutes les cases commencent à jouer leur rôle de créer le champ d’action ...

18499 - Avec le vol

Avec le vol de l’inconcevable tu vois différemment toute la vie parce que tu n’es plus cloué sur terre et tu peux penser combien elle est belle ...

18471 - EEZ against partisanship

The Tamar reserve was a proven natural gas field in 2009 and moved on to the commercial stage in 2013, four years later and although there is this concrete ...

18427 - Against social misery

We will not be affected by the so called experts of social misery, who are trying to concern us with their next door problems, as we already handle those ...

18500 - A little deeper

A little deeper not to the right nor to the left so that we find the foundation of our struggle because it isn't only a battle but a war of liberation ...

18499 - Con il volo

Con il volo dell’impensabile vedi diversamente tutta la vita perché non sei più inchiodato sopra la terra e puoi pensare quanto è bella quando ...

18488 - Vincit omnia veritas

Vincit omnia veritas c’est ce que tu dois avoir à l’esprit lorsqu’ils essaient de te terroriser avec les mensonges de leur ignorance alors autant ...

18429 - The Greeks do not kneel

The Greeks dο not kneel, because they are habitual whiners, stubborn, argumentative, and when an authoritarian system arrives in order to oppress them, ...

18416 - Contrary to Barbarity

Contrary to barbarity are the free no matter which sinister form it may take because in every case it is a crime against Humanity since it chooses ...

206 - Οι Δημιουργοί (πράξη ΙΙ και ΙΙΙ)

ΠΡΑΞΗ ΙΙ Ταυτόχρονο σκηνικό, μέσα σε μια βαριά σιωπή, διαγωνίως.  Προς το μπροστινό μέρος της σκηνής βρίσκεται ο Fiodor, ενώ γράφει μια επιστολή στο ...

18411 - Freedom against Barbarity

It is not necessary for you to see the Charlie Chaplain film, to understand what a dictator is or what resistance to authority actually means, because ...

18445 - Se hai scritto

Se hai scritto ho lasciato il mio paese non è soltanto perché l’hai improvvisata sulla nave in partenza ma anche grazie a tutti coloro che erano ...

18444 - Il libro è scritto

Il libro è scritto per indispettire ma non per molestare così anche la presentazione non riguarda assolutamente i felici o gli infelici che credono ...

18425 - Take up your pencil

Take up your pencil without an eraser and draw freely without fear if you wish to truly honour the victims of barbarity, because words do not ...

18415 - How comical are

How comical are the criminals of the cartoonists, how unjust is their ideology, how deplorable their barbarity, how unbearable their attack against ...

18425 - Prendi la tua matita

Prendi la tua matita senza la gomma e disegna liberamente senza paura se vuoi realmente onorare le vittime della barbarie perché le parole non ...

18425 - Toma tu lápiz

Toma tu lápiz sin goma y pinta libre sin temor si quieres realmente honrar a las víctimas de la barbarie porque las palabras son insuficientes ...

18425 - Возьми свой карандаш

Возьми свой карандаш без стёрки и нарисуй свободно, без страха, если ты хочешь действительно почтить жертвы варварства, так как слов недостаточно, ...

18425 - Prends ton crayon

Prends ton crayon sans gomme et dessine librement sans crainte si tu veux vraiment honorer les victimes de la barbarie car les mots ne suffisent ...

18373 - Right against Might

Никогда не забывай этот лозунг Mahatma Gandhi потому что мы будем бороться для тех же прав против варварства потому что и Эллинизм относится к Человечеству ...

18432 - Se non conosci la croce

Se non conosci la croce non impugnare la spada perché taglieresti la tua lingua con l’inerzia visto che non hai imparato né ad ascoltare né a parlare ...

18430 - Ora scoprono

Ora scoprono i nemici della croce che siamo i continuatori di tradizioni secolari che non hanno mai abbandonato la battaglia anche nei casi peggiori ...

18399 - Strategic acts

Strategic acts is what we need to achieve the recognition of the genocide, wherever we are in the world, from Greece to Australia through Europe and America. ...

18397 - The Pomaks are not Turks

The Pomaks are not Turks, whatever the Consulate insists on, and all Greeks should realize that, with their inaction they have contributed that such ...

18373 - Right against Might

You should never forget this slogan of Mahatma Gandhi because we will fight for the same rights against barbarity because Hellenism too is of Humanity ...

530 - The horizon of wisdom

Achilles: Here at the wind’s forests lives the world’s wisdom, the soul. Here at the sky’s schemes I will drink the before, the everything and ...

528 - The ocean of the moment

Goddess: When will the semi-god come? Chiron: Yesterday! (Time) His feet touched Pelion. Goddess: His feet... (Silence) And his heels... Chiron: Silence... ...

527 - The immortality of dream

(Aria) Chiron: Even the future is not enough, it is only life that has substance. Life even, bitter moment if there is no secret wound. Dreams ...

526 - The prophecy of the Goddess

(Aria) Goddess: Father, without light I saw shadow, an ocean crying for fire. Father, I' ve seen a terrible dream. The sun was burning the sunset. ...

18293 - National Chronicles

We are not here to provide chairs to those who have no idea what national issues are, because they are constantly engaged with regional and regionalistic ...

18292 - The economic credibility

The economic credibility is one of the most important issues for our country, not just in relation to foreigners, as most people think, but also for ourselves, ...

205 - Οι Δημιουργοί (πράξη Ι)

Στο σκοτάδι ακούμε μια μουσική οδυνηρή σαν μια ανθρώπινη ψυχή που σχίζεται από τον χρόνο. Είναι σόλο βιολοντσέλο. Η αυλαία σηκώνεται αργά και ανακαλύπτουμε ...

18166 - Humans

Humans are not made for remembering like many think but for forgeting what they want in order to get rid off the meaningless of daily routine ...

18165 - When you separate

When you separate brethren in order to adopt only one supposedly because of love you should know that you are committing a crime and an act of ...

4554 - Masters of humanity

Scene IX Harris What do you mean with the expression:  Masters of humanity? Master You are aware of course of the other expression: Masters of ...

17657 - Senza pensiero, senza lingua

Senza pensiero, senza lingua. Solo con l’intelletto. Allora era necessaria la memoria. Per separare il passato dal futuro. Memoria del futuro. Per individuare ...

17084 - Lean over

Lean over the past's rose to see the future's colossus at the knot of the need where the library of the humans decided to write the history ...

627 - The weight of the termites

The strategic models, allthough they are applicable at a technical level, they derive from mental schemes, which belong to the cognitive level. Those as ...

8315 - Диалог после смерти

  Дора Почему вы попросили помилования? Великая Княгиня Я христианка. Он не был моим врагом. Дора Как вы смеете? Вы превратили нас в убийц! ...

17868 - The Commando Mission

The battle was no further, solely at the defensing walls. But across the chessboard. There was no longer just the classic battle front. Because the ...

18060 - Кто способен

Кто способен увидеть в Дон Кихоте стихии Христа, как другие видят их в Идиоте и Маленьком принце? Если ты относишься к ним постарайся и поверь ...

18058 - Скрытый остров

Скрытый остров пережил многое на протяжении веков но редки были те, кто уделил ему должное внимание, ибо они не знали о его тайнах и его роли ...

16810 - Когда скрипят кости

- Почему они боятся? - Чего? - Признания? - Геноцида? - Да. - Потому что они слышат шум. - Какой шум? - Когда скрипят кости... - Наших? - Невиновных. ...

18058 - The kryfonisi isle

The kryfonisi isle had lived on for many centuries, but rare were those who gave it the appropriate attention, because they were not aware of ...

18058 - L’isola nascosta

L’isola nascosta aveva sempre vissuto da secoli ad oggi ma rari erano coloro che vi davano la dovuta importanza perché non sapevano i suoi segreti ...

18058 - L’île cachée

L’île cachée avait vécu plusieurs des siècles ici mais rares étaient ceux qui lui prêtaient une grande attention parce qu'ils ne connaissaient pas ...

18042 - Au début, les enfants

Au début, les enfants font ce qu’ils peuvent mais apprennent petit à petit à réaliser ces choses qu’ils ne peuvent pas et via l'enseignement par ...

18040 - Si tu es juste

Si tu es juste et que tu vis dans le cadre de la polycyclicité dans le champ de la vacuité dans le champ d'action de l’Humanité et dans le champ ...

18020 - Life’s words

Life's words were so innocent that their sweetness touched us deep in our hearts because then we understood that all together with Erotokritos ...

18019 - Spiritual awakening

It is spiritual awakening that you have started with the translations and you wanted to live even more genuine and always free without society since ...

18018 - Our Greece

Our Greece that eats her children as many say in reality she only eats those that are tasteful because it is only in this way that she never dies ...

18016 - When your child

When your child is gifted a little and you worry that its entire life will go wrong you should know too that most probably it is society of oblivion ...

18015 - If you want to live

If you want to live the perfect life you should live it all alone not to understand James William Sidis but to understand what Humanity means to ...

14112 - The old bridge

Rare were those, who understood what the relationship between Constantinople and the Holy Land was. Most thought that, it was strictly a matter of religion, ...

494 - Immortality’s dream

At Irene’s and Aris’s home. Medium long shot. Aris Where’s Athanasia? Irene Proudly. At the Gallery! Aris Nothing can stop you… ...

493 - Death’s liberty

In Eleftheria’s room. Angel and Fotis mourn her. Medium long shot. Angel It was as if she was waiting for you. She was very sick. ...

17867 - The Spirit of the Light

The Spirit of the Light was there. This was fundamental for the disciples who became battlers. The monks felt for each other, as if they were all one. ...

18008 - 600 ans

Les espagnols ont eu besoin de 600 ans pour s’affranchir et vivre libres et toi tu n’as pas compté que depuis 1453 nous n’avons pas encore atteint ...

17994 - If you can’t imagine

If you can’t imagine a regular polygon with two hundred fifty seven sides made only with a pair of compasses and a ruler then learn about Ramanujan ...

17993 - Fotis’s guitar

Fotis's guitar sounded softly while the games were long now prohibited but the shop was filled in with notes and with joy too since he shared the ...

