21603 - Σεβάσου
Σεβάσου μόνο την Ανθρωπότητα και κανέναν άλλο αν θέλεις να είσαι Δίκαιος γιατί οι άλλοι εκπροσωπούν τον συμβιβασμό που είναι μόνο κοινωνικές συμβάσεις ...
Σεβάσου μόνο την Ανθρωπότητα και κανέναν άλλο αν θέλεις να είσαι Δίκαιος γιατί οι άλλοι εκπροσωπούν τον συμβιβασμό που είναι μόνο κοινωνικές συμβάσεις ...
Μόνο για τους ανθρώπους της ερήμου και τίποτα άλλο γι' αυτό αγωνιζόμαστε τώρα δίχως εγγυήσεις από κάποιον γιατί οι άνθρωποι δεν είναι μόνο κάτοικοι ...
Take care of your life because no one in society will live for you. And if you don't believe in your value and yourself be careful even more. ...
To the other Peter Peter did not play. He was watching the others. He helped them when they didn't know how to play. He was staring at the table ...
De imitatione Christi Admonitiones ad vitam spiritualem utile Admonitiones ad interna trahentes De interna consolatione De sacramento the humane speech ...
Two dates, two moments but only one life. We are not paying attention at the first because we don't know about the second. Too many facts, few decisions ...
Where did you lose your life? Not where you fell, no! You wasted your life when you lived inside the everyday routine away from God that didn't know ...
Κάνε αιτήματα μην περιμένεις κανέναν να εργαστεί για την Ανθρωπότητα απλά σκέψου πώς να το κάνεις, να ετοιμάσεις το επόμενο βήμα να συμπίπτει ...
I was born petit I never had weight and my health was a disease. They said to me that I should thank God that made me and my mother that gave birth ...
The joy of Stella that heard about the future that she had already prepared with her papers in order to take the Western Armenian identity seemed ...
Through the dark streets of city, filled with drowned, without shipwreck, he held in his right shoulder an oak easel as if he was carrying a cross. ...
When the Master was talking about Humanity his disciples were seeing an other human because even they could not see in what they were starring at ...
He was not looking at the painter, he trusted him, he was his own human and the armor was useless. The brushes did not scare him, they were caresses ...
Curiously, he starred at the world of oblivion in order to see what he had forgotten from the previous time but he could not take off his glasses ...
Free human is also the one who helps another to be freed otherwise he would be a lonely human without the fellow-human if you realize it you will ...
The photographies of immortality are not just instructions but one necessary action not to disappear the small details which were so important for ...
He steadily starred at the spirit of the artist without being able to notice it. All this work seemed superfluous at least for his own reality. But ...
If you are afraid of Dom Juan the great bad human it is not because of femininity as you want to believe but because of discovery of unworthiness ...
If you haven't noticed the castles you won't understand the warriors that built them like islands but now that you heard about it you can contrivance ...
Your own human is different and you wonder if you chose it or if you have him because of conjucture because you don't know that you have met in ...
Who would have thought that the human at piano was only Stepan who came back after the humane sacrifice in order to show to humans that the time ...
The brain is a large connector holding the Time inside as future memory in order to live the truth upon the light of the trail without fear ...
De imitatione Christi Admonitiones ad vitam spiritualem utile Admonitiones ad interna trahentes De interna consolatione De sacramento palabra humana ...
I heard your monologue it was not one of despair and I could discern the love upon the ropes that held the wooden body and for a moment I forgot ...
- Who are you? - The Messiah... - The servant who is suffering? - He who announces the Kingdom of God. - Who are you? - The Son of Human. - The personification ...
- ¿Quién eres? - El Mesías… - ¿El sirviente que sufre? - El que anuncia el Reino de Dios. - ¿Quién eres? - El Hijo del Hombre. - ¿La encarnación ...
Το CORCAS αντιπροσωπεύει ένα συμβουλευτικό όργανο που έχει πρωταρχική αποστολή να παρέχει συμβουλές σε σχέση με την επίλυση του ζητήματος της Δυτικής Σαχάρας ...
- Marin Mersenne, Master, he was a monk too. - Right, send it to the team. - It is done. - Since you noticed it, search for Lehmer. - Each name of ...
Disciple look at the diagrams of Ferrers to see the beauty of truth and to prepare for the result of Hardy and Ramanujan which at first leads ...
The apartment was full of colors. The walls, the furniture, even the book were colors. Warm. Nothing was black or white. Someone prohibited them. ...
Between Armenians and Greeks much is said but little is done, because bottom line, even if there is a positive framework much remains at that. Even for ...
The human with wine at first was unknown even though he was connoisseur he did say nothing and gave his blood to the secret Master so that he could ...
Merely a simple map featuring the situation of the energean data of Egypt, is enough to convince even the most doubting about Egypt's dynamics. The agreements ...
Tra gli Armeni e i Greci molte cose si dicono ma poche si realizzano, perché alla fine nonostante esista un contesto positivo molto spesso si fermano ...
La testimonianza di Olga nell’ora in cui teneva la carta d’identità dell’Armenia Occidentale è che la gioventù del Ponto è capace di superare antichi ...
The path of Arménag shows to the Pontians that there is now a real opening with Western Armenia and now they can participate actively in a change ...
Il percorso di Armenag indica ai Greci del Ponto che d’ora in poi c’è uno spiraglio reale con l’Armenia occidentale e che possono ora partecipare ...
We are now entering a new phase in regards to the EEZ issue, and many of course will say that it was about time, as even the Foreign Ministries are now ...
Even though there is an entire political system which is trying to promote an artificial resolution without a future solution, it would be wise for them ...
If some still assume that the Greek EEZ is exclusively economic, then, that is simply because they don't comprehend the subject, and therefore are unable ...
Общая проблема защитников прав человека в плане борьбы за признание геноцида, является подтверждение геополитических ограничений. Эти ограничения всегда ...
- Кто ты? - Мессия ... - Слуга страждущий? - Тот, кто объявляет Царство Божие. - Кто ты? - Сын Человеческий. - Олицетворение избранного народа? ...
Ποιος είναι ο λόγος μόνο για να χρησιμοποιήσεις προπαγάνδα χαμηλού επιπέδου που θα αποκαλυφθεί στη συνέχεια; Στην πραγματικότητα, είναι στην απελπισία ...
Коренные народы имеют право на сохранение и развитие своих собственных директивных учреждений для принятия решений и если ты не можешь в это ...
Οι αυτόχθονες λαοί δεν μπορούν να εκδιωχθούν βιαίως από την γη τους έτσι μην προσπαθήσεις να το κάνεις με κανένα τρόπο γιατί πρόκειται για ...
Κάθε αυτόχθων έχει το δικαίωμα στην ιθαγένεια και χάρη σε αυτό δεν μπορείς να τον υποχρεώσεις να το στερηθεί για να του ασκηθούν πιέσεις έτσι ...
46 статей чтобы создать право народов коренных и однако ты все еще не прочитал их в то время как они существуют и ты мог бы применить их чтобы ...
46 άρθρα για να δημιουργηθεί το δικαίωμα λαών των αυτοχθόνων κι όμως δεν τα έχεις ακόμη διαβάσει ενώ υπάρχουν και θα μπορούσες να τα εφαρμόσεις ...
Права Коренных Народов были приняты в 2007 и ты должен применить их, если хочешь помочь Человечеству, в борьбе с дискриминацией и маргинализацией ...
Tα Δικαιώματα των Αυτοχθόνων Λαών υιοθετήθηκαν το 2007 και πρέπει να τα χρησιμοποιείς αν θέλεις να βοηθήσεις την Ανθρωπότητα και να πολεμήσεις ...
Το μονοπάτι του Arménag δείχνει στους Πόντιους ότι υπάρχει τώρα ένα πραγματικό άνοιγμα με τη Δυτική Αρμενία και μπορούν τώρα να συμμετέχουν ενεργά ...
Если ты видишь, лишь машину, что защищает Человечество, подумай о том, кто ее запрограммировал и кто ей помогает, иначе потеряешься с фантастикой ...
Чудо Леонардо произошло вновь во мраке абсолютной ночи где цвета больше не имеют значения и черный становится невидимым чтобы принять интеллект ...
Многие считают, что геноцид - это конечное понятие, не осознавая, что это и есть идея тех, кто совершили геноцид, поскольку они говорят даже об окончательном ...
Пример Леонардо да Винчи ясен для всех и если ты ждешь, от других, чтобы они изменили твой мир то умрешь также, как родился в гнилом обществе. Но ...
La force du soleil brûle les ombres de la misère de la société car celles-ci ne peuvent supporter la vérité et parce qu’elle ne craint pas le ...
Сила солнца сжигает тени мизерности общества так как они не выносят правды и потому что она не боится полумесяца продолжает непрестанно путь ...
В солнце дня мы крали картины, чтобы исчезла мизерность общества и наступило Время и эпоха вишен, когда никто больше не верит в мечты, которые ...
La nécessité est au-delà des cadeaux parce qu’il ne peut en être autrement sinon elle ne pourrait les recevoir ni en faire à cause de la limitation ...
О любви ты знал лишь про эгоизм но любовь истинная это альтруизм ибо она защищает других и не только но ты должен суметь вынести ее иначе совет ...
-Sei qui? -Sempre. -Lo so. - Allora? -Perché tu sappia. -Cosa? -Che ti penso. -Lo so! -Eppure… -Cosa? -Mi domando -Di tanto in tanto. -Quando ...
- ¿Estás aquí? - Siempre. - Lo sé. - ¿Entonces? - Para que lo sepas. - ¿Qué? - Que pienso en ti. - ¡Lo sé! - Aún así… - ¿Qué? - Te preguntas. ...
La forza del papavero non si vede nello stelo ma nel colore per questo devi resistere quando vedi il rosso poiché è il suo sangue perché la generosità ...
Ο πίνακας της ερήμου είναι ένας φόρος τιμής στη ζεστασιά του σιρόκο η οποία σηματοδότησε την ιστορία μας αλλά επίσης την επιστροφή στις ρίζες ...
Πάνω από τα νησιά μπορείς να διακρίνεις ότι λειτουργούν όπως οι οχυρώσεις στη θάλασσα χάρη στη δομή τους έτσι μην τα θεωρείς αδυναμίες αλλά προσπάθησε ...
Il numero dell’Universo ha una proprietà che ci sorprende quando la scopri perché non ti aspetti che esista in questo presente poiché contiene ...
Против варваров, которые прячут лицо за религией и догматизмом, стоит Человечество и борется вместе с Праведниками, чтобы защитить всех невинных, ...
Теперь, когда ты видишь, пусть даже через серии, правду миссий, когда есть необходимость, брось старое и социальное, ведь дело требует только ...
- No olvides… - ¿Qué no debo olvidar, mi hijo? - Que es sólo el principio. - Todo esto. - Sí, todo esto es sólo el principio. - ¿Después de tantos ...
- Pero esto es extra… - Si supieras cuanto necesario es el extra… - ¿Qué quieres decir, hijo mío? - Sin este extra no hay transcendencia. - Transcendencia, ...
- Deja la madera, por favor. - ¿Por qué Madre? - Quiero hablarte… - Dime. - Quiero darte este clavel. - Gracias, Madre. - Se trata de… - Lo sé… ...
El clavel a Cristo dado por la Virgen no fue solamente la preparación pero la verdad del futuro que sabe del epitafio antes de la crucifixión ...
- Tu es là ? - Toujours. - Je sais. - Alors? - Pour que tu saches. - Quoi? - Que je pense à toi - Je le sais! - Et pourtant ... - Quoi? - Je ...
- Ты здесь? - Всегда. - Я знаю. - Тогда? - Чтобы ты знал. - Что? - Что я думаю о тебе. - Я знаю! - И все же ... - Что? - Ты задаешься вопросами. ...
Все мы имеем право на второй шанс, чтобы обернуть свое существование в жизнь и если ты думаешь или считаешь, что кто-то этого недостоин, подумай ...
Не смотри на Западную Сахару, только как на чужую страну, потому что речь идет о Человечестве, которое борется за свободу людей пустыни и океана ...
Τη δύναμη του γαλάζιου μπορείς να την δεις στη θάλασσα όταν πετάς όπως τα πουλιά για να συλλογιστείς το τοπίο των κυμάτων και να ανακαλύψεις τη ...
На корабле рядом со свободой мы видим прошлое иначе, потому что мы с другой стороны, в дали от горизонта, прямо над рекой и открываем будущее, ...
Στο καράβι δίπλα στην ελευθερία βλέπουμε το παρελθόν με διαφορετικό τρόπο γιατί είμαστε από την άλλη πλευρά μακριά από τον ορίζοντα ακριβώς πάνω ...
Ο σεβασμός που προκαλεί ένας βασιλιάς ακόμη και νεκρός δεν προέρχεται από το αξίωμά του αλλά από την ικανότητά του να αναλύει τον κόσμο για να ...
Το συνδετικό πεδίο δεν είναι ουτοπία αλλά πραγματικότητα με το διαδίκτυο έτσι αν το χρησιμοποιείς για τους στόχους μας αντί να περιμένεις για το ...
Εάν δεν είσαι ικανός να παρακάμψεις τις διαχωριστικές γραμμές πώς σκέφτεσαι να μας αποδείξεις όπως μπορείς να υπερβείς τα όριά σου για να πολεμήσεις ...
Αν χρειάζεσαι περισσότερο αέρα πέτα μαζί μας στον ουρανό αν χρειάζεσαι περισσότερη θάλασσα σκέψου τη δύναμη του νερού στην πόλη αν χρειάζεσαι ...
Всё логично, если ты вне шахматной доски и используешь математику в своей стратегии, поэтому не бойся, даже если ты чувствуешь, что ты один в ...
Όλα είναι λογικά αν είσαι έξω από την σκακιέρα και χρησιμοποιείς τα μαθηματικά στην στρατηγική σου έτσι μην φοβάσαι ακόμα κι αν αισθάνεσαι μόνος ...
Το πλαίσιο είναι απλό αν καταλάβεις την ουσία πριν από το πεδίο μέσω της στρατηγικής η οποία μετατρέπει μια κατάσταση σε μία άλλη επειδή διατηρεί ...