17860 - H σχεσιακή τελειότητα

Η σχεσιακή τελειότητα δεν έχει πραγματικό νόημα παρά μόνο όταν οι άνθρωποι τελειώνουν με το να κατανοούν πως δεν είναι απαραίτητο να υπερβαίνουν εαυτούς ...

18008 - 600 years

It took 600 years for the Spaniards to be released and live free and you have not reckoned that from 1453 we have not yet reached the length ...

18005 - The small fish

The small fish does not understand that it is a bait for the big one and continues to behave as if it were free too and only at the final phase ...

17980 - Regarding heroism

When servility is socially active, we assume that heroism does not exist. And consequently, in order to fill the gap, we label hero, every Tom, Dick ...

10414 - My unwithering rose

My unwithering rose no matter where you hide you cannot get away from my love for, you are the blood flowing through my veins and if you see the ...

2644 - Social offer

On an iron chair society had crucified a child. Its four extremities immobile, dead like nails of pain were holding it disabled. It was only its ...

11780 - Unwithering rose

Unwithering rose, we are not alone and if you think that our people have no other critical choices to make remember that here on this piece of land ...

17972 - Le metteur en scène

Le metteur en scène est partout sans être nulle part parce que son oeuvre est holistique et non topique, qu’elle ressemble au cinéma qui touche ...

17971 - Le son

Le son est mémoire et bruit l’oubli ainsi la musique aide notre esprit à voir la lumière du silence sans se perdre pour que se réjouisse notre ...

17970 - Pour partager

Pour partager ton silence tu as besoin de musique et si tu n’as pas oublié l’esprit de Byzance alors tu penseras que nos sons ont été créés depuis ...

17969 - Notre musique

Notre musique est la production d’une oeuvre dans le silence pour que ne l’emporte pas le bruit insipide de l'oubli social qui ne sait plus que ...

17656 - Empatia consapevole

Con la pura empatia cominciò la retroazione. Non c’era più il conflitto fra il pensiero e il sapere. Lo scopo era il nucleo ed esso era l’intelletto. Questo ...

17825 - Strategic synthesis

When we examine the different stages of cognitive strategy, from the tactic, operational, strategic fields, to the high strategy, the intertemporal strategy ...

17963 - Le fou

Le fou n’a aucune valeur en soi mais en fonction de sa couleur sur l'échiquier parce qu’ainsi seulement il s’associe avec le roi qui est toujours ...

17965 - Le talon italien

Aie dans ton esprit le talon italien pour comprendre la destination du programme de l’énergie qui viendra du fond du grand bleu pour libérer ...

9824 - Camus’s voice

After so many years after so many rehearsals when we hear Camus’s voice again we finally understand why these sacrifices were so important for, ...

1925 - Illegal gestures

When Camus was writing about the Mediterranean sea, when he was talking about the hands of the humans no one understood what he meant. We had to experience ...

1735 - Our apology

We were few. At least this was what we had thought before many came. None had shown us the Justs and we were unjust by habit. Thus when the idiot came ...

11966 - Humanity is

Humanity is the single word which must be said by Prometheus for all the others silence suffices, foundation of memory in time, foothold of humanness ...

10935 - If you don’t see

If you don’t see Humanity and Time look at the red and the blue and you’ll see an oak tree standing upright between them among the multi-headed ...

2095 - Non-flying wings

Everybody was asking him why he wouldn’t open up his wings. Everybody was asking him why he wouldn’t fly in the skies. No one though understood his ...

17852 - Между листами

Между листами, символизирующими невинных подвергнутых геноциду мы остались стоять чтобы обвинить варварство, совершившее преступление против Человечества, ...

3244 - The cry of Humanity

Humans listening to the cry of Humanity are too rare that society wants to say to us that it doesn’t exist and if it does it always remains silent. ...

3244 - Крик Человечества

Настолько редки люди, которые слышат крик Человечества что общество хочет убедить нас, что его нет, а если есть, то всегда молчаливый. Из моих ...

14535 - With the strange name

With the strange name and slowness you pierce the digital matter to help the help and the other humans who are in need because they suffer so, you ...

17810 - El 26 de noviembre de 1504

El 26 de noviembre de 1504 te despediste de la vida tras haber cambiado medio mundo actuando por la liberación de los territorios ocupados y también ...

14756 - A small letter

Perhaps it’s too late to write you and it might be too late for you too now, but I wanted you to know that he has returned and he didn’t forget you; he ...

8373 - When love loves you

When love loves you and you don’t know it you may feel alone yet the little prince will always be here because you are unique on his planet even ...

8373 - Когда любовь любит тебя

Когда любовь любит тебя и ты не знаешь того можешь почувствовать себя одинокой однако маленький принц всегда будет здесь ибо ты уникальна на его ...

3354 - Լուսազարդն ու Վիշապը

Լինում է  չի  լինում մի փոքրիկ աղջիկ է լինում, այնքան փոքր, որ ոչ ոք նրա վրա ուշադրություն չէր դարձնում : Նրա անունը Լուսազարդ էր, որովհետեւ մթության մեջ ...

15059 - Hard times

Достое́вский: I am glad you thought of the little reminding the great one. Saint-Exupéry: The inspiration was great. Достое́вский: Only the need is great. ...

3311 - Ребёнок без мечтаний

Никто не знал, почему тот ребенок не мечтал. Никто не знал, как; но только, почему жил. Он уже сказал это сам, когда однажды у него попросили объяснения. ...

15014 - Братский диалог

Алёша: Не было необходимости. Митя: Это ничего. Иван: И все же было необходимо. Алёша: Обвинить невиновного. Иван: Чтобы показать, что не существует. ...

17629 - Egoism has never

Egoism has never been accused of altruism so, pay no attention to this and continue the necessary work of altruism with no pauses nor breaks because ...

3280 - The need of scriptum

They broke your fingers one by one so that you don’t write any more. Then you stooped for the first time and you surprised the barbarians. They thought ...

3280 - Потребность писания

Они сломали тебе пальцы один за другим так, чтобы ты не писал более. Тогда ты наклонился впервые и удивил варваров. Они думали, что ты покорился но ...

736 - The only need

In the room the teacher used to write on photocopies. He had brought them from that strange place. He called it library. The teacher was poor, he hadn’t ...

736 - Единственная потребность

В комнате, учитель писал на ксерокопиях. Он принес их из того странного места, что называл библиотекой. Учитель был беден, у него не было своих книг, ...

17742 - Цель 2015

Должное в 2015 году принять решение для создания памятника троицы геноцидов Армян, Ассирийцев, Греков который будет находиться на стратегической ...

492 - The passion’s labyrinth

Outside the traditional cafeteria. Full shot. Marina To Athanasia. Don’t believe in only what you see, my daughter. Athanasia I’ll go ...

17924 - Τopological Universe

It is interesting how we admire a science fiction film, without realizing that the universe we live in and the knowledge we already obtain in regards to ...

15874 - Hyper-empathy

Hyper-empathy is the ability not only to feel how the other one feels but also to understand how one should feel what is due after one learns the ...

4868 - Человечность Винсента

Человечность Винсента является, прежде всего, естественной. Она не создана для общества. Потому что его непосредственность по отношению к природе является ...

11245 - Spontaneously!

As long as you haven’t felt under your skin what the word spontaneously means you think that you have changed life whereas you haven’t even died ...

491 - The painting of liberty

After nine days all Peter’s friends are together again at a traditional cafeteria… Full shot. Irene In secret to Aris. Ask discretely where Fotis is. ...

490 - The second life

In another era… Flash forward. Angel We ate all our animals… There is nothing left to us anymore… Fotis But we had nothing! Angel ...

14368 - With the cord-company

With the cord-company you learn how to exist by co-existing thus as a human you become a co-human therefore you deeply feel the joy of the joy; ...

17888 - Before you even think

Before you even think the ingenious solution to a problem which traditionally torments the people you should know that we will be together with ...

17853 - Think a little

Think a little whether your old self before your evolution would have talked with you as you are now or would have avoided it in any case think ...

6499 - Camus, the atopic one

He wasn’t atypical because he was aware of the nature of the communist party and its capacity to tell lies. He wasn’t utopian because he bore the ...

17245 - If you realize

If you realize that our Greece without sea or islands is not Greece then you will realize that our Thrace without two seas is not Thrace and for ...

5656 - How to forget genocide

Keira: How to forget genocide? Evi: Does this question exist? Keira: The result exists. Evi: Did you talk with the Master? Keira: I had to… Evi: Surely. ...

13452 - Bluetopos

When humans transform a net into network when the sea changes a storm into brainstorm when a place transforms the light into photons then you ...

4197 - О символике Арцаха

Папик и Татик. Двое мужчин? Нет, пара. Двое молодых? Нет, два старика. Два тела? Нет, фронт. В чем смысл всего этого? Доведение до абсурда. В чем ...

3965 - Чай на столе

Чай был давно подан. Но никто не осмеливался прикоснуться. Сцена была похожа на картину, натюрморт Винсента. Не отсутствовало ни единого мазка ...

12791 - Time-human

A time-human is the one crossing the past and the future to find the rare ones who support the time to integrate oneself into humaneness so that ...

1727 - Память тела

Мы восхищались красотой женщины как красотой природы, не понимая, что она является внучкой той, что выжила после геноцида, не понимая сколько пыток ...

13559 - Elements of time-strategy

Without time-strategy we put emphasis on space and we consider that its domination suffices to continue; whereas in this way it is merely coherence that ...

15425 - The Queen’s flank

The chessboard had grown with centuries. Its range touched not only the Mediseas but also the Mediterranean. The infinite blue had taken on meaning. ...

6646 - You who accept anything

You who accept anything and have ended up voting for the treason even what are you going to say to us now? The ceremony ended because of a so-called ...

17857 - The dual EEZ of Hellenism

Many wonder why we in Greece, are so supportive of the Cypriot EEZ, while we ourselves have not yet declared our EEZ and we have not started the demarcations, ...

13901 - Can we write?

- Can we write? - Even more? - It can be done, can’t it? - It can. - Then what’s the problem? - There’s no problem. - So, we can. - The issue is ...

13900 - A new source of joy

Meta-joy is a new source of joy that knows that it knows how to manage the unthinkable even because it is a thought-maker which never stops and ...