Когда я посмотрел на твои каменные глаза я увидел пустую крепость твоей души тогда я понял твое одиночество. Ты, кто не можешь стать другим, открой ...
Как я должен об этом сказать? Как я должен это написать? Друг и соратник, не проливай больше слез. Ты пока этого не знаешь, но если Бог умер перед ...
A Aram Мы искали в нашей памяти, отсутствие камня озера. Мы искали в нашем монастыре, Присутствие танца с саблями. Со временем, мы их обнаружили. ...
A Louise et Arménag Нас было тысяча и их было только трое. Их было три и нас было только тысяча. Они вели нас к смерти и мы следовали за ними. ...
Каждый жил свою смерть в обществе равнодушия. И когда мы впервые умерли вместе, они не осознали человеческую революцию. Мертвые голуби не затронули ...
По вечерам, когда шум общества прекращается, мы можем услышать мышление молчания. В те мгновения, когда свет ранит черное, мы видим слезы даже ...
Не забывайте никогда, что то, что мы делаем- это дело, необходимое Человечеству, а не то, что вы слышите от общества забвения, и если дни трудные, ...
Прометей был стратегическим советником Зевса и поэтому он восстал, когда увидел, что у власти нет сущности и она не помогала Человечеству, ...
Душа пустыни - женщина у моря, кто ждет свободы для ее детей, но ты видишь только песок и думаешь, что все о ней знаешь, поэтому подумай дважды ...
Подумай о Человечестве перед своим первым шагом, если ты действительно хочешь быть с борцами Праведности, потому что потом может быть слишком поздно, ...
We hear a lot, but see little from behind the scenes of strategy, and we are not yet accustomed to analyzing distant situations, which give us the impression ...
Everything changes due to the Zohr reserve, not just the drilling models, but also the context of the agreements is more enhanced, as are the statements ...
La elección del 9 de diciembre para el día de la conmemoración de todos los Genocidios es una decisión de la Humanidad. En efecto, la decisión fue tomada ...
More and more are the people of Armenian descent who foster the identity of Western Armenia, because they perceive that it is a practical way to pay respect ...
We all know at what an extremely slow pace the UN resolutions come into effect. However, the advantage of this delay is the avoidance of errors of haste. ...
Όλοι γνωρίζουμε ότι τα ψηφίσματα του ΟΗΕ βγαίνουν με εξαιρετικά αργούς ρυθμούς. Ωστόσο, το πλεονέκτημα αυτής της καθυστέρησης είναι ότι αποφεύγονται τα ...
Whatever has been previously said in regards to the companies Eni and Total at the Cypriot EEZ, should be updated with the new data which were created ...
Camminiamo sulla sabbia senza guardare le nostre tracce che scompaiono nel vento. Trasciniamo solo i nostri desideri e ci dimentichiamo delle nostre ...
Мы ходим по песку, не оглядываясь на свои следы, затертые ветром. Обремененные только желаниями, забываем о своих пристрастиях. В поисках воображаемого ...
На протяжении веков, все еще остаются иконоборцы в своей религии и ненавидят всех верующих, которые любят иконы, и ты все еще не понял, что они ...
Когда тебе объясняют, что ты не должен читать книгу веры, а затем совершают преступления против Человечества, ты должен противостоять и изучить ...
Many consider that genocide is a final concept, without realizing that this idea is of the genociders, since they especially speak about ultimate solution. ...
Muchos consideran que el genocidio es un concepto final sin darse cuenta de que esta idea es de los genocidas ya que ellos mismos hablan de una solución ...
The choice of December 9th for the anniversary of all Genocides is a decision of Humanity. Of course in a practical level, the decision was made with the ...
In order for every Pontian to obtain identity the steps are simple since the means is the identification card of Western Armenia with the map which is ...
Even though it is unbelievable to most people who have never believed in the Greek EEZ, the preparations which are taking place in regards of the tripartite ...
Molti credono che il genocidio sia un concetto finale, senza rendersi conto che quest’idea è di coloro che attuano i genocidi, poiché parlano per di più ...
Жертвы одного геноцида имеют тенденцию считать его единственным. Фактом является то, что страдания и ужас набирают таких размеров, которые не позволяют ...
Based on recent announcements of our country's Minister of Energy, there's a conclusion, that the ministry is not aware if there really is an international ...
Puedes ver castillos de leyenda en España también para entender que la Reconquista no fue fácil y era necesario preceder una estructura resistente ...
С новыми данными, в связи с природой месторождения, мы можем обнаружить стратегические цели, даже в пределах морских участков греческой ИЭЗ. Точнее, мы ...
Рана на Пентадактилос* никогда не закрывается и земля красная всегда. Однажды ночью двуглавый орел разорвал судьбу и я раскрыл тайну. Красный ...
Письмо с монограммой на столе. Extreme close up. Андреас: Когда оно пришло? Close up. Ева: Сегодня … Medium close shot. Андреас: Ты не открывала? Он ...
The Cypriot EEZ belongs as a sovereign right of the citizens of Cyprus and not to the settlers who receive earnings from another EEZ. Also for those ...
Μέσα στο πλάνο της ιστορικής συνέχειάς του, το Μαρόκο έπρεπε να αμυνθεί ενάντια σε πολυάριθμες και βίαιες επιθέσεις. Ωστόσο, κατάφερε να αντισταθεί ακόμη ...
Подумай о своей жизни и постарайся узнать, Слуга ли ты Человечества, или просто праздное существование в обществе, потому что у тебя есть Время ...
Σκέψου για τη ζωή σου και προσπάθησε να μάθεις αν είσαι Υπηρέτης της Ανθρωπότητας ή απλά μία κενή ύπαρξη στην κοινωνία γιατί έχεις τον Χρόνο ...
Когда ты пишешь Правду, ты имеешь право делать это, если ты способен противостоять варварам, иначе найди Учителя, дабы он помог тебе продолжить ...
Όταν γράφεις την Αλήθεια έχεις το δικαίωμα να το κάνεις αν είσαι ικανός να αντισταθείς στους βαρβάρους αλλιώς βρες Δάσκαλο να σε βοηθήσει να ...
[В Ялусе*, мать с ребенком смотрят на деревню...] Агата: Не опоздай умереть... Янис: Почему я должен умереть, мама? Агата: Смерть не страдает... ...
Même si les hommes sont loin de toi cela ne signifie pas qu’ils n’ont pas d'humanité seulement si tu ne le sais pas tu penses que cela n’a aucun ...
Όσο τα στρατόπεδα του Tindouf δεν θα είναι απελευθερωμένα δεν θα σταματήσουμε να αγωνιζόμαστε ενάντια στο σκοτάδι της βαρβαρότητας που βασανίζει ...
В пустыне не забудь Маленького Принца, потому что, возможно, он находится в лагере беженцев, где варвары запрещают ему бежать, потому что они ...
Μέσα στην έρημο μην ξεχάσεις τον Μικρό Πρίγκιπα γιατί είναι πιθανό να βρίσκεται μέσα σε ένα στρατόπεδο προσφύγων όπου οι βάρβαροι του απαγορεύουν ...
Si te acusan de que tienes interés especial y sobre todo económico para la zeolita, la ZEE, los genocidios, el problema de Chipre, de Armenia, ...
Cada Castillo tiene su belleza porque constituye el rastro del Tiempo en la historia de la Humanidad y porque guardó en él los libros que otros ...
Για να κατανοήσουμε την προβληματική της Δυτικής Σαχάρας και να εξελιχθούμε όσον αφορά την ορολογία έτσι ώστε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε τον όρο επαρχίες του ...
Мифические замки ты можешь увидеть и в Испании, чтобы понять, что Реконкиста не была легкой, и структура сопротивления должна была предшествовать, ...
With the new data due to the nature of the reserve, we can identify strategic targets even within the marine plots of the Greek EEZ. More specifically, ...
Tu peux voir des châteaux mythiques aussi en Espagne pour comprendre que la reconquête n'a pas été facile et il fallait que lui précède une structure ...
Если мы осознаем, что несколько десятилетий назад, практически все Восточное Средиземноморье считали лишенным углеводородов, несмотря на то, что у нас ...
The EEZ is the Law of the Sea, and it doesn't constitute a Greek exclusiveness. It is a tool that allows the liberation of Cyprus, the opening of the ...
If you analyze a link you will break it because it is not a chain made from rings and you should see everything together if you really want ...
Το πρόβλημα της αντιπροσώπευσης είναι θεμελιώδες στην περίπτωση της Δυτικής Σαχάρας, διότι πρόκειται για μια παγιωμένη σύγκρουση, όπου είναι δυνατόν να ...
Представь себе волну в пустыне, пересекающую века, чтобы заполнить водой оазис памяти, там, где солнце помогает деревьям дать фрукты жизни ...
Из Австралии ты можешь услышать подлинную мысль гостеприимства людей, которых не обязательно знаешь, но чувствуешь, что они действительно родны ...
Каждый замок имеет свою красоту, ибо является следом времени в истории Человечества, потому что сохранил в себе книги, которые другие хотели ...
Chaque château a sa beauté parce qu’il constitue la trace du temps dans l’histoire de l’Humanité et qu’il a gardé en lui les livres que d’autres ...
If we realize that a few decades ago we considered, in practical terms, the Eastern Mediterranean as a whole, void of hydrocarbons, eventhough we had already ...
While in our homeland there are still systematic discrediting statements, in regards to the potential of the existence of Greek underwater reserves, coming ...
Η Συνθήκη της Lalla-Marnia υπεγράφη στις 18 Μαρτίου του 1845 μεταξύ των πληρεξούσιων του Αυτοκράτορα της Γαλλίας και του Αυτοκράτορα του Μαρόκου. Όπως ...
A lateral course so that the Palestine question be resolved, is to realize in practice that Israel, no matter what it officially states in a diplomatic ...
Η αυτονομία της Δυτικής Σαχάρας δεν είναι αποκύημα της φαντασίας. Δεν αντιστοιχεί σε μία απλή απαίτηση, αλλά σε μια ιστορική πραγματικότητα εδώ και αιώνες. ...
The Lalla-Marnia Treaty was signed on March 18th 1845 between the plenipotentiaries of the Emperor of France and the Emperor of Morocco. As referenced ...
Είναι πάντα δύσκολο να αναδειχθούν αναλογίες σε στρατηγικό επίπεδο των φορέων που υπάρχουν σε συγκρούσεις διαφορετικές και απομακρυσμένες. Μόνο που τα ...
Каждый понтиец должен узнать о том, что может получить идентификационную карту Западной Армении, потому что они имеют на это право благодаря своему ...
Каждое слово имеет свое значение, потому что является способом выразить мысль, необходимую в развитии стратегии, способной привести к изменению ...
As much as it may seem odd, taking into account the new conditions that exist in Greece at present, the research continues, because we believe that innovation ...
В пустыне, в лагерях беженцев есть изверги, которые используют людей, потому что думают, что они - рабы и что у них нет ни единого права, потому ...
Посмотри в глаза черному пастуху, чтобы понять, что значит рабство в пустыне, таким образом сможешь даже ты, вместо того, чтобы заниматься своими ...
Το Συνταγματικό Συμβούλιο κλήθηκε από το Ακυρωτικό Δικαστήριο για ένα κατά προτεραιότητα ερώτημα συνταγματικότητας που κατατέθηκε από τον σύλλογο Κοινότητα ...
INSERT: Белая башня В той же гостиной мы видим трех человек, которые пьют кофе. Full Shot Лючия: Вы первые, с кем я знакомлюсь … Первые друзья Христоса ...
Сценарий Социальная драма Ностальгическая музыка звучит в ночи квартиры. Женщина ищет книгу в маленькой библиотеке, в то время как мужчина читает ...
Все дети вместе перед руинами византийской церкви. Георгия: И теперь, когда у нас закончились камни, что мы будем делать? Клеантис: Старая церковь ...
Однажды вечером, в доме, вокруг стола, рядом с камином, горсти жизни приближаются к смерти. Стелиос: Что с тобой Мария? Все смотрят на Марию. Агамемнон: ...
1. The problem of the non-representation of Polisario is fundamental in regards to the Western Saharan issue. 2. Polisario did not exist during the Spanish ...
Every word has its purpose because it is a way for a thought to be expressed which is necessary in the development of a strategy capable of leading ...
Every civilization It is enrichment of Humanity through the beauty of a field of history which is causing ramifications through beings who are ...
Одна миссия на тысячу лет только это и если ты можешь сделать это, иди вместе с нами, потому что война уже началась и система все еще ждет, чтобы ...
Μια αποστολή για χίλια χρόνια μόνο αυτό και αν μπορείς να το κάνεις έλα μαζί μας επειδή ο πόλεμος έχει αρχίσει και το σύστημα ακόμα περιμένει ...
Γρήγορα μόνο αυτό τίποτα άλλο γιατί ο αγώνας σου είναι ανοιχτός τώρα και μία αποστολή είναι μόνο για σένα τώρα μόνο για τους επόμενους ...
Деяния сущности заполняют жизнь и больше ничего, поэтому и ты не трать наше время на глупости общества, потому что они не касаются и не волнуют ...
Do not try stealing the reputation of Famagusta because some have completely forgotten the resistance of the Legend and they think that it is ...
Αναζήτηση δίχως παύση η αληθινή φύση της πραγματικότητας αφού σκέφτηκε να παράγει το μέλλον των ανθρώπων ακόμη και μέσα στους τόπους του πιο άγονους ...
Σκέψου την Ανθρωπότητα πριν από την πρώτη σου κίνηση αν θέλεις πραγματικά να είσαι με τους μαχητές της Δικαιοσύνης επειδή μετά μπορεί να είναι πάρα ...
Ров Фамагусты неповрежден, как ни странно это может показаться, для оккупированных территорий Кипра. Тем не менее, он находится там на протяжении веков, ...
Une île n’existe pas sans mer un homme n’existe pas sans Humanité pour cette raison les petites îles sont importantes lorsqu’elles sont ensemble ...
Георгий: Они сказали, что мы не имеем права пойти туда. Георгия: Но почему? Христос: Они не хотят детей... Стилиана: Мы - не только дети, мы - также ...
Στη Συνέλευση κατά την προετοιμασία είναι δυνατό να μελετήσεις τη σκακιέρα των Εθνών πριν από τις συζητήσεις που αφορούν στο μέλλον των χωρών που ...
Когда-то, давным-давно, на солнечном острове два маленьких человека ждали Рождество. Они хотели увидеть снег, о котором говорили все люди. На протяжении ...
The Just is innocent during sleeping the quenstion is if he is Just when he is awake because when the innocent does absolutely nothing remains ...
Κάθε εξέλιξη στα δικαιώματα του Ανθρώπου αντιπροσωπεύει ένα νέο βήμα για τα δικαιώματα της Ανθρωπότητας έτσι κάνε το καθήκον σου ακόμα και αν αυτό ...
Από την New York στη Γενεύη εργαζόμαστε για τον ίδιο σκοπό για να προστατεύσουμε τους αυτόχθονες λαούς για να εδραιώσουν τα δικαιώματά τους σε ένα ...
Лети словно ветер стань водой Земли только, чтобы получить свет знания выше гор следуй за Прометеем если хочешь быть свободным как человек а ...
Πέτα σαν τον άνεμο γίνε το νερό της Γης απλά για να πάρεις το φως της γνώσης πάνω από τα βουνά ακολούθησε τον Προμηθέα αν θέλεις να είσαι ελεύθερος ...
В песке Средиземноморья ты можешь найти пустыню более сухую если ты желаешь действительно освободить народ который страдает не от дождя а от ...
Στην άμμο της Μεσογείου μπορείς να βρεις την έρημο την πιο ξηρή αν επιθυμείς αληθινά να απελευθερώσεις έναν λαό που υποφέρει όχι από την βροχή ...
Αποσυμπίεσε την ζωή σου και χρησιμοποίησε τη μνήμη σου γιατί δεν είσαι μόνο μία μηχανή αλλά ένας άνθρωπος που αγαπά τον κόσμο έτσι μην φοβάσαι και ...
Η ψυχή της ερήμου είναι γυναίκα δίπλα στη θάλασσα που περιμένει την ελευθερία για τα παιδιά της αλλά βλέπεις μόνο άμμο και σκέφτεσαι ότι ξέρεις ...
Используй облака, чтобы поймать память солнца и путешествовать, как свет над морем, если ты хочешь остаться в живых в пустыне душ, ибо нам необходима ...
Χρησιμοποίησε τα σύννεφα για να πιάσεις τη μνήμη του ήλιου και να ταξιδέψεις όπως το φως πάνω από την θάλασσα αν θέλεις να μείνεις ζωντανός στην ...
Read the humane code if you truly want to understand what is the meaning of Humanity's Master who writes with certainty the history of future ...
Одной из худших проблем, вызванных неравенством в образовании, которое усугубляется финансовыми проблемами, является вопрос относительно бедных одаренных ...
Στα Ηνωμένα Έθνη στη Νέα Υόρκη είδαμε παραδοσιακούς ανθρώπους που παλεύουν μόνοι για την αλήθεια είναι γιοι της άμμου και του ήλιου και θέλουν ...
Если бы я все еще жил тогда, я смог бы показать тебе варварство, но тогда, я уже умер и ты не родилась еще. Поэтому я пишу тебе сейчас, чтобы ...
- Я не понимаю ... - Это логично. - Почему? - Ты не видишь. - Что? - Сущность. - Какую сущность? - Ту, которую не видят глаза. - Но я не слепая. ...
Я знаю, что ты попытался стать принцем, который никогда не существовал. Ты порвал на два свою одежду, но все тебя обвинили в странном поведении. ...
Винсент: Ты помнишь мою маленькую картину? Элиса: Которую из всех? Винсент: Человека с васильком! Элиса: Конечно! Она такая нежная ... Винсент: Я бы ...
Военное преступление - выражение, которое подходит к тому, что происходит в Сирии и Ираке, и не менее того. Это варварские действия, которые имеют своей ...
Каждая миссия обогащает учеников ибо они видят что в итоге мы не одни в борьбе Человечества и что движения которые становятся деяниями являются ...
Εσύ που ξέρεις για την έρημο και για την ιστορία εσύ μπορείς να κατανοήσεις τη θέση μας σ’ αυτόν τον αγώνα διότι εσύ γνωρίζεις τη δειλία της ...
Η χειραγώγηση ολότελα ενός λαού αποκλειστικά και μόνο για τον σκοπό να συνδέεσαι με τη θάλασσα καταλήγει με ένα κόστος καθώς όλος ο κόσμος συνειδητοποιεί ...
1. Το πρόβλημα της μη εκπροσώπησης του Polisario είναι θεμελιώδες στο ζήτημα της Δυτικής Σχαχάρας. 2. Το Polisario δεν υπήρχε κατά τη διάρκεια της ισπανικής ...
В шуме ты должен найти также звук, который действует как код свободы в рабстве, подумай о музыке в качестве примера и ты увидишь, что схема ...
Chaque homme a des droits mais aussi des devoirs parce qu’il doit aider et ne pas seulement attendre l’aide passivement parce que beaucoup ne ...
Genocide is not merely a crime against Humanity but the first step but for you to perceive with its refusal what it really means to be of the first ...
If the Greeks are not pro Hellenism who cherishes Humanity due to extraversion, and remain in Helladism then, as a dead thereon civilization they ...
We used hydrodynamics in order to expand the bridges of humanity, which, the bicontinentals had not even for an instant imagined that we could, ...
Элиса: Я решила одеть это платье... Молчание. Вам нравится? Оно у меня единственное. Мне сшила моя мама... У меня оно для церкви... Пауза. Знаете, в воскресенье... ...
Dans le bruit il faut que tu trouves aussi le son qui fonctionne comme code de la liberté dans l'esclavage pense à la musique comme exemple et ...
Элиса: А вы? Анастасия: Я пока не знаю ... Элиса: Он вам ничего не говорил? Анастасия: Нет! Вам? Элиса: Нет ничего, но ничего ... Пауза. Говорю я... ...
Beside the sea Down Town the european spirit continues to generate the future incessantly because history has future so the rivers hold the element ...
Each woman fights with passion without fear because she has lived the violations of the rights with torments so in the United Nations when they ...
Listen to the women who cry out more than the men because they are not afraid neither do they wait from anyone anymore to protect them from the ...
In order not to be any comparative framework with other exploitation, it is good to know the technical characteristics of the exploitation of zeolite in ...
Tu dois prendre position dans ce combat parce que la justice dépend des Justes et pas seulement des institutions parce que ces dernières suivent ...
Κάθε λέξη έχει την σημασία της επειδή είναι ένας τρόπος για να εκφραστεί μια σκέψη η οποία είναι απαραίτητη στην ανάπτυξη μιας στρατηγικής ικανής ...
The pulchritude of history It's civilization and if you must observe it in a museum in order to realize it then you are on the path of barbarism ...
Ορίζοντας της Νέας Υόρκης μόνο στο επίπεδο μας για αυτήν την αποστολή χωρίς εκθέσεις αλλά με αναφορές για την παλιά ιστορία από προηγούμενους αιώνες ...
Αν προσπαθείς να παίξεις go να θυμάσαι αυτό κάθε πέτρα μαύρη ή λευκή ανήκει σε μια εικόνα και μόνο μία που είναι το τέλος και αν μπορείς να το ...
Каждая женщина борется страстно без страха потому что она прожила нарушения прав пытками так в Организации Объединенных Наций когда они говорят ...
Они не беженцы а жертвы вымогательства насилием так как они не могут уйти оттуда где находятся потому что они заблокированы ибо необходимы для ...
Στη Νέα Υόρκη στο Midtown μπορείς να βρεις ανθρώπους από όλες τις χώρες που προσπαθούν να δουν το μέλλον αλλά μόνο λίγοι από αυτούς γνωρίζουν το ...
Слово геноцид не является окончательным, как инновационное понятие для нашего будущего, просто оно промежуточное, что, конечно, необходимо, чтобы ...
Le mot génocide n’est pas définitif comme notion novatrice pour notre avenir c’est simplement un intermédiaire qui est bien sûr nécessaire pour ...
Богатство цивилизаций увеличивает нашу ответственность к ним по отношению к варварству которое пытается уничтожить их потому что боится самой идеи ...
La richesse des civilisations augmente notre responsabilité à leur égard par rapport à la barbarie qui essaie de les détruire parce qu'elle a peur ...
Ένα Μουσείο πολλοί κόσμοι που αποδεικνύουν ότι η Ανθρωπότητα δεν είναι αφαίρεση αλλά μια πραγματικότητα που μπορούμε να δούμε αν θέλουμε να ανοίξουμε ...
L'accès à la mer est nécessaire à l'Arménie Occidentale pour résister ainsi aux pressions l'Arménie elle-même et la résolution du problème c’est ...
La bellezza della storia è la civiltà e se hai bisogno di vederla in un museo per rendertene conto sei sulla strada della barbarie poiché aspetti ...
La beauté de l'histoire c’est la culture et il faut la voir au musée pour réaliser que tu es sur la route de la barbarie puisque tu attends qu’elle ...
Если у тебя все еще есть вопросы о деле учителя подумай о том, что у него одна только цель - помочь Человечеству, без которого была бы бессмысленна ...
The richness of civilizations increases our responsibility towards them in regards to barbarism which is trying to destroy them due to fear that ...
Within the history of Manhattan you can find the first oath dating back to April 30, 1789 which defined the emergence of an act which became the ...
Не прикасайся к мечу если ты не можешь взять его и бороться с ними на фронте миссии ибо там ты никогда не можешь отступать так как ты должен ...
Im Rahmen unserer Forschung in der Zahlentheorie, entdeckten wir mit Unterstützung der Datenverarbeitung von Phillipe Alsina, Pierre Gazzano und André ...
संख्या पद्धती पर हमारे शोध के आधार पर हमने Phillipe Alsina, Pierre Gazzano and André Solaris के कंप्यूटिंग सहायता से खोजा है और साबित किया है कि Lehmer ...
Savo tyrime pasitelkdami skaičių teoriją kartu su kompiuterinę pagalbą teikusiais Phillipe Alsina, Pierre Gazzano ir André Solaris įrodėme, jog Lehmer-Ramanujan ...
Sayılar teorisi araştırmamızın çerçevesinde, Philippe Alsina, Pierre Gazzano ve Andre Solaris’in bilgisayar yardımıyla Lehmer – Ramanujan sayısı τ(3312129-1) ...
V rámci našeho výzkumu teorie čísel, jsme objevili s pomocí Phillipa Alsina, Pierra Gazzana a Andrého Solarise a dokázali, že číslo Lehmer -Ramanujan τ(3312129-1) ...
В церкви, где сосуществуют икона и статуя ты можешь увидеть христианство в своем величии, потому что дает всем стигматы Христа, не скрывая страсти, ...
Όλο και πιο κοντά ανακαλύπτουμε την πόλη της Βοστώνης και οι αναμνήσεις επιστρέφουν στο μονοπάτι του χωρο-χρόνου για να φτάσουν τη μνήμη που είναι ...
בּנוגע למחקרינו אודות תורת המספרים, גילינו, הודות לעזרת החישׁוב שׁל Philippe Alsina Pierre Gazzano, André Solaris והצגנו שׁהמספּר שׁל (Lehmer-Ramanujan τ(3312129-1 ...
Защита команды имеет приоритет потому что только она способна совершать необходимое Дело а не ее члены по этой причине всегда оберегай своих соучеников ...
The Temple of Epicurean Apollo, which consitutes the first World Heritage monument as was recognized in 1986, is in danger. While it is our duty to protect ...
Μία αλλαγή κλίμακας είναι απολύτως αναγκαία για να επιτύχεις τη διαφορά και να επιχειρήσεις να ενεργείς μέσα στην υπερδομή η οποία παραμένοντας κρυμμένη ...
Η νέα ήπειρος Αντιπροσωπεύει επίσης μία ανάμνηση παλαιά καθώς τη γνωρίζουμε από την ανακάλυψή της άρα αυτή ανήκει στην ιστορία εφεξής και συνιστά ...
Περνώντας από την Ισλανδία πώς να μην σκεφτείς το σκακιστικό σου ταξίδι όπου μπόρεσες να συναντήσεις έναν από τους θρύλους του παιγνίου σκάκι έτσι ...
Ne touche pas l’épée si tu ne peux la prendre pour lutter avec eux sur le front de la mission parce que là-bas tu ne pourras plus reculer puisqu’il ...
Открытие ENI сверхгигантского месторожденя Зохр в египетской ИЭЗ является не только коммерческим, но и научным, в том смысле, что учит нас новым открытиям, ...
Τα προικισμένα παιδιά δεν αναζητούν μονάχα το γιατί μα και το πώς για να διασχίσουν την ιστορία του μέλλοντος υπερβαίνοντας το παρόν που δεν είναι ...
Πέραν των ερωτημάτων σκέψου πως η ζωή σου είναι φτιαγμένη από απαντήσεις που ανήκουν στο μέλλον συνεπώς δεν είν’ όλα διαθέσιμα άμεσα είναι λοιπόν ...
Πάνω στην παρτιτούρα η ομορφιά της φωνής εγγράφεται μόνη της ως νότες για να συνοδεύσει με ακρίβεια την ορθότητα της αναλαμπής φωτός που ξεπερνά ...
A te, o cara ! Το έχουμε ακούσει μέσω του χώρου ταυτοχρόνως ως μία ένωση που υπερβαίνει τα σύνορα διότι δεν γνωρίζει τα εμπόδια των κοινωνιών ...
Le Juste quand il dort est innocent la question est que si l’innocent lorsqu'il se réveille est Juste alors pourquoi l'innocent quand il ne fait ...
Los Armenios no son solamente las victimas de un genocidio; cuentan con una civilización desde hace siglos y han conseguido protegerla durante ...
Армяне - не только жертвы геноцида, у них есть культура на протяжении веков и им удалось защитить ее в течение стольких лет с навыками, которые ...