4407 - The spaghetti eaters

There was no painting but we all felt Vincent’s influence when we ate that spaghetti again in the red room. To our favor you didn’t break it so ...

13626 - We co-write

We co-write each time that there is a need to write down the scriptum of the continuation so that no candle may quench thus the Master and the ...

15921 - Stone-oilery

The stone-oilery is not on the land as you would expect but in the sea because it is there that even a stone may grow which includes the substance ...

13625 - Don’t be like us

Don’t be like us is what Luminous asked from her Dragon because they will treat you as they do to us; in other words she wanted the Just the strange ...

7358 - После главы 7

Так начался новый период моего существования. После этого скандала и потрясения, вызванного в глубине моей души я поняла, что уже ничего не будет, как ...

17655 - Neurofilosofia

Dopo il Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, ci fu il futuro. Wittgenstein l’aveva vissuto. Qualunque cosa dicesse Russel. La questione era chi lo sapeva. ...

15231 - Любимой симфонией

Любимой симфонией Roland Fraïssé занимающегося всегда математикой в постели, была седьмая Ludwig van Beethoven благодаря ритму, особенно во второй- ...

15422 - The barbaric attack

The barbaric attack struck the pilgrims. Or rather those who hadn’t accepted the prohibition. Our own couldn’t kneel. No one had the right to prohibit ...

15421 - The Thousand-year Man

The monastery had closed. It no longer waited for anyone. At least this was what the nuns believed. He hadn’t said anything. He looked at the sky. ...

17757 - The Master gives

The Master gives and the student passes on, otherwise knowledge dies upon him, and if he allows this to occur, then he commits a crime of barbarity ...

13527 - Abstract schemas

Disciple: I can almost hear them. Master: I’m glad. Disciple: Chakras’ theory? Master: This as well. Disciple: And seven bodies. Master: Yes. Disciple: ...

357 - Two horizons, one people

One of the hardest things that a human mind may break is neither walls nor a line, but its very horizon; the one separating existence from knowledge of ...

12786 - Meta-joy

Meta-joy doesn’t exist if you aren’t prepared because at the time of the other one’s joy you don’t have the time to enjoy it yourself because you ...

17714 - Meditation Dialogue

Disciple: The common vision of Buddha's, Socrates's, and Christ's is freedom? Master: The liberation for others, they themselves were already free. Disciple: ...

17763 - Have you ever imagined

Have you ever imagined a girl swimming in the depths of the sea with a wheelchair and really feeling the meaning of freedom yet this exists because ...

14089 - जर तुम्हाला वाटत असेल

जर तुम्हाला वाटत असेल… की शतका नु शतके काही बदलत नाही तर मग भारतातल्या महात्मा गांधींकडे पहा… अडीचशे वर्षांच्या इंग्रजी सत्तेचे नंतर ….काय झाले… ...

13311 - Our sea-strategy

Our sea-strategy doesn’t deal with space as geo-strategy does because it’s dynamic and not static and it requires intelligence to manage the forces ...

14130 - Bene-zeo

It’s substance of wellbeing that you have been seeking for all these years by protecting the children but it was with humanness that you understood ...

15216 - Medimare

Medimare is the island that knows about the infinite which became blue when the humans opted for the Time as a Master and not the space to build ...

14089 - If you believe

If you believe that nothing can change after centuries look at India and Mahatma Gandhi's march after 250 years of English occupation then you ...

13330 - The value of zeo-bread

The value of zeo-bread is not only owing to the substance of zeolite which protects the human from sufferings caused by heavy metals free chemical ...

13030 - The exoterism of Hellenism

Hellenism doesn’t hide anything and all its work is an offer to Humanity. It doesn’t try to cast a shadow onto others. If some are afraid of it, it’s simply ...

14486 - Don’t look only

Don’t look only at the notion of love to understand Humanity because it doesn’t suffice to this invention it must always be transcendent to be ...

17747 - Master-links

Master-links are a combination of two words to produce a new notion that does not include either of the two when they are alone because it lives ...

15067 - The color of liberty

The color of liberty was not a given from the beginning since we had to decide upon it to set it into our notion-dictionary so that it stay in ...

14397 - Second-substance

It’s second-substance that you have inside you because you’ve tasted the evolution that doesn’t stop and impetuously continues the work beyond obstacles ...

489 - Marina’s fairytale

At Marina’s house. Medium long shot. Marina is seated and Fotis standing. Fotis I’m sorry, my dear Marina. Time. I’m sorry… Marina ...

487 - The light of the ocean

In a house… Medium long shot. Irene Athanasia can’t understand how Fotis thinks… Aris Who can? Irene His friends. Time. You, can’t you? ...

16590 - Messiah is with us

Messiah is with us when we note work-hours because we help the help and continue to produce what Humanity’s need without asking requires because ...

15208 - The Energy-city

As time passed by the Energy-city conceived that the paths had become luminous and that they necessarily crossed it because the sea kissed the ...

13826 - Against barbarity

It’s against barbarity that we decided to fight and together we wrote the human-theater for educating the next humans so that they may not be destroyed ...

17731 - Si tu te demandes

Si tu te demandes comment l’exposition de l’Humanité s’est remplie d’ objets exposés rappelle toi que les Maîtres sculptent les hommes au sein ...

11300 - When the world woke up

When the world woke up the clouds were immovable to see the people as if they were trees waiting for the time to travel in space without any other ...

17686 - Traits cubiques

Nous avons utilisé des traits cubiques pour peindre les mouvements des femmes qui sont devenus des actes avec les changements et leur volume qui ...

486 - The grave and immortality

At Mesolonghi’s cemetery… Fotis was on his knees in front of Peter’s grave… Medium long shot. At the moment that he stoops to kiss the ground, Athanasia ...

485 - Creator of memory

Athanasia and Irene are at a traditional coffee shop… Medium long shot.   Athanasia I can’t understand why… Irene Why he didn’t come at Peter’s funeral? ...

12008 - A source of joy

A source of joy opened immediately with discreet moves which seemed like the maneuvers of strategy for he knew that1st May aimed at the revenge ...

483 - Peter’s diary

After midnight. At Marina’s and Peter’s home… Athanasia and Irene are crying silently… Medium long shot.   John Holding Athanasia’s and Irene’s hands. ...

11432 - The Thousand-year man

The Thousand-year man had become accepted by the hope after centuries of resistance and sacrifice wherever the forbidden ones fought with the need ...

17229 - Avec la voix de Maria

Avec la voix de Maria tu as cru à la vérité après la mort parce que tu as entendu le cri de l’homme qui aime sans limites sans compromis parce ...

14488 - Our entente

Humanity: Where are you? Time: Here. Humanity: Here? Time: With you. Humanity: As always. Time: As long as you endure. Humanity: I endure. Time: ...

13463 - The power of Humanity

The power of Humanity comes from monsters who resist beasts to protect the hyper-group of co-humans who don’t want to remain victims of genociders ...

17700 - We cling to.

We cling to the difficult points to travel in the Time because we know that we won’t stay long to the easy ones since others will come and attack ...

17705 - Cyprus 1570-1974

Those who attempt to analyze the Cypriot issue, from 1974 onwards, without calculating the siege that began in 1570, even if they try to connect it to ...

14900 - The innovation of Railtime

The Master started explaining to the participants the innovation of the Railtime. Since it was that which would transport the zeolite to the port and would ...

17661 - The composition of the EEZ

When you are dealing for years with the issue of the Cypriot EEZ, and later on the Greek EEZ comes to enhance it, you observe a number of things, where ...

481 - The gate of time

In front of the Gate of Mesologgi… Full shot. Flashback. John How many days can you stand? Fotis As many days as life values... John To whom is life ...

17583 - Τhe Aquilifers

It all started on the OXI day. Then the tradition became an innovation. One thought alone caused the transformation. A key thought that created a branch ...

17575 - We are not here

We are not here to diffuse ourselves and spend a great time in all our life with our companies and without leaving any stigma after your passing-by ...

15752 - The little humans

The little humans at the kindergarten managed to play the role of their life since they brought to the elders' minds the legend of zeolite without ...

17648 - When history begins

When history begins most do not realize it and continue with their existence as if absolutely nothing has happened while everything is changing ...

17643 - When there is action

When there is action within a mission then the substance becomes material and no one is any longer thinking without materializing since reconstruction ...

1860 - Ο Leonardo da Vinci ως παράδειγμα

Μολονότι οι ειδικοί πιστεύουν πως σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο δεν γνωρίζουμε παρά ελάχιστα τον Leonardo da Vinci, είναι αδιαμφισβήτητο πως εκείνος παραμένει ...

14899 - The revelation of the Lady

The Lady with the strange hat smiled openly this time! And as soon as she thanked them for the act of rescue that the two sisters had made, she opened ...

14898 - The train of service

The service of the train gave the signal and the whistle announced that no one gets off the wagon of history, because now its destination was the future. ...

15115 - Triade del tempo

Era tornato dunque. E questo non era indipendente dall’ arrivo della Regina. Voleva andare a venerare il tempio. Aveva fatto un voto. E la guardia ...

15114 - La voce della chiesa

Il ragazzino era caduto a terra. E lì risentì la voce della chiesa. A causa della distanza gli sembrò incredibile. Ma era un credente. E comprese che ...

17645 - At Symi

At Symi you can see at the same time our trees going down to the sea to touch her saltiness and houses seemingly immobile climbing all together ...

17640 - Ricostruzione

Ricostruzione ricominciammo quali uomini del tempo tramite la cronostrategia con la super-legislazione ma conspaziamente per la con-umanità visto che la ...

16301 - The source

The Bible has an order, You see that the Apostles acts come after the Gospels. Which makes sense of course, and then, will the Apostle Paul will come, ...

17598 - You are in the group

You are in the group based solely on what you write and what you act upon as it is not adequate for you to simply be since it is the work which ...

981 - Simplicity and Reality

The general tendency of the modeling of a phenomenon is to find a model with a simple structure that can reproduce the initial complexity. This principle ...

17419 - Турецкая озабоченность

Когда ты ничего больше не можешь сделать, так как события развиваются без тебя, тебе приходится найти занятие, чтобы убедить своих, что ты что-то делаешь. ...

5815 - The Persian complex of Turkey

An unilateral examination of Turkey does not allow us to discover her Persian complex. Persia is intertemporally the empire of the center. And it has been ...

480 - The wooden house of the world

To Peter’s wooden house. Full shot. Peter (N.o.T. Stone) When did you come? Medium long shot. Fotis Yesterday. Peter You always come one day before… Fotis ...

479 - The light of the moment

Noon at Mesologgi…Athanasia closely looks at the houses. Full shot. At a corner she meets an old an. He smiles at her, but she’s not looking at him or ...

475 - At the crossroad of the blue

The road of Tourlida divides the blue of the Lagoon. Full shot. In the background we see two persons walking. They cross silence. Medium long shot. ...

17640 - Reconstruction

Reconstruction is what we started again as time-humans through time-strategy with hyper-jurisprudence but also idem-spacely for co-humaneness since co-life ...

17630 - You are right

You are right, Masters are Monsters but they are the only ones capable of fighting against barbarity without bending over or kneeling because ...

16744 - Можешь представить

Можешь представить годовщину клятвы Филики Этерия спустя двести лет в церкви в воскресенье на другом конце света? Если не можешь, подождешь, ...

14897 - The first moves

The chessboard was no longer empty. The pieces and the pawns had been placed in their positions. The whole train had finally entered a different process ...

14896 - The acts of the mission

They had to reconsider the whole world in order to change the progress of the given facts. The first occupied territories they needed to liberate were ...

17482 - Do Not Expect

Do not expect of Christ to teach solely within the church because His scope does not stop at her boundaries since His word ...

17481 - There Exists Not

There exists not a single genocider who has not some excuse to offer for committing a crime against Humanity therefore do not ...

14895 - The oath of Humanity

The oath of Humanity was no longer a deductive idea, but a reality, because they had to fight against barbarity, for justice to exist. So they decided ...

14894 - Return to the sea

The train had to anchor at the port. That is what the little sailors wanted. The briefing related to the issue of the sea. They had to speak all together, ...

17446 - The flag bearers

To the Disciples who can not but yet do it The flag bearers are not them chosen by society so as to say that there are better ones while the ...

3984 - Signore

Chi ascoltava il loro dolore quando morirono gli innocenti. Chi piangeva la morte delle anime vietate? Signore, perché non dite nulla? C’è un motivo ...

17489 - It Is the Pawns

It is the pawns that vote and elect the king who bears the cross and if he is fit to also carry the spirit of resistance ...

17483 - They who see

They who see do not believe because there is no need whereas faith is necessary along with strong foundations this is the reason ...

3747 - Calore del Ponto

Lo so che avresti voluto bere qualcosa. Se eravamo a casa, avrei fatto qualunque cosa per te. Ora però che siamo sotto la neve con le nostre teste ...

3747 - Понтийское тепло

Я знаю, ты хотела бы выпить что-нибудь. Если бы мы были дома, я сделал бы всё для тебя. Но сейчас, когда мы под снегом с нашими головами отрезанными ...

17455 - A Byzantine Flag

A Byzantine Flag you've dreamed off again at the Occupied territories but you could not believe it even though in the church and Irene's Monastery ...

17449 - Only the Master

Only the Master teaches all weather regardless not because he is a leader but because he protects with his knowledge all the innocent for which ...

17447 - The unthinkable map

To M. The unthinkable map did not belong to reality of a society of oblivion because it was surrealistic since the non-existing nation had selected ...

17523 - Santa Sofia di Cristo

Santa Sofia di Cristo non si muove da secoli se vuoi dunque che ci rincontriamo dopo l’ultimo atto missionario non dimenticarti mai che lì ci troviamo ...

17516 - The triple EEZ alliance

The triple EEZ alliance is prepared, in the context of the stability of the region, located in the triple point of contact, of Greece - Cyprus and Egypt. ...

14893 - The train at the port

The train had arrived at the port only that there was no sea. The sailor boys no longer had somewhere to play their role. They didn’t expect a station ...

17320 - Fine del divieto

Per tanti secoli c’era il divieto per l’Umanità di riferirsi al Tempo. Perché non era inconcepibile. Visto che non poteva essere utopia. Questo scriveva ...

17319 - Il Supertempo

Il tabellone era cambiato. Adesso aveva altri colori. Come se il pensiero creasse delle pennellate. Lo stesso contesto. Lo stesso campo. Lo stesso ...

17318 - La nuova teoria dei legami

New Link Theory. Era tornato il Tempo. Lo spazio della resistenza che prepara la rivoluzione per la liberazione. Non c’era motivo che un legame fosse ...

17317 - Intervallo temporale

I punti in accumulo erano indizi per l’ isomorfismo delle possibilità. Ogni testo era anche un foglio che dava seguito al libro della conoscenza. Aveva ...

17316 - Ore digitali

Le lancette non erano cambiate ma le ore erano digitali. Era un’altra forma di mosaico ove il concetto non appariva sulle tessere se non si conosceva ...

17315 - Le porte del cielo

Le porte del cielo erano ramificazioni dello spazio-tempo, perché il fondamento della sua esistenza era la scelta. Il volo seguente non era stato annunciato. ...

17314 - Monti umani

Poco prima dell’atterraggio il suo aereo passò sopra i monti umani. Erano le biblioteche della natura. Quelle che davano vita al lago per via del suo ...

17313 - il lago di Voltaire

Volava di nuovo sul lago di Voltaire. Azzurro rinchiuso dentro la terra. Ma ai suoi bordi tutta l’operosità umana visto che era fonte di vita. Scacchiera ...

17312 - Aerei inesistenti

Il suo aereo era pronto. La finestra era aperta. Come se fosse dall’altra parte della stessa realtà. L’aeroporto era noto. In tutti questi anni si era ...

17311 - La logica del futuro

L’aereo attraversò la finestra illuminata. Era silenzioso. Anche questo aveva previsto l’aeroporto. E per questo continuò a scrivere. Il suo colore ...

14892 - The one-headed eagle

-Master? -I am glad you came, disciple. -May I? -Of course, tell me. -Is it true that they left no hope to the Pontians? -After the Genocide? -Yes. ...

14891 - At the other station

At the other station the disciple got off to find the Lady with the strange hat. Only that he doesn’t know how to make it happen. And when he believed ...

17501 - The EEZ preparation

There are many who are dealing with the Cypriot EEZ, due to the presence of a single seismic, which doesn't do anything substantial. There are however ...

17494 - The preparation

Kyriaki: I need space. Pause I must have with me all the maps and the book with the excavations. On the table, next to the fireplace, that's what I ...

17466 - Christ arrived

Christ arrived in order to help Humanity and not just the people because He did not only notice the elements of the total but also its structure ...

17486 - Dealing with bullying

Dealing with bullying, is not an individual problem, especially in Cyprus, where we know its meaning on a national level, through the enclaved. Therefore, ...

595 - The secret prayer

[In the ruined church of Kythreas, a grandfather is showing his grandchild the stigmata of time ...] Neokles: Grandpa, what happened to the church? ...

591 - Cypriot consciousness

Every war has its victims. We have our missing persons and our enslaved ones. For the first, the earth is their prison, for the latter, the iron bars of ...

17482 - Non aspettare

Non aspettare da Gesù Cristo di insegnare soltanto all’interno della Chiesa perché il suo raggio d’azione non si ferma ai suoi confini visto che ...

17453 - We very often avoid

We very often avoid big problems so as not to solve them whereas knowledge applies to everything and if you learn how to learn you can evolve to ...

17448 - Exercises

Exercises should be only of the ascetic and only of that one; otherwise they have no meaning by themselves; for, life is not a passing by but a bridge ...

9465 - EEZ and the allied context

In order o overcome our internal difficulties, it is necessary to find an allied context, which is beyond political parties. If we get trapped into an ...

17382 - The team of vacuity

The team of vacuity is Humanity and when you comprehend it not only you will overcome all obstacles but you will return in order to help all of ...

17317 - Spacetime

The accumulated points were an indication of the isomorphy of capabilities. Each text was a sheet which added continuity to the book of knowledge. It ...

17316 - Digital hours

The hour hands had not moved, but the hours were thereon digital. It was yet another form of mosaic where the meaning did not appear on the pixels, if ...

17311 - Future Logic

The aeroplane crossed the bright window. It was silent. And that's what the airport predicted . For this reason he continued to write. It's blue and ...

17445 - A six month deadline

A six month deadline was given by UNESCO to England, in order to negotiate with Greece, regarding the return of the Greek Parthenon sculptures and those ...

17443 - You too should know

You too should know that those who most resemble with the system of training are parents whereas grand parents certainly resemble education because ...

17440 - The history of Mankind

The history of Mankind not only is it logic but also a continuation because if this latter does not exist even with logic wholeness does not function ...

17319 - Hypertime

The chart had changed. It now had other colours. As if the thought created brushstrokes. Same context. Same field. Another action field . Another ...

14890 - Beyond the port

-Beyond the port there are the islands and those of the Aegean Sea. These are described in detail in the articles 13, 14 and 15. Article 13 ...

14889 - The secret jewel

-Did you see what the jewel resembles ? -I didn’t have the time. -It may have the same origin as us. -Maybe. -And why give it to us? -Because she ...

14885 - These she had said

These had the Lady said to the Master and the disciple. Without adding anything more. She had seen something from the window and immediately ended the ...

14883 - Why do it?

-Why do it, Master? What is going on? -Pay attention to everything…Every detail is important. -But it’s not chess! -Because you don’t see the chessboard. ...

14882 - The first demand

Immediately after the departure of the two employees, the Lady with the strange hat found two sisters with traditional costumes of Thrace. -You must hold ...

14881 - The secret meal

Before all the passengers barely recovered from the departure of the train, two employees of the organization appeared pushing a carriage with food. All ...

14880 - The girl from Cappadocia

The girl from Cappadocia had come to change her life in Andrianoupoli. Only that when she arrived to find her fiancé , a local intellectual who had played ...

14878 - Strange Articles

The Lausanne Treaty had many strange articles. January and July had played different roles. At the time when everyone was looking at what was happening ...

17379 - With the Elder

With the Elder we followed the whole course of the monastery with the monastic tasks in order to understand deeper yet the production of the unique ...