Наша Церковь - дух Византии, победивший иконоборцев и ты можешь помнить об этом каждый раз, когда целуешь икону, потому что без нее ты бы ...
- Он умер. - Я знаю. - Вы прибыли слишком поздно. - Я пришел не для него. - Для кого тогда? - Для тебя. Время. Его час настал. - Время не должно ...
Le superbe musicien qui a impressionné la société de son époque n'a laissé aucune trace à l’Humanité avant de devenir le vieux peintre de la solitude ...
Стратегический Кипр ясно видит, что его контекст - Евросоюз и его поле - Исключительная Экономическая Зона. Поле действия - энергетика, а поле битвы - ...
Les Arméniens ne sont pas seulement les victimes d’un génocide ils ont une culture depuis des siècles qu’ils ont réussi à protéger durant toutes ...
We've stated with emphasis, that the discovery of the hypergigantic reserve of biogenic natural gas, Zohr, constitutes something preeminent for the Mediterranean. ...
Учитель: Я вернусь... Ученик: Почему ты должен уйти? Учитель: Как иначе я вернусь? Ученик: И почему ты должен вернуться? Учитель: Кто-то должен ...
- Почему мы не имеем права умереть? - Иначе существовали бы геноциды! - Разве не существуют? - Нет, конечно. - То есть, мы обречены жить? - Это ...
Я не знаю, как говорят... Молчание Но почему? Время А теперь? Время У меня не было никого другого, чтобы помочь мне.. Я не обвиняю тебя. Как бы я могла ...
- Оставь древесину, пожалуйста. - Почему Мать? - Я хочу поговорить с тобой ... - Скажи мне. - Я хотела дать тебе эту гвоздику. - Спасибо, Мать. ...
The discovery of the hypergiant Zohr reserve by ENI in the Egyptian EEZ, is not only of commercial value, but also scientific as well, in the sense that ...
В рамках новой исследовательской программы, которую мы начали, мы обнаружили число, прошедшее все тесты перед полной сертификацией, которое имеет 555.339 ...
Многие на Кипре полагают, что нет другого месторождения в кипрской ИЭЗ, кроме как месторождения Афродиты. Другие считают, что с месторождением Зохр, Кипр ...
Несмотря на попытки Турции, природный газ Кипра принадлежит киприотам и только киприотам, то есть армянам, греко-киприотам, латинам, маронитам и турко-киприотам, ...
One of the worst problems caused by the inequality in education, which is aggravated by the financial problems, is the issue regarding poor gifted children. ...
Soy Cristiano y sigo el camino de la luz porque es el propio Cristo y no me asustan las sombras de la barbarie porque sé que el Tiempo está conmigo ...
Si no conoces las nuevas cruzadas que pertenecen ya en nuestra historia ¿cómo quieres participar en la decima que pertenece al futuro? Y si no conoces ...
Ogni ostinazione della Turchia è vana, il gas naturale di Cipro appartiene ai Ciprioti e soltanto ai Ciprioti, cioè agli Armeni, ai Greco-ciprioti, ai ...
Despite Turkey's worthless despair, Cyprus's natural gas belongs to the Cypriots and to the Cypriots exclusively, namely, the Armenians, the Greek Cypriots, ...
Ο άνθρωπος με την καρέκλα δεν την είχε ποτέ αποχωριστεί όταν έπαιζε στο πιάνο συνθέσεις του Bach για να είναι όσο το δυνατόν κοντά στο όργανο και ...
Το παίξιμο της κιθάρας δεν είναι μόνον μια αιώνια ανάμνηση μα η μνήμη του μέλλοντος που δεν παύει να εξυμνεί την αξία του παρελθόντος για να χτίζει ...
Εάν έγραψες αποχωρίστηκα τη χώρα μου δεν είναι μόνον γιατί το αυτοσχεδίασες πάνω στο καράβι της αναχώρησης μα και χάρις σ’ όλους εκείνους που υπήρχαν ...
Many in Cyprus assume that there isn't another reserve in the Cypriot EEZ except for the Aphrodite reserve. Others believe that with the Zohr reserve, ...
Cyprus comes out enhanced with the new data from the Zohr oil reserve, as this is directly related to the Cypriot EEZ. In other words, Egypt does not ...
Κοίτα τα δέντρα δίχως τον άνεμο κοντά στη θάλασσα και στα κύματά της για ν’ ανακαλύψεις τον ουρανό και την ισχύ της που ατενίζει την πραγματικότητα ...
Τα δάκρυα της Jacqueline πάνω στο βιολοντσέλο δεν είναι μόνον μια έκφραση αλλά μία πραγματικότητα που μας μεταφέρει μέσω του χρόνου για ν’ ανακαλύψουμε ...
Si tu as prié au Mont des Oliviers tu donneras une valeur que tu n’avais même pas imaginé aux gestes que tu fais chaque fois que tu prends soin des olives ...
N’oubliez jamais que ce que nous faisons est l'œuvre nécessaire à l'Humanité et non les choses que vous entendez de la société de l’oubli et ...
Dans le pélican ne vois pas juste l'oiseau mais le symbole du sacrifice à cause de la nécessité et de la volonté qui mourrait par la suite sans actes car ...
Ce miracle comme l’appellent la plupart des gens tu sais bien sûr si tu es croyant que c’est simplement la suite du besoin qui nécessite le retour ...
- Не забудь... - Что я не должна забыть, сын мой? - Что это только начало. - Все это. - Да, все это только начало. - После стольких действий? - Дело ...
One of the most important elements of the discovery of the Zohr reserve, is that it is regarding natural gas which is biogenic, ie, mainly unmodified methane, ...
The preparation of the Egypt, Greece and Cyprus tripartite, determines a unified strategy in regards to our EEZ's, but also about the hydrocarbon extraction, ...
While they are presenting us the negotiations regarding the solving of the Cypriot issue as smooth, statements from the other side come to contradict this ...
Sur la porte des hommes avaient écrit ce qu’il ne fallait pas qu’ils s’oublient entre eux pour vivre unis dans les moments difficiles qu’amènerait ...
When irrelevance reaches a certain extend, only audacity can hide it. The pre election statements, literally drove away the foreign companies which were ...
Pour le retour de la suite nous sommes toujours liés ensemble sans liens parce que c’est nécessaire car autrement il n'y aurait pas l’après ...
The religious studies are icons, and those who are trying to eliminate them are iconoclasts and not solely unconstitutional. Because it's the Constitution ...
- Puisque je ne savais pas. - Peu importe. - Mais je voulais apprendre. - Mais tu ne savais pas quoi. - Non, cela n’est pas mal? - Non, parce que ...
Ce n’est pas une prière mais la mémoire de la bénédiction que nous vivons à cause du sacrifice pour l'humanité puisque nous sommes ensemble même ...
Écoute le son de l’hymne byzantin si tu ne peux voir la vérité de tes yeux parce qu’auparavant jamais personne ne t’a montré l'essence qui traverse ...
Although we've been opossing servility since 1821, it still exists in Greece and Cyprus, due to social reasons and because of the Stockholm syndrome. ...
We all within the European Union, realize that there should be an energean security, that there should be a reduction of the high dependency on Russia, ...
Il dodicesimo punto dei Quattordici Punti del Presidente Woodrow Wilson che ha preso il Premio Nobel della Pace nel 1919 per tutti i suoi impegni, è come ...
In Grecia, sono in molti che si impegnano con la questione dei Greci del Ponto, ma in sostanza dicono che sono interessati perché analizzano il problema ...
This period we talk about the action of the Kurds as a defensive battle field for the facts of Anatolia and it doesn't astonish anyone. While if we think ...
Whoever is situated at the Ministry of Education, genocide does not get "quotation marks". And all statements that are uninformed, either in regards to ...
Il bellissimo musicista che impressionava la società della sua epoca non lasciò nessuna traccia all’Umanità prima che diventasse il vecchio pittore ...
Avec les mains en croix il ne s’est jamais assis et pourtant ils les ont clouées seulement et seulement pour qu’il arrête l’oeuvre mais il la ...
Pour la liberté prends l'épée et s’il est trop tard parce que le plus est nécessaire pour la suite qui attend déjà depuis l’avenir ainsi toi ...
Tu ne sais pas ce que tu demandes mais cela n'a pas d'importance car de cette manière il existe des mots qui remplissent les feuilles de l’avenir sinon ...
Rather than continuing to be concerned about a pipeline, which in actual fact doesn't exist anymore, as per Russia's decision, and with another one, which ...
Al contrario de la creencia popular la cruz en la bandera no es la de la Orden sino la de Saint-Georges para la resistencia contra los Nazis; ...
Non dimenticare mai che quello che facciamo è l’opera che è necessaria per l’Umanità e non quello che sentite dalla società dell’oblio e se i ...
Per il ritorno della continuazione siamo uniti sempre insieme senza catene perché è necessario poiché altrimenti non ci sarà il dopo ed il prima ...
-Ma se non sapevo. -Non importa. -Ma volevo imparare. -Ma non sapevi che cosa. -No, non è una colpa? -No perché hai resistito. -Ho resistito per ...
- Je ne sais pas comment ils parlent ... Silence Mais pourquoi? Un temps Et maintenant? Un temps Je n’avais personne d'autre pour m’aider. Je ne te blâme ...
- I don't know how to speak ... Silence. But why? Time. . And now? Time. . I had no one else to help me. I don't blame you. How could I anyway. I ...
-Non so come parlano…Silenzio Eppure perché? Tempo E adesso? Tempo Non avevo nessun altro che mi potesse aiutare. Non ti accuso. Chi avrebbe potuto diversamente. ...
La voix de Marie ne s’est pas entendue dans le silence après la fin lorsque le cadavre a montré le corps avant de révéler la lumière et avec elle ...
La voce di Maria non si sentì dentro il silenzio dopo la fine quando l’organismo ha mostrato il corpo prima di scoprire la luce eppure insieme ...
Le vrai corps qui est né grâce à la Vierge qui a souffert sur la croix pour les hommes et a versé son sang c’est ce que nous voulons voir à ...
Il vero corpo che è nato grazie alla Madonna che ha sofferto sulla croce per gli uomini che ha versato il suo sangue questo vogliamo vedere nell’ora ...
- N’oublie pas ... - Qu'est-ce que je ne dois pas oublier, mon fils? - Que c’est juste le début. - Tout cela. - Oui tout cela n’est que le début. ...
- Mais cela est en plus ... - Si tu savais comme le plus est nécessaire... - Que veux-tu dire, mon fils. - Sans le plus il n’existe pas de dépassement. ...
Карамфилът който Богородица даде на Исус не беше само подготовка но и истината за бъдещето което знаеше за Епитафията преди Разпъването ...
The discovery of the field Zohr changes the Mediterranean chessboard because of its size, since it is super gigantic. It not only upgrades Egypt, but it ...
The discovery of the Zohr reserve, creates an allied context, which is enhancing on a practical basis, both Cyprus and Greece, due to the tripartite developments. ...
Libertà, Solitudine, Necessità, Resistenza, Pìetas, Altruismo, Amore, ma più di tutto Umanità.
In questo periodo parliamo molto dell’azione dei Curdi come campo di battaglia difensivo riguardo agli eventi in Oriente e non sorprende nessuno. Mentre ...
One day, while reading «Le Monde», I came upon an analysis of Roger-Pol Droit's book, and more precisely, on the title of his analysis: A Rimbaud metaphysical. ...
-Non dimenticare… -Cosa non devo dimenticare figlio mio? -Che è solo l’inizio. -Tutto questo. -Si tutto questo è solo l’inizio. -Dopo tanti atti? ...
- Laisse le bois, s'il te plaît. - Pourquoi Mère? - Je veux te parler ... - Dis-moi. - Je voulais te donner cet oeillet. - Merci, Mère. - C’est à ...
L'œillet, au Christ donné par la Vierge, n’était pas seulement la préparation mais la vérité de l’avenir qui connaît l'épitaphe avant la crucifixion ...
Свобода Уединение Нужда Съпротивление Човечност Алтруизъм Любов но преди всичко Човечество
While we are talking about negotiations in regards to the solving of the Cypriot issue, without waiting for the utilization of the natural gas reserves ...
Rares étaient les hommes qui n'avaient pas oublié après tant de siècles l'histoire du moine du rocher. La plupart ne savaient même pas qui il était et ...
La scoperta del giacimento Zohr cambia la scacchiera Mediterranea a causa della sua dimensione, poiché si tratta di un supergigante. L’Egitto non solo ...
For he’s a Jolly Good Fellow And so say all of us tu as commencé à écouter et tu as enfin pensé combien diachroniques pouvaient être des éléments ...
There exist strategic ideas which derive from the continuity of history and even if they seem radical for most, they are only innovative, because they ...
Dans la ville du rocher quand tu laisses la place tu peux te perdre dans les venelles entre les maisons pour entendre les cloches de l’église Saint-Nicolas ...
Qui a vu la porte du XVIe siècle sans ressentir son importance pour la défense sur le rocher est forcément passé après le chemin par l’ouverture ...
Thrace needs the same legendary Hammerer who acted in Poitiers in October 732. Otherwise without the analogy of Charles Martel, the efforts of the coherence ...
È incredibile se ci si pensa razionalmente quanto sia stato sfruttato il concetto di speranza tramite la menzogna, nel campo politico e specialmente per ...
We are definitely the country of Democracy and no one can steal this title from us, as it is one of the many achievements of Hellenism. This Democracy ...
The lies regarding "the wanted by the European Union Grexit" are finally over. From the beginning that the issue arose, we constantly wrote that there ...
The ordeals of the Greek people must come to an end. Enough with the unstable situation without perspectives. People in great numbers were deceived, ...
The Zohr reserve is responsible for Egypt's energean upgrading, since through its EEZ, it provides self-sufficiency in the hydrocarbons sector for her. ...
في إطار بحثنا في نظرية الأعداد، لقد برهنا باستعمال آلة حاسبة (Pierre Gazzano, Philippe Alsina, André Solaris) أن العدد الأولي τ(3312129-1) Lehmer-Ramanujan ...