17376 - The bride of Orpheus

The bride of Orpheus came from Cyclades over at Aetos so that, it could exist the spirit of truth and philosophy on the mountain and so that a human ...

17419 - Turkish Preoccupation

When you have nothing else to do, because things evolve without you, you have to find some preoccupation, in order to convince your own that you are actually ...

17374 - Human Assembly

Human Assembly occured between sacred and secular for the sake of Hellenism and Christianity which are struggling together against barbarism because ...

17363 - There is no

There is no linear course of Time and do not stand at the obstacles because there are other paths upon the crossroads; therefore ramifications ...

17363 - Non esiste

Non esiste percorso rettilineo del Tempo e non soffermarti agli ostacoli perché ci sono altri sentieri sugli incroci per questo sono tanto importanti ...

799 - The black and white immigrant

When someone watches a Charlie Chaplin film, especially the immigrant, he observes the humor when he is simply a spectator, or the directing when he is ...

15301 - Слово геноцид

Слово геноцид это не этикетка которую мы сами стараемся приклеить к зверствам которым мы были подвергнуты как Эллинизм но концепция родившаяся ...

17357 - The Museum and the barbarity

Those who are afraid that the return of the Parthenon sculptures will create a precedent for all world Museums they are right and it’s good that they are ...

17357 - Il museo e la barbarie

Coloro che temono che il ritorno delle sculture del Partenone rappresenterà un atto definitivo per tutti i Musei del mondo, hanno ragione e ben fanno ad ...

17310 - The law of liberty

The law of liberty is beyond the mirror of self-deceit and illusion because its implementation allows a man not only to liberate oneself through ...

3075 - Sulle onde di pietra

Sulle onde di pietra che non si infrangono su nessuna riva ritornerò a cercarti per offrirti di nuovo il profumo di un dimenticato melograno. Al di ...

12898 - Gifts of God

There are some texts which we don't suspect that they have been written in order to provide pleasure. Sometimes, because they have a religious character ...

17297 - The actual library

The actual library is the world in itself because nature is written over it with all its errors the corrections and the truth of the action which ...

15268 - Hypatia

Hypatia is an exception. In what sense? In the sense that she is a father's daughter. In actual fact the first exceedance occurs from her father, who could've ...

17236 - Do not waste your life

Do not waste your life because it took fifty two million times for you to become human and each moment is a bond that becomes a knot on the superstring ...

17235 - You are your karma

You are your karma and if you do not realize it in this life you will undergo it in all the next ones until you conceive that every act of yours ...

17211 - The citizen of value

The citizen of value is not a politician because he remembers his history because he doesn't forget his homeland and always sees the vision of ...

17204 - We in Thrace

We in Thrace will not wait for none deferred one we will continue the necessary task and when we will be at the readiness phase we will strike ...

17203 - Acts and movements

When you take actions that matter don't get involved with movements which only occur to be presented to an indifferent audience so that it can believe ...

17149 - It was with her chest

It was with her chest that Liberty showed the way to our people and no one has the right any longer to doubt her because one cannot stand the truth ...

17227 - Azzurro intenso

Azzurro intenso hai nella tua mano e con il contatto le onde del mare cominciano a far la schiuma per vivere con te l’assedio dei sentimenti ...

14349 - A Master teaches

A Master teaches by his acts not his words because those who talk do not know whereas those who know have no need to say anything because the disciples ...

14310 - Count the acts only

Count the acts only not the moves so as not to mess work with job and not to think that a slave is a servant only otherwise your whole life will ...

14309 - The sacred water

The sacred water is not sacred by itself but by the one who baptizes you because the move which becomes act is symbolic only when the other one ...

16290 - La Santa Decisione

La liberazione della città avvenne nel 1236 con la Croce in mano. Un nuovo miracolo dei Santi. Non era un semplice ripristino della supremazia ...

17252 - Pace di Passarowits

Pace di Passarowits, uti possidetis, Banato Serbia Creta Morea Isole Ionie fine alla secolare lotta inizio del declino presenza turca Grecia ...

17220 - We are not passers-by

We are not passers-by if you want to learn it therefore in our homeland we do not accept destructions because as repassers-by we will be here again ...

16289 - Secoli di occupazione

Secoli di occupazione ha vissuto la Spagna e Cordova è stata torturata più di qualunque altra città, affinché divenisse un paradigma da imitare. Certo ...

16288 - La resurrezione della Chiesa

Nell’anno di grazia del 1236, nessuno ma proprio nessuno avrebbe potuto prevedere l’impressionante decisione dell’Umanità. Nessuno all’infuori dei Santi ...

17206 - The image of Thrace

The image of Thrace should change and become holy like an hagiography of Constantinople where the Glikofilousa's blue becomes unbounded, in order ...

14877 - Absurd landscapes

The disciple looked at the Master …He was in his thoughts. -Master? -Tell me. -When we were at the station… -Near the window… -Exactly. -You saw ...

14876 - Flashback

At the station of Paris, the train was preparing to leave towards the East, to Constantinople. The people were not leaving for the same reasons but the ...

14875 - In the beginning the train

Everyone was looking out the windows. The station had been emptied like a chessboard at the end of a game. Only the stationmaster had remained to give ...

14874 - In the nick of time

-Master, we almost lost the train. -You are joking, disciple. -If it wasn’t for the Lady to delay it, we wouldn’t have caught it. -But the Lady was. ...

14873 - At last a human

-At last a human! She had said it with a cry of desperation. -What do you want, my Lady? -I want you to help me …what else? -Right, what else…At your ...

14872 - Mister, mister

The people had started getting on the train always silent. And when they found their position in their wagon, they would look from the window, at the station. ...

14871 - When the train arrived

When the train arrived, as strange as it would seem, sadness became joy. The train even if it meant an unchosen voyage it remained a means of liberation ...

14870 - Above the clouds

Above the clouds strategy continued to fly, in order to see the characteristics of the hyper structure that designated the region. It was unbelievable, ...

16557 - Les dimensions du Temps

Beaucoup pensaient que la Relativité avait tout clarifié pour le Temps. Alors que la première étape était initialement une autre transformation pour synthétiser ...

16556 - Echiquier mental

L'ennemi n’était pas la mort. La mort n'était que le début. C’était plus une donnée. La question était la suite et cela demandait une préparation. ...

16555 - Les maîtres de l’Humanité

Sur le réseau, la vitesse du Temps avait de l’importance. Et même si cela n'avait aucun sens pour les sociétés cela n’inquiétait aucun d’eux. Ils servaient ...

16953 - Seize the moment

Seize the moment so that you will not lose a single day of your existence and you will transform it into a real life when you will be able to share ...

17154 - Beyond the Distances

Beyond the distances we found the relations which allow us to overtake together all the ills of the world because our bond works topologically and ...

17121 - If you were to love

If you were to love but one entity and no other then you should choose the only one which has meaning for the future and take only Mankind because ...

17058 - If you actually knew

If you actually knew how effective Mathematics really is in helping people you would have learnt even more from the teaching because Link Theory ...

17037 - Through the shadow

Through the shadow like Prometheus you were able to steal the horizon upon which was crucified the vastness of its blue so as to unite through ...

7197 - Il falco e il leone di Malta

Era l’anno di grazia 1565 anno in cui ebbe luogo la terribile battaglia. Era cominciata come un classico assedio ma la resistenza senza fine degli Ospedalieri ...

16920 - I am a Christian

I am a Christian and I follow the path of light because its Christ Himself I have no fear for the shadows of barbarism because I know that Time ...

16974 - On the map

On the map you see cities of many regions simultaneously while on the outskirts there is only the desert. you should therefore think that you ...

16973 - Even with the white

Even with the white keep a strong defense when you are playing with a strong player because the slightest opening in your attack will allow counteroffensive ...

16972 - Think for a moment

Think for a moment even as an utopia what would have happened if Archimedes and Leonardo da Vinci had known of Australia and had recorded their ...

16970 - Codex Australia

Codex Australia the notes were made and the plans which are continuing incessantly the works of the teachers because Antiquity and the Renaissance ...

16969 - New opening

New opening, an Australian one we have started with our links, so as to enrich the theory with new ideas which are returning to values creating ...

16968 - Pieces of Australia

Pieces of Australia we took with us in order to play on the new board which is created with the energy within the sea where no one believed in ...

16967 - With innovations

With innovations you are forced to think of the edges otherwise the takeoff will be a touchdown because the one following Archimedes in approximating ...

16965 - Chess however. . .

Chess however, across the borders even distant ones continues to function for centuries on, to all hemispheric edges, because the world is a brain ...

17021 - The Body of Christ

The body of Christ is the mosaic of human tessellations and Christians are His members and as such every part of His body is filled in by all ...

3320 - Ответ на вопросы

Почему дети рисуют удавов, а мы видим только шляпы? Почему малыши просят историю, а мы учим их только сказкaм? Почему невинные думают обо всем, ...

7735 - Когда ты услышишь дудук

Когда ты услышишь дудук, тогда неизбежно увидишь и кресты те, каменные, что никогда не видел прежде. Так ты услушишь о народе, который не согнулся ...

7196 - Prospettiva cavaliera

Eric aspettava nella assonometria cavaliera. Era al suo posto come previsto. Era dunque lui l’ombra iniziale… Tutto riprendeva un nuovo senso mentre tutto ...

17165 - L’arte di Archimede

L’arte di Archimede si vede quando risolve i problemi difficili con metodi rari eppure non ha a disposizione i mezzi necessari a causa dei numeri ...

8747 - Был 1720 год

Был 1720 год, когда османы вторглись на территорию Арцаха и уже тогда, мелики восстали и сопротивлялись, чтобы не потерять свои земли. Они попросили ...

2872 - The forgotten album

When he was studying the complete works of Euler, he listened to his favorite album. In that way he felt that the lieder of the unhappy composer helped ...

17020 - When God is

When God is on our side who can be against us when however it is Christ then the enemies multiply exponentially because they look at God and see the man, ...

17012 - ΔΕΣΜΟΣ

Гоголь. Ο Χριστός είναι η αλήθεια. Горький. Η αλήθεια είναι το μονοπάτι. Достоевский. Η ομορφιά θα σώσει τον κόσμο. Толстой. Ο Χρόνος είναι μαζί ...

8776 - The spirit of Kolokotronis

If you feel that you live in a prison, while you dwell in your homeland, then you should consider the spirit of Kolokotronis and get ready to act. And ...

17074 - The boomerang of the future

The queen, the tower and the horse faced one another without being bound since the bond was without constraints as in the original idea of 1892 . And ...

17073 - Third Contact

Things had not start in this way, at least chronologically. And the white queen on the oceanfront had played her role. It was not the third contact, but ...

16960 - Α Νew Tower

Α new tower, an even taller one was added to the chessboard in order to play not only the role of the observer but through its existence its coming ...

17080 - Μπροστά στην πόρτα

Μπροστά στην πόρτα μόλις πριν την αναχώρηση στοχαζόμαστε πάνω στη διακλάδωση για να συλλάβουμε δύσκολα την προσέγγισή μας πάντοτε ολιστική του ...

17079 - Δίπλα στον κόσμο

Δίπλα στον κόσμο μέσω της διαφάνειάς του ανακαλύπτουμε την προβολική σφαίρα κι η ίδια η Αυστραλία μας φαίνεται πλέον ακόμη πιο κοντά διότι το όραμά ...

16961 - Always

Always, everywhere and nowhere in order to convert the matter into energy and transform the data into objects through programming and intelligence, ...

16959 - Yet another bond

Yet another bond through Australia comes to strengthen the existing context and to become the polytopic total indeed as the approach is thereon ...

16957 - Exotic locations

Exotic locations strongly remind you of the multi morphology of Humanity and they give you the stigma of diversity as fundamental for the understanding ...

16955 - All the hours

All the hours have filled our brains as though we rotate to all directions while we simply follow the geodesic of spacetime which is of the Riemann ...

7195 - Bis repetita placent

Hervé li attendeva di già. Tale era il suo sentimento, nel momento in cui essi si inoltrarono nella sala. Non era certo una sala d’armi ma aveva quel ...

15590 - Когда кто-то

Когда кто-то даёт тебе свои ключи, ты не просишь дверь, ибо он говорит тебе, что он открыт и щедр, а не то, что ты - хозяин и если ты не можешь ...

17051 - Zeolite Institute

With the new data existing in Greece, it is necessary to consider the structure and infrastructure of a zeolite Institute , which would utilize the innovations ...

10372 - The Gold of Thrace is Thrace

The Gold of Thrace is not the gold but Thrace. If we do not realize that, we will fall into the trap of the market, which is trying to buy everything without ...

7258 - The EEZ issue is not bipolar

The EEZ issue is not bipolar. This means that it is radically different from the 12 NM concern. In fact there is also a difference with the continental ...

7194 - Domini nostri morbi

L’incontro ebbe luogo sulla sommità. Era là che si trovava dopo secoli, il tempio antico. Dominava tutta la regione e contemplava il Mare Egeo. Certamente ...

572 - The Convention of Altruism

Altruism, this ethical principle which states the selfless concern for others, this deliberate denial of self-interest for the selective benefit , is a ...

16938 - Living Museum

He shouldn't have died. He belonged to the witnesses of forgotten history. And his life was the memorial of the dead. He could withstand everything ...

7193 - Pro Fide et Utilitate Hominum

Coloro che ignoravano l’ombra potevano pensare che si trattasse di una semplice condotta ma non era questo il caso. Pro Fide et Utilitate Hominum. Era ...

17040 - If you’re German

If you're German so that you can indicate the example regarding the recognition of the genocides follow yourself, the path of Apostle Paul beyond ...

13293 - The zeolite phase change

Currently, without most realizing, we are going through a transition phase regarding the zeolite issue. Slowly, official bodies are begining to make references ...

3550 - The auction of Greece

Inside the room there were monologues and silence. Dominating were the numbers that society calls prices because it doesn't recongnise value. ...

16936 - The bicoloured sun

The unknown in the old world. It was as if he never existed. But the journey had began thousands of years prior. And the earth had found the sea so ...

15201 - Цеолитовый картофель

Цеолитовый картофель собрали мы впервые на острове Святых, чтобы прожить вместе чудо природы, которое не ожидал никто другой, кроме нас потому ...

7192 - Il grande maestro 44

Un nome. Un simbolo. Philippe de Villiers dell’Isle-Adam. Nell’anno di grazia 1522, il miracolo ebbe luogo. Un ricordo inciso nella memoria dei Servi. ...

7191 - La chiave di San Nicola

Lo scudo della cristianità era in pericolo. Doveva anche lui essere protetto dagli assalti del nemico. Tale era la funzione della chiave. Però occorreva ...

7190 - I servi dell’Umanità

La stanza era fredda. Il camino non era acceso da anni. Per questo non era stato modificato come se non avessero osato toccarlo dopo gli eventi. Egli procedeva ...

16997 - Triple EEZ approach

The triple EEZ approach of Egypt, Greece and Cyprus, which is a common triple point of contact due to their EEZ, is now a reality. Because we are not only ...

3143 - Social risk

- Why do you take care of the children? - Because they are the next humans. - What if they become individuals ? - This happens when we don't take care ...

14862 - The lift off of Time

The lift off of Time occurred after the preparation on the solar level. The clouds were minimal indeed though there were shadows below the control tower, ...

14861 - The Railtime

Who could imagine that everything would start from a flight. Of course there was reference to the creator of the flying machine who waited for centuries ...

16940 - The boomerang of returning

After the genocide had had defeated the genociders. And none of them would dare touch humanity. The Salvation Army, or rather those who had remained, ...

16925 - When on your flag

When on your flag you are able to add two recognitions then it becomes more humane and just because it protects the innocent through justice from ...

16554 - Chaînes temporelles

Son univers était différent. Polycyclicité. Le sujet n’était pas seulement la thermodynamique. Ce n’était pas l'entropie non plus. Mais son schéma ...

15943 - La Liga Santa

Fuera llovía a cántaros, como si llorara el cielo. Nadie sabía por el momento de negociaciones secretas. Todos aguardaban que cambiaran de posición los ...

16879 - The two recognitions

The two recognitions by Australian states of our genocides are acts of substance and not only motions and it is significant for us to consider that ...

9001 - The EEZ as a national issue

In the nation of democracy it is inevitable for conflicting opinions on all matters to occur, because everyone is free to express themselves even they ...

13195 - The notion of empathy

In the context of philosophy, the notion of empathy is essential at a global level. This notion is totally positive in French, as we see it in the Petit ...

5763 - Στα μονοπάτια της Ρόδου

Στα μονοπάτια της Ρόδου, οι θόρυβοι των βημάτων δεν ήταν οι ίδιοι. Αντηχούσαν με τον χρόνο του μέλλοντος. Ακόμη κι οι λαξευμένες πέτρες είχαν τον λόγο ...

3146 - Человечность признания

- Почему ты так говоришь? - Я чувствую жертв вокруг себя. - Ты видишь их ? - Я защищаю их. - От забвения? - Ты знаешь их имена? - Я знаю их будущее. ...

14868 - Evening route

The people had come from all the regions. They were all gathered and were waiting for the same train. As if it were the last on their mind. They hadn’t ...

14867 - Who else for the train?

The station was filled with people. The pieces and the pawns were far too many to play only one game. The Master and the disciple wondered if the train ...

14866 - Outside the hall

Outside the hall, a Lady of another era was waiting for the train, which was always on time, as if it were late. She had a distinctive hat with a flower ...

14865 - Empty chessboard

While everyone believed that the change of phase derived from the decision to enforce a tabula rasa, they had noticed that an empty chessboard remains ...

14864 - Chess on the train

They had decided to play chess on the train. It wasn’t of course of their habit, since they were friends and indeed friendly but they wanted to study the ...

14863 - After the attempt

After the attempt, everything had changed. Or rather the concept of death had taken on a new meaning. The moves had become acts and each one formed no ...

16535 - Contre les fondations

La barbarie essayait de garder tout sous son contrôle. Mais ce joug était inacceptable. Alors, quand commença la guerre avec l'Autriche en 1683, Venise ...

16534 - Négociations secrètes

Des négociations étaient nécessaires, spécialement des secrètes. Mais les assiégés n’avaient pas oublié Famagouste. Chaque mouvement serait un acte. ...

16533 - La blessure du soleil

Le Roi Soleil fut appelé à intervenir discrètement. Schéma mental double. Quarante-deux navires. Six mille hommes. En deux phases. Une royale! Une ...

16532 - Le printemps du Péloponnèse

Le printemps de 1667 eut des conséquences désastreuses. Le Vieux n’existait pas encore. Et le Péloponnèse était occupé pour l’essentiel. Les nôtres ...

16290 - La Santa Decisión

La liberación de la ciudad tuvo lugar en 1236, cruz en mano. Otro milagro más de los Santos. No era simplemente una restauración de la soberanía de los ...

16531 - Dimension européenne

Venise demanda de l'aide aux autres pays européens. Elle savait que sans soutien elle ne survivrait pas très longtemps parce que les forces de la barbarie ...

16530 - Le siège du Temps

Le siège commença en mai 1648. Il en avait précédé beaucoup. La barbarie donna l'impression que personne ne pouvait l'arrêter. L'époque des grandes ...

16734 - From your mouth

From your mouth to God's ears said the Archbishop when he heard for the first time about the twenty tesseres of the endless blue. So much he was ...

16289 - Siglos de ocupación

Siglos de ocupación vivió España y Córdoba fue torturada más que cualquier otra ciudad, ya que tenía que servir como ejemplo a imitar. Por supuesto, la ...

16745 - Greek without Hellenism?

One of the major problems faced by the people who promote the learning of the greek language is the number of pupils and students. In every conversation ...

16405 - Le vol de la libellule

Le vol de la libellule était si étrange qu’elle semblait immobile. Cette immobilité avait touché le Maître et il la dessina pour qu’elle demeure. Le ...

16271 - В глубине Времени

В глубине Времени ситуация напоминает глубину моря без бури поскольку мера другая и деяния поверхности - простые шаги, которые не меняют ничто ...

13248 - Первые огни

Первые огни нашей родины всегда трогательны, когда ты прибываешь свысока, как орел, чтобы увидеть своих и организовать революцию идей, что ...