在研究数论的过程中,多亏了Philippe Alsina, Pierre Gazzano 和 André Solaris的帮助,我们证明了Lehmer-Ramanujan 数τ (3312129-1)是29492位的质数。我们使用了椭圆曲线法和32核处理器计算机。这是我们发现的第十三个10000 位数以上的质数 ...
Остров не существует без моря человек не существует без Человечества по этой причине маленькие острова важны когда они вместе потому что тогда ...
When you don't obtain an energean plan, there is no need to formally announce it, because when specialists see it, they know how void it is. Of course, ...
В рамките на нашите изследвания за теорията на числата, открихме с помощта на изчислителните средства на Philippe Alsina, Pierre Gazzano и André Solaris ...
In the framework of our research in the number theory, we discovered with the computing assistance of Phillipe Alsina, Pierre Gazzano and André Solaris ...
Dentro del contexto de nuestra investigación en la teoría de números, hemos descubierto gracias a la ayuda computacional de Philippe Alsina, Pierre Gazzano ...
Dans le cadre de notre recherche en théorie des nombres, nous avons découvert grâce à l’aide calculatoire de Philippe Alsina, Pierre Gazzano et André Solaris ...
Nel contesto della nostra ricerca nella teoria dei numeri, abbiamo scoperto grazie all’aiuto computazionale di Philippe Alsina, Pierre Gazzano ed André ...
Some had the impression that once again we have to make a choice, that has nothing to do with all previous ones, and they assume that it's all in the context ...
The government is not created by gimmicks, especially when Greece must respond to serious national challenges and must obtain credibility and be also capable ...
When you don't want to have problems here, then you must solve them elsewhere. And if the problems derive from the migration, it's even more important ...
Non pregare il sole quando scende la notte perché vedrai solo la mezzaluna semplicemente ricordati delle stelle sono i soli della notte e non dimenticare ...
When your thought is preoccupied by a certain fact, or an interpretation, you must activate strategy to assist you, as only it, is capable to prepare ...
- Почему вы так настаиваете? - Потому что должно существовать. - Что? - Дело. - А если нас убьют? - Тогда мы умрем. - Но мы невиновны. - Нет, мы ...
Слушая дудук, невозможно не думать о истории армян и прошлом, что они пересекли, дабы показать всем нам, что человечество может победить даже ...
Мы выжили ради Человечества никого больше.
Свобода, не забудь Арцах там я умер.
Когда ты услышишь правду о прошлом ты поймешь как господствует социальная ложь в настоящем в то время как будущее основано только на сущности ...
Не проси солнце, когда наступает ночь ибо увидишь только полумесяц просто помни, что звезды - солнца ночи и не забывай, что они видят и в темноте, ...
Против извергов боремся на протяжении веков, потому что это - наша единственная роль и если мы умираем это для того, чтобы вернуться более могучими ...
Quando tutti sono interessati ai risultati e alle conseguenze senza analizzare minimamente gli elementi strutturali della causa, si crea un’ impressione ...
Un esempio ancora più sconvolgente riguardo all’incorporazione dell’assedio di Malta del 1565 nella storia dell’Ellenismo ci giunge dal popolo cipriota. ...
n Grecia, qualche innocente potrebbe chiedersi se il popolo si ricorda dell’assedio di Malta, cioè la terribile e coraggiosa resistenza dei Cavalieri ...
Маленький человек должен радоваться, когда он борется вместе с тобой, если ты хочешь иметь преемника в борьбе за признание геноцида, иначе ты ...
There's no brain which doesn't think mathematically, but simply the ones who realize it are rare. It is of course an issue of structure and plasticity, ...
In politics what remains unchanged is the value of change. All politicians are in favour of change, even if they don't know what that means in actual ...
An even more astonishing example regarding the integration of the 1565 siege of Malta in the Hellenic history, derives from the Cypriot nation. This traditional ...
In Greece, someone could innocently wonder if the Hellenic nation remembers the siege of Malta in 1565, ie, that tremendous and courageous resistance ...
When they are all dealing with the effects and consequences, without even considering what are the structural elements of the cause, then we get the wrong ...
Avec des tripes seulement et détermination nous pourrons pour tous préparer l’oeuvre qui doit avoir un sens pour le Temps et l'Humanité et si ...
Когда учитель говорил о человечестве ученики его видели другого человека, потому что даже они не могли увидеть то, на что смотрели, они не могли ...
Dal 2010 appena il prezzo del petrolio era cominciato a salire al di sopra del livello dei $80 al barile, ci eravamo ripetutamente raccomandati pubblicamente ...
Non c’è cervello che non pensi matematicamente semplicemente sono rari coloro che se ne rendono conto. È chiaramente una questione di struttura ma anche ...
Quando la tua mente è turbata da un evento o da un’ interpretazione, devi adoperare la strategia affinché ti aiuti, perché solo la strategia è capace di ...
Quando non vuoi che ci siano problemi qui, devi risolverli altrove. E se i problemi derivano da un trasporto degli stessi, è ancora più importante, che ...
When objective values are not even existent within a political sector, how can you expect some development regarding the co implementation of a policy. ...
A l’étage byzantin tu peux retourner dans ton passé pour voir l'avenir d’une autre manière sans crainte puisque tu connais la suite et la réalité ...
Ne dis grand-chose il te suffit de soulever ton épée sans crainte parce que tu sais comment te conduire et que tu connais la nécessité pour la ...
Depuis le début tu as choisi sérieusement tes mouvements car il ne faut jamais en faire un sans être sûr de son choix surtout que toi tu l'as ...
Почему ты не ставишь свой щит перед собой и защищаешь тех, у кого его нет? Существует причина или это вопрос необходимости для тебя? Ты не отвечаешь? ...
La crédibilité de l'homme ne provient pas des paroles mais de ses actions alors quand il t’explique qu’il veut la libération de sa patrie tu sais ...
Now, as much as some want to degrade the EEZ issue, they have an objective problem with the location of the reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean: Tamar ...
The large hydrocarbon licensing round re: the 20 maritime plots, is a good criterion to evaluate the irrelevance of some, who were acting out to be the ...
With the new data in the hydrocarbons sector, the Cypriot EEZ is obtaining greater importance as a geopolitical tool, and of course it comes to disarm ...
With the Zohr reserve, because of its size and due to its proximity to the Cypriot EEZ, many factors are now forced to appear, giving the impresion that ...
Before we introduce the European strategies we ought to speak for the use of plural, not of course in the context of the word strategy, within this scope ...
Никто не знал о ранах ромиосини. Никто не смотрел на зубы солнца. Никто не читал морские волны. Потому что никто не остался.
Non guardare il Tempo solo linearmente la sua policiclicità è più semplice prendi le stringhe lega i nodi crea relazioni e vedrai anche la policiclicità ...
Esercito senza sogni ha resistito ai barbari che non si aspettavano tale trattamento da un popolo sopra una pietra eppure quella era sacra per ...
Gli angeli della battaglia avevano volato come falchi fecero rotta su altre ramificazioni per arrivare in tempo. La lezione della bambina era appena ...
The introduction of a small committee which investigates the cases of missing in action in Greece is a response to the anti-occupational action of Turkey. ...
Он думал, что все любили его. Все уделяли ему внимание, особенно девочки. Они шутили с ним и он улыбался. Тогда все смеялись. И он чувствовал себя ...
Chaque temple qui est détruit n’est pas seulement preuve d’inaction mais aussu de lâcheté puisque tous partent sans protéger les monuments de ...
While Greece is trying to stand on its feet, after all we've lived and live through in recent months, analysts are finally beginning to talk about the ...
Как полюбить миллионы мертвых? Как запомнить их имена? Как оплакивать миллионы трагедий? Как забыть их жизнь? Когда ты только один человек. ...
Fuori dalla porta si sentì uno strano rumore. Era il cavallo fuori dalla scacchiera. Aveva fatto una mossa forse anche una super-mossa assomigliava ...
Three years ago Egypt held a global tender for two very significant offshore blocks, the block 9 of 3.765 km2 in length, which is tangent to the blocks ...
Непрестанно группа работает ради дела, потому что знает, что это необходимо для людей, что ждут помощи, потому что повозки продолжают вязнуть ...
At the Egypt-Greece-Cyprus tripartite, they don't merely play diplomatic games, as most assume. On the contrary, through the context of the three countries ...
Когда ты думаешь что ты сделал всё посмотри вокруг себя чтобы увидеть если кто-то продолжает дело чтобы помочь ему продолжить поскольку есть ...
Tu marches au-dessus des tombes et tu vois les couleurs gravées avec les marbres qui luisent au plus noir de l'obscurité car ils se sont battus avec ...
Por muy imponente que sea, un castillo no puede estar solo, de lo contrario, constituye por naturaleza un blanco estratégico. Por lo tanto debe organizarse ...
When tomorrow touched yesterday the monster met the human who paid attention to everything for all the others and who never forgets even on the last day ...
Il millefoglie aveva la sua storia, non era una pianta fortuita. L’aveva associata con la moltitudine delle foglie della quercia. Ogni annata un anno. ...
Penche toi sur les murs pour sentir la caresse de la pierre qui ressemble au baiser de la Vierge quand elle embrasse doucement avant de garder l’oeillet ...
Aux échecs le roi n’a pas de turban mais une couronne avec une croix et si tu ne peux pas y faire attention ne parle pas de stratégie puisque ...
The battle's angels had flown like hawks they grabbed other branching*so that they catch up. The lesson of the young girl had just started. They all ...
For five years on, we've been systematically trying to convince our politicians, across the whole political spectrum, so that they also know what is actually ...
There are some, who due to their servility, want Cyprus to be incompetent to obtain strong geopolitics, so as to always remain at the mercy of others. ...
Lorsque le chevalier de la langue italienne alluma le signal sur les murailles tous comprirent que le petit château était tombé et si les barbares ...
All those who have tried for so long to reduce the total value of the Cypriot marine plots, in order to give exclusive priority to the Aphrodite reserve, ...
The discovery of the hyper gigantic reserve Zohr, is proof that the tripartite of Egypt, Greece and Cyprus, is not merely a political ploy, since it's ...
La quercia aveva mille foglie come il libro. La bambina si alzò e sfiorò il blasone. Era caldo come se lo avesse riscaldato un corpo umano. Ma com’ ...
Sans hirondelles était l’île elle n’avait besoin que de deux faucons par an et rien d'autre pour garder la croix blanche là où personne avant n’avait ...
In Albania, the barbaric destruction of the church of Aghios Athanasios did not occur randomly and it reminds us of other eras, when such actions were ...
The Minos reserve which is located on marine plot 14 of the Greek EEZ, must be as a target filled with natural gas, because it's basically sitting on the ...
Au château du Temps nous avons réalisé que la vérité était différente car nous avons découvert une ville fortifiée une humanité poliorcétique une civilisation ...
Le château de la mémoire portait des blessures de pierre que seuls voyaient les combattants puisque les autres ne savaient même pas qu’ils étaient ...
For Humanity we come to live again from the beginning polycyclicity of our Time after perfection because we see the need of evolution and we don’t ...
The strings of the team by the Master's knitting become superstrings so that they endure the transformation of the superteam to be able to take on the ...
- Why here? - Because here it should've. - But there is nobody here. - Then there were. - When? - Up until 1537. - And what happened then? - Barbarism ...
When you fucked up the Great Eunuch of Grandeur, nobody believed it as it was so inconceivable and yet you managed near Cephalonia to blow up the ...
Outside the door there was a strange sound. It was the knight on the chessboard. It had made a move maybe even a hypermove it looked like an angel, ...
We must all unite and make an effort to highlight the mineral wealth of the Greek EEZ, which is for granted and it provides ample opportunities for economic ...
Sopra il camino, sotto le lettere, un blasone. Vicino al camino una bambina impara le lettere. Ha aperto un grande libro. Poiché è pesante è sul pavimento ...
The official presentation (without secrecy anymore) of the Norwegian company PGS, regarding the seismic data of Southern Crete, couldn't be clearer about ...
In the past, public opinion considered that the multinational petroleum giants, were as we all knew them, the 7 sisters, which became 6 later on, following ...
La barbarie cercava di tenere il tutto sotto il suo controllo. Però quel giogo era inaccettabile. Così quando incominciò la guerra con l’Austria nel ...
With Malta's storm Mathurin Romegas the Aux de Lascout came into contact with the port because the typhoon hit 600 people and four of St John's ships ...
The target-reserve Minos, which is located within the marine plot 14 of the Greek EEZ, is a tangible example regarding the value of the reserves south ...
The thousandleaf had a history, it wasn't only a random plant. He combined it with the number of the leaves of the oak tree. Every year and an annum. ...
The oak tree had a thousand leaves like the book. The young girl stood up and touched the coat of arms. It was warm as if a human body had heated it. ...
Above the fireplace, below the letters, a coat of arms. Beside the fireplace a young girl is learning the letters. She has opened a large book. Because ...
When you hear a Cypriot to try to explain quite simply although he is a refugee that it doen't bother him for turkish to be a compulsory language ...
In June 2013, PGS presented for the first time in London, the initial results of the underwater seismic surveys of the Ionian Sea and those south of Crete ...
Ever since 2010, and as soon as the price of oil began its upswing, reaching the above $80 per barrel level, we had repeatedly and publicly urged the Greek ...
We had heard a lot by international experts about the departure of Total, and eventually nothing happened, as it remains as planned at marine plots 10 ...
Just before his airplane landed it flew over the human mountains. They were the library of nature. Those which gave life to the lake due to its bond ...
L’approccio classico dell’assedio di Candia (1648 – 1669) si avvale del concetto di battaglia soltanto che trova una difficoltà a causa della lunga durata ...
Le negoziazioni erano necessarie, specialmente quelle segrete. Ma gli assediati non avevano dimenticato Famagosta. Ogni mossa era un atto. Allora cominciò ...
Il Re Sole venne invitato ad intervenire discretamente. Doppio schema mentale. Quarantadue navi. Seimila uomini. In due fasi. Una regale! Una religiosa! ...
We had previously stated that the reserves of the Greek EEZ , which are to be located in the Ionian Sea, include almost exclusively limestone deposits ...
He was flying again above the lake of Voltaire. Enclaved blue inside the land. But at its edge all human activity since it was source of life. Round ...