15318 - Μην ξεχνάς

Μην ξεχνάς τη φράση του Jaurès για το θάρρος που το συνδέει με την αλήθεια έτσι θα καταλάβεις πόσο είναι σημαντικό ν’ αναζητάς την αλήθεια και ...

15305 - Στο Τμήμα Φιλοσοφίας

Στο Τμήμα Φιλοσοφίας μιλήσαμε για την τριάδα των γενοκτονιών για ν’ αναλύσουμε την προσέγγιση των Δικαίων προκειμένου να παλέψουμε αποτελεσματικά ...

15304 - Κοίτα τον χρόνο

Κοίτα τον χρόνο για να κατανοήσεις την Ανθρωπότητα και τότε θα γίνεις ένας μαχητής της ειρήνης εργαζόμενος για την υπόθεση της αναγνώρισης για να ...

16404 - Papillon sur les mers

Il avait commencé sa route au-dessus du Bosphore, près du point où il l'avait prévu le pont qui n'existait pas, car personne ne le croyait. Au dessus ...

15286 - Τα λουλούδια στο μπαλκόνι

Τα λουλούδια στο μπαλκόνι έβλεπαν τον ήλιο δίχως καθόλου να λυγίζουν γιατί ο ζεόλιθος δεν έπαυε να τα υποστηρίζει για να υποφέρουν το βάρος της ομορφιάς ...

16050 - Когда ты сжигаешь книгу

Когда ты сжигаешь книгу это не просто случайная ошибка, а преступление против человечности, ибо это говорит о том, что ты не только не принимаешь ...

16421 - Scacchiera bizantina

Scacchiera bizantina prendi fra le tue mani per vedere il mondo in modo sferico e pensa che hai digià un esempio di gioco strategico che ha senso ...

16664 - Церковь в глуби мира

Церковь в глуби мира продолжала показывать небо, будто от этого зависело начало весны, что ждали птицы, щебечущие с рассвета, чтобы поднялась ...

16404 - Farfalla nei mari

Aveva iniziato il cammino al di sopra del Bosforo,vicino al punto in cui aveva progettato il ponte inesistente, visto che nessuno ci credeva. Sulla Santa ...

16403 - Con il Rinascimento

Con il Rinascimento si era formato un ponte. Ponte del tempo. Aveva composto il mondo del presente con l’Antichità. Lo dicevano tutti. Lo credevano tutti. ...

16402 - Dopo la lettura

In quel tempo tutti cercavano le fonti. Inclusi i Vangeli. Le traduzioni non erano sufficienti. Erano diventate una tradizione. Senza sottofondo veritiero. ...

3915 - Движение земли

Склонившись над своей землей старуха повторяла неустанно одно и то же движение. Она не могла забыть бедность своей судьбы и дар жизни.

15192 - Когда ты думаешь

Когда ты думаешь, что сталкиваешься с серьезными проблемами в своей жизни из-за повседневнсти ты должен помнить цветок пустыни чтобы не забыть, ...

16403 - Avec la Renaissance

Avec la Renaissance s’était créé un pont. Un pont temporel. Il avait composé ce monde du présent avec l'Antiquité. Tous le disaient. Tous le croyaient. ...

16638 - Si le droit était

Si le droit était réellement ce que nous pensons, alors n’existeraient pas du tout les avocats mais seulement les juges puisque le jugement serait ...

4398 - Взгляд женщины

Был настолько напряженным взгляд той мистической крестьянки, что ты решил украсть его своими удивительными мазками. Едоки картофеля не были с ...

3104 - Глубокие ноты

Несколько глубоких нот достаточно, чтобы понять суть. Вне мира абсурда человечество ожидает наших шагов. И мы уже не можем довольствоваться существованием ...

15405 - Παλαιά έπιπλα

Παλαιά έπιπλα επιφορτισμένα μνήμης πάντοτε παρόντα στη ζωή μας γιατί κατέχουν τούτη την χρονική όψη που τα καθιστά διαχρονικά και που μας επιτρέπει ...

15404 - Σε μια γωνιά του γραφείου

Σε μια γωνιά του γραφείου είχες θέσει τη μνήμη σου του μέλλοντος για να μην ξεχνάς τους καταδικασμένους εις ζωήν πάνω σε τούτη τη ζώνη ώχρας ανάμεσα ...

16402 - Après la lecture

A cette époque ils recherchaient tous les sources. Même pour les Evangiles. Les traductions ne suffisaient pas. Elles étaient devenues une tradition. ...

16401 - Le monde apocryphe

La première question était simple. Pourquoi personne n’avait-il écrit sur cet événement? Mais qui pourrait y répondre? Personne peut-être. Sauf ...

2699 - Reference to Aeschylus

When Aeschylus wanted to write our memory he didn't choose a history book he didn't rely on the state he created a tragedy The Persians. Now the ...

15449 - En los territorios ocupados

En los territorios ocupados el Maestro veía que la oscuridad quería devorar a la luz. El remedio era óptimo pero no duradero. Y tenía que serlo para ...

15448 - El Tiempo milenario

Así había comenzado la guerra de los mil años, aunque la mayoría de sus combatientes no se dieran cuenta. Tenías que haber vivido mil años para concebirlo. ...

15447 - La corona de la Cruz

La corona de la Cruz ya no era una leyenda. La leyenda se había hecho historia. Por medio siempre de la estrategia. Y los historiadores comenzarían ...

16583 - Sur le temps

Sur le temps nous avons pensé que la linéarité n’existait pas et avons commencé les ramifications qui permettent l’existence de mondes multiples ...

15446 - La nueva Revelación

Después de un largo y difícil ataque de dos días, se hace el milagro. La entrada a la ciudad es una realidad. Y nadie puede ponerlo en duda. El enfrentamiento ...

15445 - El discurso de Pedro

Cuando llegaron al Olivar, el Maestro miró a Pedro y este comprendió. Había llegado el momento. Se dirigió a la parte más alta para que lo vieran todos ...

15444 - Hacia Jerusalén

Después de esta victoria extraordinaria de la luz contra la oscuridad, el pueblo de la Cruz continuó su marcha hacia Jerusalén. Pero antes pasaron en ...

15443 - En la trampa del combate

Se habían privado de tantas cosas. Habían sufrido tanto. Y sin embargo no tuvieron tiempo para celebrar su victoria. Se hallaron de repente entre los ...

15442 - El asedio de la resistencia

En Antioquía las cosas llegaron a ser cada vez más duras para el pueblo de la cruz. Hasta el abastecimiento era difícil. El invierno golpeaba a todos. ...

15439 - El significado oculto

Quién podría seguir el significado oculto de los actos. Nadie que no conociera la Didaché. Por esta razón era tan importante la lectura de los Evangelios. ...

16562 - Tinto de Verano

Nous avons bu ensemble le Tinto de Verano à Séville Cordoue et Grenade pour célébrer la libération du joug de la barbarie après 700 ans ...

16518 - Aeolic Windmills

If someone dared to name the traditional windmills aeolic, many would find it ridiculous. The same applies regarding an aeolic sailing boat. The most ...

15561 - Thracian stratagems

From the St. Stephen's Treaty in 1878 that created Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire is trying, after it's defeat against the Russian Empire, to return to the ...

16490 - Your torches

Keep your torches unquenched not only in order to have them always ready since you do not know when the Lord will come but also to illuminate ...

16405 - Il volo della libellula

Il volo della libellula era così strano che sembrava immobile. Questa immobilità commosse il Maestro e la disegnò per immortalarla. Lo schema mentale, ...

16401 - Il mondo occulto

La domanda era semplice. Perché non scrisse questo evento? Ma chi avrebbe potuto rispondere? Forse nessuno. Solo se conosceva il Maestro. O perlomeno ...

3144 - La stella di Primo

Nessuno ha saputo perché sei morto. Nessuno ha potuto capire. Avevi resistito a tante avversità. Hai vissuto l’olocausto dentro la tua carne. Eppure ...

15614 - Zeolite and the Region

The emergence of Greek zeolite is no longer a vision but a reality for the regions of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. The Greek zeolite has in fact entered ...

16487 - Anyone coming

Anyone coming towards you in the name of the Lord may be accepted; since now you know the value of continuing throughout the centuries and the ...

16486 - If you can

For, on the one hand, if you can hold the whole yoke of the master, you will be perfect; on the other hand, if you cannot, do what you can; because ...

16485 - My child

My child, day and night you will remember the one who is speaking the word of God; you will honor him as master because where mastership is spoken ...

15050 - Sixteenfinger

Once upon a time, on a Sunday, a little one but much too little found a chessboard. At first he thought it was just a piece of wood, but when he held it ...

16477 - Why do you forget

Why do you forget that before the divine court not those who listened to the law but only those who abided by it were vindicated? Is it because ...

16476 - Awareness step by step

Awareness on the unacceptable negation of Genocide is being step by step raised in our country. We are not any longer talking exclusively about only one ...

12889 - No other rule

No other rule except the substance otherwise you will forget the foundations even in a temple full of columns where you see neither the walls nor ...

15055 - When we did not yield

When we did not yield even in front of the strongest enemy we understood that the little Master wouldn’t play only on a chessboard, because the world was ...

15054 - The first battle

The first battle reminded the previous ones. The little giant hadn’t forgotten anything and looked at the big opponent without being afraid. The years ...

15053 - When we restarted

When we restarted, we felt along with us the love of the little giant by the way he took us and placed us on the chessboard. It was like he knew from before ...

10676 - The new disciples

The new disciples do not know whether they worth not only being what they are but also belonging to the group of the work which is necessary for ...

15188 - Первые огни

Первые огни в ночи ты узнаешь и понимаешь как они драгоценны в сущности в то время как большинство не придают им некакого значения потому ...

15807 - Μέσα στο μέλλον βυθίσου

Μέσα στο μέλλον βυθίσου αφού από δω και πέρα ξέρεις πόσο αξίζει το παρελθόν για να κατανοήσεις την ουσία μακρών αποστάσεων δια των σχέσεων που δεν ...

15806 - H τύφλωση του Αγίου

Η τύφλωση του Αγίου δεν προέρχεται από ένα κακό μα από τη λάμψη του φωτός που δεν θέλει πλέον να υποφέρει το βάρος της σκιάς που ανατρέφει το δόγμα ...

15805 - O Χριστός ήταν ο Χριστός

Ο Χριστός ήταν ο Χριστός ανεξαρτήτως του τόπου γέννησής του ακόμη και αν δεν είχε υπάρξει Ιησούς εφόσον ο Μεσσίας έπρεπε να γεννηθεί στη Βηθλεέμ ...

15970 - Famagosta del futuro

Famagosta del futuro sarà libera solo con la liberazione di tutta Cipro altrimenti non sarà protetta e ogni altra parola è semplicemente una scappatoia ...

16451 - The Thracian zeolite

Now that we finally got into the process of the zeolite advancement we should as quickly as possible promote it as a product in order to receive acknowledgment ...

15967 - A Stavrovouni

M: Perché non hai parlato? K: Esaminavo i dati M: L’ho visto. E ora? K: Attendo. M: Non aspetterai altro di più. K: Cioè? M: È necessario K: Lo ...

15966 - Famagosta del 1571

Famagosta del 1571 devi avere in mente quando sei un guerriero e abbandona il lamento funebre per quanti perdemmo con l’invasione non abbiamo bisogno ...

15965 - Nello spirito

Nello spirito dell’Ellenismo la Cavalleria e la Cristianità apparirono a Lepanto per annientare i barbari che avevano osato uscire in mare senza ...

15964 - Girolamo Polidori

Girolamo Polidori aveva appreso dell’ eroica resistenza di Marcantonio Bragadin così quando arrivò con la nave con il pretesto del commercio a Costantinopoli ...

15963 - Dialogo segreto

Governatore: Quando siete arrivati? Maestro: Ieri. Governatore: E perché… Maestro: Per necessità. Governatore: Non si sono messi d’accordo… Maestro: Non ...

15962 - I falchi di Malta

I falchi di Malta volarono sopra Lepanto per la battaglia navale della Lega Santa visto che sapevano di prima mano chi erano i barbari così a Rodi ...

15961 - Salamina medimarittima

Salamina medimarittima vivemmo a Lepanto nell’anno del Signore 1571 e nessuno dei nostri nemici lo può dimenticare perché da allora non osano vedere ...

15953 - Dopo la battaglia navale

La cristianità non si era piegata. Con la battaglia di Malta nel 1565 ove erano stati sconfitti i Giannizzari quando cercarono di sfiorare i falchi, ...

15952 - La pelle dell’eroe

La pelle dell’eroe venne data in regalo al Sultano. Questo era il codice della barbarie. E sarebbe rimasta per anni a Costantinopoli ma non per secoli. ...

15951 - La coraggiosa resistenza

La missione segreta era finita. La coraggiosa resistenza di Famagosta aveva dato tempo alla Lega Santa per organizzare una flotta che non aveva nessun ...

15950 - La Grande Decisione

Il 20 Maggio del 1571, la Lega Santa prese la Grande Decisione. Avrebbe inviato la flotta combattente per dare rinforzi agli assediati di Famagosta, per ...

15949 - La primavera è costosa

Ogni giorno di resistenza aveva molti morti. Molti di più però degli Ottomani, visto che il pascià li sacrificava senza contare i corpi. La sola cosa ...

15948 - Il più rigido inverno

Le condizioni climatiche di Cipro anche quelle invernali non erano mai avverse. Eppure quell’inverno del 1570 arrivò con rigidità. Mai nessuno aveva ...

15052 - After the night

After the night the white fighters came. They had wounds but they all were smiling at him. They were all waiting for something but he didn’t know what ...

16389 - Всегда вперед

Всегда вперед неважно как высоко находится крепость ведь в ней может быть церковь которую ты искал когда не было уже храма и ты захотел показать ...

15051 - Wooden Dwarfs

He did not want to fall asleep, but sleep was more powerful and in his dream he saw for the first time the wooden dwarves. The called them dwarfs, because ...

1542 - Сон умершего

Мой сон был цвета охры камня, не был ни черным, ни белым, но он был немым как могила. Только она была слишком велика для одного человека. Вмещала ...

1537 - Присяга 1915

Ты, кто не родился, не имеешь права умереть перед боем. Ты, кто не был подвергнут пыткам, не имеешь права страдать без боя. Ты, кто не ...

5457 - Related to human shadows

When an entire nation is sinking into oblivion, it is difficult to maintain human shadows. We must say that for some, genocide is only a problem of bilateral ...

504 - The time of the fighters

If our people were able to overcome the physiological phobias so they can see again after so many years the land of their ancestors, the question is no ...

16389 - Always forward

Always forward no matter how high the castle is since inside it may have the church which you were searching for when the temple no longer existed ...

16381 - When you close

When you close your eyes you will see better the depth and substance of the fight because you will be forced to trust your own and you will realize ...

16377 - Three swords

Three swords for the danger are always nailed in the soul so that it may not forget the woes and help the unarmed who don't know fencing because ...

16366 - Without sea

Without sea in the castle with the hair in the sky you feel inside you the hardness of the strikes received by the tower which did not succumb ...

4499 - Spiritual Testament

- I can't believe it! - What? - That he allowed him to manage his work carte blanche. - There was complete confidence. - I know. - But then, what ...

3155 - Oι παρατηρητές του μέλλοντος

Αν κάποιοι προσπαθούν να ξαναγράψουν την ιστορία είναι γιατί αυτοί έχουν ξεχάσει το περιεχόμενό της. Μα είν’ επίσης γιατί η ενοχή τούς κατατρώγει. Ξαναβλέπουν ...

3154 - Τα σημάδια της βαρβαρότητας

Μην κλαις, φίλε μου, αν τα σημάδια της βαρβαρότητας χτυπούν και πάλι τα πέτρινα φύλλα σου. Εσύ τα έφτιαξες κατ’ εικόνα του λαού μας και μπορούν να ...

3153 - Ο πέτρινος κήπος

Ποιος μπορεί να συλλάβει πόσο αγαπούσαμε την απαλότητα του πωρόλιθου δίχως ν’ αγγίξει την ευθραυστότητα των δακτύλων μας; Θέλαμε ν’ αφήσουμε ένα σημάδι ...

3141 - H σχισμή της σιωπής

Ήταν ένας γδούπος κι ωστόσο έσκισε τη σιωπή διότι ήταν αφόρητο να βλέπεις αυτά τα τόσο εύθραυστα παιδιά με τις πρησμένες από την πείνα κοιλιές που ...

16340 - The EEZ as a Strategic peak

The EEZ is not just an economic zone like the others. The EEZ is the peak of high strategy of a nation which lives for centuries on with the foundations ...

3137 - Οι χοντροί φίλοι

Ήμασταν χροντροί, είν’ αλήθεια μα ήταν για να είμαστε τρυφεροί. Ήμασταν βαρείς, είν’ επίσης αλήθεια μα ήτανε για το καλό σου. Τραγουδούσαμε φάλτσα, ...

3136 - Το τραίνο της ανθρωπιάς

Βλέποντας τη θλίψη στο βλέμμα σου αποφασίσαμε να δώσουμε την ψυχή μας προς θέασιν. Το τραίνο ήτανε πλήρες ανωνύμων κι εμείς δεν θέλαμε να σ’ αφήσουμε ...

3135 - Ο λωτός και η πέτρα

Στον χρόνο των χαμαιλεόντων, ο λωτός αντάμωσε την πέτρα και η αιωνιότητα έγινε μέρα. Aφότου η θάλασσα χαϊδεύει το βουνό όπως το μπλε και το λευκό ενός ...

15953 - After the naval battle

Christendom had not yielded. With the battle of Malta in 1565 where the Janissaries had been defeated when they dared touch the hawks, and with the naval ...

15952 - The skin of the hero

The skin of the hero was given as a gift to the Sultan. This was the code of barbarity. And it would stay for years in Constantinople but not for centuries. ...

15441 - Tras el comienzo

Tras el comienzo no había vuelta atrás. Se había abierto el camino y debían seguir. Junto al infinito azul sentían el desierto. Y no sería sólo para ...

15440 - El toque del águila

Sólo después de la batalla los combatientes entendieron que los había tocado el águila. No había sido únicamente el espíritu. Estaba también la aguileña ...

16290 - The Holy Judgment

The liberation of the city took place in 1236 with the cross in hand. Another miracle of the Saints. It was not just a restoration of the sovereignty ...

15438 - La sonrisa de piedra

Cuando la lucha cesó, el Maestro abrazó a Pedro. Era la primera vez que sonreía desde que se marcharan. La sonrisa de piedra se grabó en su espíritu ...

16289 - Centuries of Occupation

Spain lived centuries of occupation and Cordoba was tortured more than any other city, as it had to become the example to remember. Of course the construction ...

16258 - I Nazareni

I Nazareni hanno diritto di vivere non solo liberi ma di continuare la tradizione millenaria così ogni atto contro di loro per motivi religiosi ...

16257 - Quando parlò la donna

Quando parlò la donna in parlamento nessuno credeva che avrebbe avuto il coraggio di condannare la barbarie eppure continuò anche piangendo perché ...

15951 - The heroic resistance

The secret mission was over. The heroic resistance of Famagusta had given time to the Holy League to organize a fleet which had no relevance to any ...

15950 - The Great Decision

On May 20, 1571, the the Holy League took the Great Decision. It would send a battle fleet to reinforce the besieged of Famagusta, to stop also the domination ...

15437 - Encuentro de hierro

Comenzaron, tras la inmersión, su marcha hacia Oriente. Todos los ejércitos se habían unido. El enemigo era común. La barbarie misma. No se detuvieron ...

15436 - Tras las ramas

Tras las ramas llegó el turno del árbol. Un árbol que era un roble. Al llegar a Constantinopla reconoció la Ciudad centenaria. Allí se encontraron el ...

15949 - Spring is costly

Every day resistance had many dead. The Ottomans however had many more, since their pasha was sacrificing them without counting the bodies. The only ...

15948 - The toughest winter

The climatic conditions of Cyprus even in the winter were nothing. But that winter of 1570 came cruelty. Never before had anyone seen such hatred in ...