His airplane was ready. The window was open. As if it were from the other side of the same reality. The airport was familiar. All these years it had ...
La primavera del 1667 ebbe terribili conseguenze. Non c’era ancora il Vecchio. Ed il Peloponneso era in sostanza occupato. La nostra gente non poteva ...
Venezia chiese aiuto agli altri paesi europei. Sapeva che senza altro sostegno non avrebbe resistito a lungo perché le forze della barbarie erano innumerabili. ...
L’assedio cominciò a Maggio del 1648. Precedettero molte vicissitudini. La barbarie dava l’impressione che nessuno potesse fermarla. L’epoca della grande ...
In passato avevamo puntualizzato che i giacimenti della Z.E.E. greca nel Mare Ionio che fossero stati localizzati avrebbero incluso quasi esclusivamente ...
The link theory shows in practice with its mental schemata that we are together even from afar because of liberation while the links of the chain ...
Incessantly the team works for the work because it knows that it is necessary for the humans that wait for a help because carriages continue ...
The klepht knew that the Revolution wouldn't be easy. When it started in 1821 no one believed in it. And yet after months our own changed. Morea with ...
The struggle had to be given outside the church also. He thought of that and the smile came to his lips. The fortress of Didymoteicho was a point of ...
Oggi non è soltantanto il giorno dell’Assunta, con il semplice e tradizionale concetto della nostra fede. La differenza proviene dal fatto che molti credono, ...
La resistenza di Malta nel 1565 non è aneddotica, ma d’esempio, perché deriva dall’alta strategia di una piccola isola, il che significa che esiste. E ...
One year later, the barbarians captured also the Monastery of Cross Source. It had been built in 1083. But in1362, it didn't withstand the barbaric attack. ...
A Malta 450 anni fà ebbe luogo un fatto eroico che venne interpretato come un miracolo in tutta Europa, poiché 700 cavalieri e 5.000 Maltesi riuscirono ...
Many commented on the most ancient traditional song, The plunder of Andrianoupolis, without knowing with certainty the reality. And yet inside the temple ...
Per quanto sia imponente un castello non può esserlo da solo, altrimenti costituisce per natura un bersaglio strategico. Deve essere dunque organizzato ...
Мы читаем мертвых и пишем для неродившихся. Мы не выбирали нашу эпоху ни наше общество. Они не были нашими. Мы выбираем людей прошлого и будущего ...
La resistenza cominciò dalla chiesa fra le pietre. C’erano le epigrafi che nessuno più leggeva. Eppure mise le sue mani sulle lettere bizantine perché ...
Учитель Праведности не имел только знания а также дар речи притчи который позволял ему преобразовать толпу в народ, который хочет жить свободно ...
Социальная несправедливость - не просто невинна и чиста, как думают большинство, она еще и красива, поэтому и убивает тебя.
One of the problems that we encounter in the studies of Genocide is the positions of history and the historians. And the reason is simple. History starts ...
Учитель говорил но кто его слышал кроме молчания Человечества. И ты, кто не обращал внимания теперь у тебя угрызения совести потому что он замолчал ...
В Лионе в 1274 состоялся второй вселенский собор который продолжил дело первого 1245 относительно освобождения Святых Земель и даже сейчас там, ...
ENI continues her drilling program as normal. Having made two drillings in the marine plot of the Cypriot EEZ at the Onasagoras and Amathusa reserves, ...
With the catastrophe theory, R. Thom managed to classify the catastrophes according to the number of input parameters, the number of unknown output parameters, ...
Occupazione turca a Creta 1669-1913 o 267 anni, 7 mesi e 7 giorni di agonia. Allora però questo era il futuro. Nel 1895 erano cominciati i primi atti ...
L’isola era segreta per quanti non conoscevano il mito e l’opera. Chi parlerebbe dell’invisibile se non lo vive? E se non avrai uno shock mentale, come ...
While for so long they've been trying to tell us that everything is just right, as far as the negotiations are concerned, we discover that, once the slightest ...
Ученики слушали слова учителя и плакали с жертвами ибо теперь они видели их как они обнимали его нежно дабы дать ему силу чтобы он мог бороться с ...
L’ENI continua regolarmente il programma dei suoi pozzi. Dal momento che ha perforato due pozzi nel blocco in mare aperto della Z.E.E. cipriota nei giacimenti ...
Following the first round of concession, namely the hydrocarbons small lisencing round, airborne gravity gradiometry will begin, within the Energean Oil ...
Methane belongs to the family of alkanes, which follows the following equation: CnH2n+2. To the same family also belong the ethane, the propane and the ...
La gioia di Cristo è quella di consegnarsi agli uomini in maniera semplice senza paure, senza riservatezze senza attendere nulla in cambio senza remunerazione ...
Dalla gioia al dopo gioia c’è una grande strada e questo percorso diventa comprensibile solo e soltanto quando il fine della tua opera è generare gioia ...
Quando vediamo un atto di barbarie all’inizio non possiamo crederci eppure quando sai quali sono le relazioni dei due stati e come sono nominati i secondi ...
La combinazione dei cerchi non è un cerchio ma un rapporto. E se non puoi vederlo prendi tre cerchi per trovare il primo rapporto. Così scoprirai il ...
Quando conosci la verità sulla condanna di Prometeo come vuoi credere allo Stato e alla Violenza come puoi accettare il monopolio della violenza e ...
Violenza: E adesso che cosa hai da dire che ti abbiamo inchiodato alla roccia? Stato: Te l’ho detto non parlerà. Violenza: Taciturno anche adesso? Stato: ...
The development that the Greek zeolite is capable in bringing to Thrace, but also more widely to Greece are substancial, and that must be made known to ...
Деревянный стол был высок… И ты не верила своему сыну. Так я присел без стула, чтобы показать тебе правду… Тогда ты сделала, как Фома и попыталась увидеть ...
Виноват я, только я, что продолжаю любить тебя, Человечество будто была мистическая причина поэтому не сожалей о кресте. Я не ожидал ничего другого ...
Тысячу лет назад мы были уже здесь чтобы написать необходимую историю поскольку существовала большая потребность и поэтому сейчас мы снова в тех ...
The new Antigone continues impetuously her role, for 2500 years now, to show to all systems, to all ideologies , that the substance is value and not principles. ...
We have repeatedly stated, that the Greek EEZ contains the largest reserves of methane hydrates in Europe and of course the European Union. And while ...
Everyone has heard about the reserve Aphrodite at marine plot 12, and especially this year, re: the evidence of its marketability, only that many have ...
Tutti hanno sentito parlare del giacimento Afrodite nel blocco in mare aperto 13 e soprattutto quest’anno per la dimostrazione della commercializzazione ...
Violenza: Perché non parli? Stato: Non ha senso per lui … Violenza: Eppure dava consigli … Stato: Non a noi! Lo Stato e la Violenza. Violenza: Non ...
Violenza : Quando eseguiremo la sentenza? Stato: Oggi Violenza : Hai portato le catene? Stato: Ho portato anche i chiodi. Violenza : Per questo ci ...
South of Crete there are strategic hydrocarbon reserves, which are at least ten times larger than those found in the Ionian Sea. In order for this utilization ...
Quando calcoliamo l’insieme delle riserve strategiche di Cipro con i 13 blocchi in mare aperto, sappiamo che possiamo facilmente incentivare la costruzione ...
We began with three genocides and one strategy to show to all that the victims had the same perpetrator and while they appeared three had the same cause ...
If you are pro the future of Greece, you have no need to hear everything that has been said, because after a few years, we will no longer make any reference ...
We are not pro nihilism and we forget nothing. Our memory has recorded all that has been said by many, without them ever implementing a single thing. ...
After all we went through, due to improper managment, problematic assessments, theory confusion,and dogmatism, some still insist, in order to save the ...
The Suez Canal has always been a geostrategic point from 1869, and now with the new opening, it acquires new dual direction. In this sense it's a great ...
That which Antigone says when we bury the dead is that hate it is not allowed. While that which the arbitrary element of the law will say is: he is endearing, ...
Per tutto questo tempo ci spiegano gli specialisti e gli esperti che le cose non vanno avanti e che ci sono problemi strutturali ed istituzionali che non ...
Quanti dialogano esclusivamente sui temi storio-economici, non possono comprendere che priorità per la nostra patria è la civiltà e l’anello di congiunzione ...
Poiché per tanti anni il nichilismo cerca di annullare il tutto dicendo che l’Impero Ottomano aveva un regime liberale, che non c’era la resistenza da ...
Non c’è bisogno di fare viaggi lontani se non puoi viaggiare nel Tempo perché rimani nel complesso sociale senza margine di liberazione dai tuoi legami ...
Il tavolo di legno era alto… E non credevi a tuo figlio. Così mi son seduto senza sedia per mostrarti la verità… Allora come Tommaso hai cercato di ...
Io ho colpa soltanto io perché continuo ad amarti, Umanità come se ci fosse una causa mistica per questo non dispiacerti per la croce. Non mi attendevo ...
Dopo il primo ciclo non arriva il secondo. Nulla arriva se non lotti come sciacallo, e non lavori come un cane Solo che non lo sai e speri che fosse ...
Ancora una manciata di luce ho preso per te. Affinché tu veda al di là della notte in cui vivi da tanti anni. Eppure mi accusi perché non credi nell’invisibile. ...
Impetuously we continue wherever we are because even in the summer as being Just for centuries due to necessity for the humans don't forget it ...
If it's at all possible for them to ask of us to change the law, re: the appointment of hospital administration personnel, in order for the independent ...
The strategic Cyprus sees clearly, that its context is the European Union, and its field the Exclusive Economic Zone. The action field is the energy ...
Anche quando sono caduto sul sentiero eri qui e mi hai sollevato. Mi gettavo nelle tue braccia che divennero bacio e gioia così nacque anche il dopo ...
Даже когда я пишу, ты можешь меня прерывать. Разве не так поступило и Человечество с Библией ... Так, мы должны продолжить традицию после инновации. ...
Quintessenza umana hai afferrato con la terna quando l’amo moltiplicò i pesci e si rovesciò il vino come l’azzurro dell’infinito senza pregiudizi ...
Inizio deciso che non conta nessun prezzo vedi nell’attacco che è stato preparato giustamente dalla didattica che ripudia il tono miserabile perché ...
Quando stilla la sostanza dentro di te con passione continui la battaglia fino alla fine poiché si deve vedere la ramificazione che ricerca tramite ...
La nuova Antigone continua incessantemente il suo ruolo, da 2500 anni, per mostrare a tutti i sistemi, a tutte le ideologie, che l’essenza è nei valori ...
While we're fighting pro the Greek EEZ, it is good to also see programs taking place within the Greek sovereignty, as they can give us examples for action ...
In Grecia abbiamo un olio d’oliva che è fra i più riconosciuti al mondo. Adesso cominciamo ad avere per la prima volta nella nostra storia anche le zeoliti ...
So learn that before the reconquista began each one had as an enemy the other while with this the vision for one nation they united to fight ...
When you think that you have done everything look around you to see if someone continues the work so that you help continue it since there is ...
La cartina delle isole non si disegna con le linee sterili ma con l’anima dell’azzurro infinito che non dimentica nessuna pietra umana che ha scalfito ...
Incessantemente il gruppo lavora per l’opera perché sa che è necessario per gli uomini che attendono un’aiuto perché i carri continuano ad ...
It is not enough that Cyprus has introduced her EEZ, has made three demarcations with Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, has signed up contracts with the Nobel-Avner-Delek ...
As long as the negotiations remain at a community level, in the best of cases solutions will be found in deviation to the community problems, ie in details ...
Impara dunque che prima che cominciasse la riconquista ognuno era nemico dell’altro mentre con questa visione di un unica nazione si sono uniti ...
Quando credi che hai fatto di tutto guarda intorno a te per vedere se qualcuno continua l’opera per aiutarlo a continuarla poiché c’è un vero ...
Non solo Cipro ha istituito la sua Z.E.E., ha fatto anche tre delimitazioni con l’Egitto, il Libano, e Israele, ha firmato contratti con la società trilaterale ...
Pian piano il popolo greco vede quanto sia degenerato il quadro politico, quanto sia grande la propaganda politica, ed infine quanto siano pochi i politici ...
How much intelligence does one require in order to understand that in a financial crisis, all solutions can't be found at the Ministry of Economy, since ...
Non c’è giustificazione per Skouriès. Qualunque cosa si dica, quali che siano le promesse da tutte le parti, è inaccettabile che continuino ancora i lavori. ...
La Z.E.E. greca e le zeoliti greche sono strumenti di alta strategia e soluzioni costruttive, per aiutare realmente la nostra patria. Di conseguenza, sono ...
Sentiamo dire molte cose sul percorso delle trattative ma sono pochissime le reazioni, perché in sostanza non hanno ancora sfiorato questioni importanti. ...
If we contemplate what it means at this period for Greece to be the European champion through the win of the National Junior Basketball Team, we will understand ...
Here they all constantly speak about the difficulties that the Greek nation is going through, but what is all this, compared to the pain of non consummation? ...
When everyone is trying to present the negotiations positively, for which by the way, we have no concrete information, they always forget to consider what ...
Quando toccavamo le nostre ginocchia erano per sollevare coloro che avrebbero visto la stella al di là dei confini quando avrebbero visto che non ...
Dal momento che c’è una vera intenzione nelle trattative, perché non si rende chiaro sin dall’inizio che si applicherà il diritto comunitario acquisito ...
Non negoziamo la Grecia continuiamo la lotta senza fobie perché sappiamo che il futuro è cominciato e non riuscirà a fermarlo nessuno poiché ...
As strange as it may sound to the invader, and despite all his efforts, in vain, to change the data, the Turkish Cypriots do have a country already, and ...
Prendi il marmo e pensa quanto è diverso dalla scultura per questo smetti di confonderlo quando rivendichiamo che le nostre sculture siano restituite ...
When in regards to the Cypriot issue we hear a lot, but quite a lot of diplomatic words, we must be cautious, because when you're really righteous, you ...
Cyprus is not only a small country, as most of our own, but even some of our enemies think. Cyprus may have problems, but has also fighters and heroes, ...
Perhaps men of genius are the only true men. In all the history of the race there have been only a few thousand real men. And the rest of us--what are ...
Perhaps men of genius are the only true men. In all the history of the race there have been only a few thousand real men. And the rest of us--what are ...
Molti parlano dell’opera, ma sono in pochi a produrre un’opera che sia stimata e che abbia importanza per l’evoluzione dell’Umanità. Certo la vetta sembra ...
Quando analizziamo con precisione il ruolo delle Isole Diapontie, vediamo che il contributo di Othoni è enorme. Non è dunque un particolare né per Corfù ...
Se Cipro è viva è dovuto esclusivamente al fatto che è un’isola medimarittima poiché il fossato del castello è il mare che costituisce lo scudo ...
Prima di partire, prima di morire, volevo dirti una piccola cosa, un'ultima cosa, non una gran cosa. È la storia di un paese che non conosce la terra. ...
La gioia della fatica è così forte che non la devi dimenticare per ricordarti quando c’è bisogno che dopo l’impresa arriva anche la post-gioia ...
If we want to prepare the energean future of Crete strategically, we must comprehend as from now, that we need seismic measurements South of Crete, not ...
Promptness is better than anticipation. Because the first is active and the second is passive. It is therefore good to remind yourself some points which ...
«Quante più lingue conosci, tanto più umano sei » dice un proverbio cecoslovacco. Siamo d’accordo e lo sosteniamo, perché è di esperienza diretta. Ma ...
Sempre libero rimarrai quando lotti per la giustizia e per gli innocenti che non hanno nessuna protezione senza la spada che hai in mano come ...
Всегда свободный ты останешься, когда будешь бороться за справедливость и невинных, которые не имеют никакой защиты без шпаги, что ты держишь ...
Se non puoi vedere il colore dell’invisibile, se non puoi scoprire il colore del camaleonte quando non sei in un certo ambiente, se non puoi percepire ...
There’s no one tessera that is sacred on its own. And as many as you may place, if they don’t have a structure, if they don’t lift with their existence ...
Non c’è tessera che sia sacra da sola. Per quante tu ne metta, se non hanno qualche struttura se non sostengono con la loro struttura qualche immagine, ...
The issue of natural gas and electrical energy come even more intensely to the fore. So while everyone turns exclusively to the political and economic ...
Those who are trying to frighten us with various statements which are declaring their own despair, they have forgotten that we are pro Hellenism and pro ...
As things have evolved, both within and out of Parliament, we must realize that it is necessary to have an effective national negotiating team. We are ...
Когда мы вновь слышим после стольких лет, после стольких репетиций голос Камю мы, наконец, понимаем почему эти жертвы были так важны, ибо учитель ...
Quando per secoli hanno cercato di recidere la lingua letteralmente ed in senso metaforico, a causa del regime barbarico, non puoi da solo rinunciare al ...
Quando uguagli i diritti di proprietà con quelli di usucapione, quando uguagli i diritti del rifugiato con quelli del colonizzatore, non fai soltanto un ...
It would have been wise, for our own journalists, when referring to statements made by Albania in regards to the Greek EEZ, to be accurate when there is ...
Старик, как Время и всегда будет с нами настоящая проблема в том, кто будет с ними? Те, кто боятся даже своей тени? Те, кто не хотят быть ранимыми? ...
When we still hear people trying to justify their present opinion, whereas before they had promised to stop the chemical extraction of gold at Skouries, ...
L’austerità sembra inevitabile dagli uni e ugualmente la catastrofe dagli altri. L’austerità è un senso unico se non fai null’altro all’infuori della ...
Ora che la Grecia affronta grandi difficoltà, nessuno ha il diritto di abbandonare la battaglia. E quanti vogliono essere chiari, hanno dimenticato cosa ...
Messa in chiaro strategica deve essere fatta sin dall’inizio, per non avere ancora questo paesaggio vago che dà l’impressione che abbiamo molte scelte ...
Domande strategiche dobbiamo porre non su un piano di partito, ma nazionale. È la Grecia che deve avere alta strategia. Adesso che vediamo che anche a ...
While Russia itself has overcome after radical changes, that are in essence the reset of a previous approach of the world, in relation to the soviet period, ...
There are many that believe that there is no deceit and that actually the dominant element is innocence. We must realize though that innocence too has ...
Если ты не полюбишь уродство, ты никогда не сможешь любить жертв потому что, когда они умирают они не выбирают позу они просто подверглись пыткам ...
L’affidabilità di un Governo comincia dall’inizio. Non puoi dunque dichiarare il contrario, supponendo che tutti lo abbiano dimenticato. Perché sempre ...
Когда на шахматной доске ты видишь одновременно топостратегию и одновременно Хроностратегию тогда знай, что ты находишься в рамках Хроностратегии, ...
С твоими ласковыми глазами я думаю о других и стараюсь следить практическим советам, которые ты хочешь дать мне, чтобы и я был похож на человека ...
И закрытыми глазами ты видишь свет излучаемый учителем, чтобы не потерять путь по которому следуешь столько лет в поисках совершенства чтобы, ...
Ты не даешь то, что у тебя есть, когда ты действительно любишь, ибо это легко потому что ты можешь купить это самое существенное - дать то, что ...
Quando analizziamo l’Eurobarometro 2015, quanto sono negativi gli Europei riguardo all’Unione Europea, non vediamo solo che la Grecia e Cipro accupano ...
Con tutto quello che sentiamo da diversi specialisti che ascoltano solo ciò che dicono, alcuni fra noi perdono la bussola. Così è bene ricordare la dimensione ...
There is no need for you to say that you love our islands and then not go there. Especially when they are of the borders, there is no need to speak about ...
Non è necessario dire che ami le isole e non ci vai. Specialmente quando sono isole di confine, non è necessario che parli delle linee sterili. Solamente ...
Who wants 70% devaluation? This is the practical and serious question. Because when there is skilful populism, the only way to inform the nation, is to ...
Chi vuole la svalutazione del 70%? Questa è una domanda seria e pratica. Perché quando c’è un laicismo a regola d’arte, il solo modo per informare il popolo ...
Quando dici da solo che l’uscita dall’eurozona non è di per se una soluzione ai problemi della Grecia, perché vuoi attuarla, soltanto per giustificarti ...
With the two trilaterals: Egypt – Greece-Cyprus and Greece and Greece-Israel-Cyprus, we follow one strategy. It is that of the EEZ. We can make three demarcations ...
Don't say that you are concerned about the children when you care only for the employees, because they are voters. Don't say you love elderly, when they ...
When we speak of the beauty of our islands, we have the tendency to consider that it is normal and we must wait for a European contest to discover their ...
Molti fra noi, credono che dobbiamo convincere gli altri che la Z.E.E. greca ha delle quantità enormi di idrocarburi. La cosa interessante è che ci sono ...
Lignite is not a prospect with the problems it produces. It doesn't by no means respect the environment and or the people. It belongs to the past of ...
When you are ideologically opposed to privatizations, how can you sell DESFA to Azerbaijani SOCAR; When the privatization of The Independent Power Transmission ...
Se pensiamo che il primo stadio della teoria dei giochi di von Neumann e Morgenstern, sono giochi a somma zero, allora possiamo interpretare la teoria ...
Così come sono andate le cose, tanto all’interno del Parlamento quanto al di fuori, dobbiamo renderci conto che è necessario avere un gruppo nazionale ...
Non dire che sei interessato ai bambini quando guardi solo gli operai, perché sono elettori. Non dire che vuoi bene ai vecchi, quando li costringi a rimanere ...
When you don't know how to play chess, or checkers, or hex, nor go, how do you want to convince us that you have the basic knowledge of strategy, and how ...
Quando non sai giocare a scacchi, neppure a dama, neppure a hex, e neppure a go, come pretendi di convincerci che hai le nozioni basilari della strategia ...
For those who haven't understood yet, the decision theory which functions only with one player is not a game theory, the negotiations are not occurring ...
Per quanti non hanno ancora capito la teoria delle decisioni nella quale agisce solo un giocatore non è la teoria dei giochi, le trattative non avvengono ...
Quando parliamo della bellezza delle nostre isole, siamo propensi a credere che sia una cosa naturale e deve esserci un concorso europeo, per scoprire ...
There is no solution of the Cypriot question without the EEZ. And what we mean by this scheme is simple. Cyprus has established the EEZ in 2004 and has ...
We need fighters for our homeland, not people who say they will, but in the end they remain overwhelmed by their everydayness, because they have to fill ...
When you're fighting for your honour, for your future and your homeland, the obstacles and the difficulties don't scare you, because you know that your ...
During the negotiations we've seen many movements but very few actions. Now we have fewer moves in order to make numerous acts. And as it's the actions ...
What's of importance right now, is not the alternative tactics and the past scenario analyses, in order to justify our presence in the political processes, ...
Кто придавал значение свечам, когда они не горели? Никто! Только, когда они умерли перед нами, мы смотрели на них с восхищением. Но кто знает, ...
Quand tu te bats pour ton honneur, ton avenir et ton pays, tu ne crains pas les obstacles ni les difficultés, parce que tu sais que ta lutte est juste ...
Nell’ora in cui parlano di sviluppi nelle trattative per la soluzione del problema cipriota, non dobbiamo dimenticare il ruolo della Turchia nell’invasione. ...
Everything changed suddenly. The endless blue even wounded arrived. The nation saw the first glimmers of light. It was no longer a radical movement ...
The fact that Greece belongs to the European Union and the Eurozone seemed to be common knowledge, but eventually many only recently learned about it through ...
Tu peux trouver le câprier de Santorin grâce à l'hellénisme et au-delà des frontières conventionnelles comme si le volcan touchait avec la lave ...
In Greece, because we're not used to speak with the due seriousness in regards to the issue of energy, especially when it concerns hydrocarbons, we can ...
With strategy, and especially when it's at a national level, we don't fool around and never with a whole nation at that, because the decisions have enormous ...
During a phase of crisis, when we are considering the problems with economy's glance exclusively, of course we count on the Ministry of Economy and the ...
Since 2012, we the undersigned had introduced to the highest possible political level, for the Greek state to invite to tender a large number of sea blocks ...
Following Kastellorizo, Gavdos, Ereikousa, Agathonisi, come Othonoi, for the continuity, as a new mission. The selection is in consequence of, the tradition ...
L’opera del Patriarcato nelle zone occupate forse non è esplicita a tutti ma è importante poiché permette di conservare la fede cristiana in zone ove non ...
When you give to a child one balloon and you fear that he will accidentally lose it because a move can become act then you are thinking differently ...
In order to better comprehend what it means to have a process which leads to a consortium of the type: Greek Petroleum - Edison - Total, so as to investigate ...
Con la crisi, l’economia sembra una soluzione. Con una grande crisi, sembra una scelta. Con una crisi ancora più grande, si presenta come un errore. Allora ...
Aciu tau ne del to kad atejai bet labiausiai del to kad nemirei ir tu tesei musu sunkumus mirciai ir negimusiems ir as aves laukiu kito Hagijoj ...
Il blocco in mare aperto numero 2 che rivendica la società Hellenic Petroleum – Edison –Total, può costituire la punta della lancia per la ricerca e l’estrazione ...
Con tutto quello che abbiamo visto in questo periodo, siamo obbligati a porre l’accento su una caratteristica quella della affidabilità anche se può sembrare ...
The hydrocarbon drillings of the Eastern Mediterranean, indicate by their mere existence alone, the interest involving them, and indeed on a global level. ...
It appears from unofficial sources that presently we have a triple consortium interested for the marine plots of the Greek EEZ. This consortium consists ...
In the difficult situations that we are going through, after a two month prolongation of the large licensing round re: the 20 marine plots in the Greek ...
The Time issue plays an enormous role in these negotiations, and every day that passes, brings us closer and closer to the context of Greece's large Licensing ...
The East Med pipeline which will cross the Eastern Mediterranean, has not only been included in the Projects of Common Interest of the European Committee, ...
Dopo una maratona di trattative, ove tutti gli Europei cercavano di trovare un quadro comune per un insieme di azioni uniche che determinassero una miscela ...
Il professionismo della Grande Gara per i venti blocchi in mare aperto della Z.E.E. Greca aveva avuto un riscontro positivo negli stati-membri dell’Unione ...
Il tema del Tempo gioca un ruolo immenso in queste trattative e ogni giorno che passa ci porta sempre più vicini al tema della Grande Gara della Grecia ...
The professionalism of the large Licensing round regarding the twenty marine plots of the Greek EEZ had very positively impressed the EU member states ...
An old man walks silently at the edge of the lake holding a girl in one hand and his cane in the other. Ioannis: We are waiting here. Hypatia: Why here? ...
Sotiris: We were here. Theano: When? Sotiris: Before he died. Theano: For the first time? Sotiris: I don't know. I don't remember. Or rather I never ...
Venti lotti di ellenismo sono già pronti ad aiutare la nostra patria e tu ti chiedi cosa farai mentre devi trasmettere ad ognuno della nostra ...
Non guardare solamente la superficie del mare ma guarda la sua profondità perché la sostanza non sta nelle onde ma nella dimensione della dinamica ...
Pensa da assediato per capire perché alcune città cedono facilmente mentre altre resistono e perché altre non si arrendono e respingono i nemici ...
Conta bene i quattrocento anni del dominio barbarico per ricordarti che se cominciano dalla caduta della nostra Città allora non dovrebbero terminare ...
When nobody believes in anything any longer, as they have been absorbed by the everydayness of existence, and they no longer see their life's future, then ...
When all day they try to convince you, that it's all explained economically, how could you think, that the context for the resolution is something else? ...
The extraction of natural gas in Cyprus is not merely symbolic. It is a prerequisite for the solving of the Cypriot issue. For so many years on, we ...
Anna: It was here, then. Christos: For centuries on. Anna: But how is it possible for you to remember everything that happened then, even though you ...
Genocidio dei cristiani avviene in Oriente e tu dici che soffri perché hai dei problemi con la situazione economica della tua patria e poi vuoi pure ...
The Byzantine history is not beneficial on historical terms alone. It comprises of many strategic mental schemes. It offers great advises, both in regards ...
The EEZ is in tself an institutional context at a legal level. After its demarcations it acquires geopolitical importance, but in order to gain its geo-economic ...
Each society is static, and assumes that its data is the data in general, without contemplating that if this reasoning stood as such, then, there would ...
Occorre cultura affinché salga il livello medio per questo vogliamo seminari sulla storia nelle zone ove abbiamo molti rapporti con visitatori ...
Mentre la storia dell’Ellenismo è sin dall’inizio collegata in maniera inscindibile con il mare, sono in pochi che si rendono conto del reale valore della ...
When we examine data, we understand that there are many scenarios which could be played, and for this reason we see so many versions with deviations between ...
When you are making a decision through the theory, you should think if it's out of context by the integrating of the information of the existence of other ...
No matter how indignant the insurgents are about the present, if they do not know the true meaning of the past and the future they cannot be revolutionaries ...
The time magnitude changes according data. For this reason the Chronostrategy is necessary for their analysis. It makes no sense to do only local analyses ...
As difficult as the conditions may be and for some it is unbearable, Hellenism does not bring itself to its knees. And we continue our struggle with new ...
We must function only with strategic decisions, because the situation does not allow mistakes, since they will have a dramatic impact. The communications ...
Our struggle is continuing and we are entering a new phase of negotiations, in order to find a strategic solution which would allow us to remain in the ...
L’Ellenismo vede solo il futuro. Non gli interessano i regimi che hanno come unico fine la loro stessa sopravvivenza. Qualunque siano i temi che promuovono ...
The struggle of Hellenism is not theoretical even at an individual level, since today each one of us may, with their vote, assert the rights of Greece. ...
Le combat de l’Hellénisme n’est pas théorique et pas à un niveau individuel non plus, car aujourd'hui, chacun peut avec son vote faire valoir les droits ...
Don't hide behind any political party. Don't use any excuse of ignorance or irrelevance. Don't expect from dogmatism to tell you what to do with your ...
Today nobody has an excuse, because everyone represents himself. There's nobody than himself who would hold the ballot paper and put it in the ballot ...
Today our obligation as Greeks is simple. We must vote to show everybody that we want to be within the European Union and the Eurozone. They must all ...
Siamo della continuità, perché l’Ellenismo non si arresta. Anche quando ci sono le crisi noi le superiamo con i nostri atti. Certamente la difficoltà è ...
If you don't even know that, not only the research license regarding the Greek zeolite has begun, but also the road making in order to get access to the ...
Now is the time to strategically think about our future, and not merely communicatively. We can't only use gimmicks, where stratagems are required, which ...
The message of Hellenism must be clear. We are not miserable nor lazy, but we remain fighters even during the most difficult moments, while others might ...
The negotiations have now reached the implementation point and the proposals of Greece should be supported substancially, and not just for appearances ...
If some of our own could analyze maps, and not merely observe them and talk about texts without been able to see the big picture, then they would've spoken ...
We are pro continuity, because Hellenism doesn't pause. Even when there are crises, we overcome them by our actions. Surely the difficulty is great, ...
È arrivata l’ora di pensare al nostro futuro in maniera strategica e non solo in maniera comunicativa. Non possiamo adoperare solo astuzie, lì dove c’è ...
I problemi non sono superficiali, come cercano di presentarceli, e non hanno una soluzione soltanto con le parole e senza strategia. Perché le parole ...
Con gli sviluppi che abbiamo, ci rendiamo conto sempre di più quanto sia importante la strategia del prima e del dopo. Perché il referendum non è solo ...
Epitteto ha detto « Ritieni te stesso un essere libero o schiavo, tutto dipende da te». Non abbiamo imparato ad inginocchiarci, e neppure a chinare la ...
Dobbiamo far basta con espedienti sociali sul tema della moneta nazionale, perché ora che abbiamo difficoltà serie non possiamo dire al popolo greco qualunque ...
As an initial idea in the negotiations context, the concept of the referendum would've been meaningful only if it was applying a theoretical pressure as ...
Il messaggio dell’Ellenismo deve essere chiarissimo. Non siamo miseri, e neppure pigri, mentre rimaniamo lottatori anche nei momenti più difficili, invece ...
The Greeks want to be in the European Union and the Euro zone not of special interests or because they are afraid, but because it is their natural position. ...
L’Umanesimo non sarebbe esistito senza l’Ellenismo come il discepolo non ha la lezione senza il Maestro quindi con ciò puoi capire di quanto sia ...
En tant qu'idée initiale dans le cadre des négociations, le concept du référendum avait du sens puisqu’il a effectué une pression théorique comme contre-mesure. ...
A Flow chart allows the summarized presentation of several scenarios, which of course depend on the options taken at the Decision Tree. But they make ...
Un Diagramma di Flusso ci permette la presentazione sommaria di molti scenari che chiaramente dipendono dalle scelte dell’ Albero delle Decisioni. Queste ...
Le message de l'Hellénisme doit être clair. Nous ne sommes ni malheureux, ni paresseux, mais restons combatifs dans les moments plus difficiles, tandis ...
I greci vogliono rimanere nell’Unione Europea e nell’Euro Zona non per interesse o perché hanno paura, ma perché è la loro presa di posizione naturale. ...
Who can imagine Hellenism without sea? No one. Unless of course if one is a barbarian. Who can imagine Europe without Greece? No one. Unless of course ...
Quelles que soient les difficultés, tu ne dois jamais oublier que nous venons de Thémistocle. En d'autres termes, nous sommes en mesure de choisir qui ...
We must insist till the end of the day, that we can solve the problem within a european context, where there is not necessarily an international intervention, ...
Un jour il faut dire: Assez! Ce jour est venu. Pour le peuple mythique, pour la patrie de la lumière, sans espoir sans crainte avec pugnacité ...
Un giorno bisogna dire : Basta ! Questo giorno è venuto. Per il popolo mitico, per la patria della luce, senza speranza senza paura con bellicosità ...
Quando prendi una decisione tramite una teoria devi pensare se è fuori contesto mettendo insieme l’informazione dell’esistenza degli altri giocatori che ...
Quando rispetti realmente il prossimo non lo poni su di un contesto pericoloso soltanto per salvarti la reputazione affinché non si scopra che non hai ...
Qualunque siano le difficoltà, non devi mai dimenticare che siamo come Temistocle. In altre parole, siamo capaci di scegliere chi sono i nostri, che sono ...
Le trattative sono arrivate al punto della realizzazione e le proposte della Grecia devono essere sostenute non solo per l’apparenza, ma per la sostanza. ...
希腊的尊严并不是神话,时间是最好的证明。尊严,是我们钦羡的希腊特质。正因如此,我们不会将任何人遗漏。政党间可以为更有效的取得政权而相互诋毁,我们对此毫不关心。重要的是知道如何克服这些困难,绝不肆意抛弃,绝不忘记我们作为希腊人的人格尊严。作为政党,他们可以就很多事情发表言论,只是我们毫不关心罢了。对于希腊,最重要的永远是说出真相,保护希腊人民。我们能够容忍敌人的一切,但我们不能接受来自同胞的嘲讽。我们的策略是收集更多的信息以颠覆那些过于简单的分析和按教条行事的人。如今,各方建议应该明确,因为它们将会变成行动, ...
The Greek dignity is not a myth and we have proven it through time. It is a characteristic for which we are admired for. It is thanks to this, that ...
La dignité grecque n'est pas un mythe et nous l’avons prouvé, et même diachroniquement. C’est une qualité qui nous vaut de l’admiration. C’est grâce à ...
La dignità greca non è un mito e l’abbiamo dimostrato diacronicamente. È una caratteristica per la quale ci ammirano. È grazie a lei che non lasciamo mai ...
La procedura nella quale siamo entrati secondo la nostra volontà, adopera il seguente schema mentale strategico: un conto è la presentazione e un conto ...
Se accetti l’assedio non devi affrettarti a passare al contrattacco. Devi essere pronto, per combattere una dura battaglia, ed accoglierlo secondo le tue ...
We need endurance so that we don’t make hasty moves, but coordinated acts. From today on we are living a change of phase, since we are functioning within ...
Abbiamo bisogno di resistenza per non fare mosse frettolose, ma atti moderati. Da oggi viviamo un cambiamento di fase, dal momento che agiamo su un contesto ...
In a negotiation there are critical criteria based upon which, the backbone of the agreement is determined. If such exist, then we must consider the subcomponent ...
The best solution on an individual level, rarely consitutes a solution on a collective level. To proof this, you can use von Neumann's and Morgenstern's ...
La strategia non appartiene all’etica, perché è soltanto uno strumento. Comunque questo non significa che non appartiene al campo intellettivo. In altre ...
Alcune volte è bene ascoltare anche l’ovvio, quando tutto il resto si mostra strano. Il primo ministro della Grecia ha specificato che il popolo greco ...
The issue is not politically, but nationally oriented. And all those who believe that their political party is their homeland, leave us indifferent. ...
Quando hai tutti i dati e insisti dicendo che non li hai, questo ha senso in un contesto di spionaggio ma non diplomatico, visto che in questo caso l’interlocutore ...
È sempre interessante fare delle mosse su un piano tattico ma devi sapere cosa voglia dire esattamente a livello operativo e strategico, altrimenti puoi ...
Anna: We begin here? Christos: We continue here ... Anna: Without a pause ... Christos:Unrestrained ... Anna: With the sky's lake? Christos: With ...
When you have all the facts and you claim that you haven't, it makes sense in a context of spying but not in the diplomatic one, since in this case the ...
It is always interesting to make moves at a tactics level, but you have to be aware of what exactly that means at an operational and strategic level, otherwise ...
Strategy has no morals as it is merely a tool. That does not mean ofcourse that it has no intelligence. In other words, do not expect anything from ...
For the hand they were five. ICHTHUS. And one for the sword. Before the attack of barbarism they prayed together. Our father. They were all ready ...
Hypatia: Beyond imagination ... That's how I feel that I am. Ioannis: Because thought can overcome its limitations. Hypatia: Is it late in doing so? ...
Theano: Tell me again about the past. Sotiris: There's no repetition. Theano: Tell me what happens if it has happened. Sotiris: Is the issue of reinstatement. ...
At a stone castle overlooking the lake and the church. Anna: We'll stay here. Christos: Do you see them? Anna: The four of them? Christos: They're ...
When you can not suggest something constructive and you hide behind mediocrity, you don't change the situation, as much as you may insist you do. No statements ...
As a nation of Time, we need timeless strategy, and even though we have the Byzantine example that exceeded the eons, we're still wondering what to do. ...
When you have undergone a genocide because of barbarism and you have managed to survive as a nation through this crime against humanity, you don't only ...
The Federal Senate of Brazil did its duty unanimously because of humanness and it too recognized the genocide of Armenians despite of all the pressures ...
When the performance begins, it is that the rehearsals have finished. Whatever you may say afterwards it's too late, since it can't be corrected on stage. ...
The Armenian church had a past. It was built on the byzantine temple of Saint George Palaiokastritis. Another strange manuscript. And here the reference ...
He thought that in order to tolerate the arrow’s peak, the manuscript had to be robust. It could even be skin. Palimpsest of Time. As a shield that ...
Because the theater is a difficulty in itself, it teachers you endurance and effectiveness in difficult periods. Because the theater is direction, you ...
The value of an off the beaten track island, derives from its strategic location. It may of course be located at the edge, but also on a passage. The ...
He looked again at the peak even more carefully. At its edge he saw traces of ink. Someone had used this peak. And this manner was radically different. ...
The discovery of natural gas and oil in Greece, would not be sufficient for the future, if there is no strategy of the energy on a national level. We ...
The Christians of the East are Christians. And if we emphasize on it in such an obvious way, it's because there is the impression that there is a difference. ...
When he started drawing the face the transformation became apparent. And he saw the look of the past with the eyes of the future. While he would not ...
Greece's large licensing round, in regards to the twenty marine plots of the Greek EEZ is in progress, since now it's entering the final straight, because, ...
The colours of the invisible ... With these he would draw the Icon. He had prepared the paints in the traditional way. he would choose no other. He ...
The Resurrection of Liberty was the first stage. Who would dare think of this expression? Yet the description had begun. After the demand. Because ...
With the candle in his mouth he began the strange order. All around him was dark. He was liberated in the monastery. He did not forget the Occupied ...
Two friends who haven't met for some time, come face to face on an uphill street of Athens. He who climbs up the hill: - Oh, Christ! You were just in ...
He was alone in his workshop. All alone. Alone with the entire. He took a look at his colours and saw the sanctuary. They had asked the unthinkable ...
Since 2011, with the beginning of the drilling on the Aphrodite reserve, at marine plot 12 of the Cypriot EEZ, we have heard all scenarios from various ...
If somebody hasn't found themselves during one of their lifespans in Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, then it's hard for them to comprehend the Hyper Idea, ...
When some of us are wondering if they can change reality through innovation, they now have a concrete example with Giorgos Georgiadis and his company OLYMPOS ...
Those who see the Byzantium in terms of the prism of the 1453 Fall, they forget deliberately or unintentionally, the eleven centuries which constitute ...
Ils avaient osé définir le Thème du Temps et devaient le tenir au moins deux siècles. Ils burent du vin rouge de Saint-Georges, comme s’il était leur ...
The biggest gift that you made to your children is your parents that is the grandfather and the grandmother because they will make all the favors ...
The Master is neither father nor mother because his role should teach the truth and this to become joy and after–joy since he creates the circumstances ...
The swords and the shields were ready for the performance of Erotokritos they were only waiting for the little humans that they will continue the ...
A thousand years ago we were already here in order to write the necessary history since the great need existed and therefore now we are again in ...
Dozens of chessboards filled the school and with the little humans the militant chess started where each exercise had its notion for the continuity ...
Excessive images you have in your mind because you saw the reality with the gaze of the ixthis and you discovered the historical structures there, ...
The direct contact with great responsibilities covers the love and it is parents' problem while with the grandfather and the grandmother nothing ...
After the flight you continue to fly with the memory because your thought has integrated the elements of Melbourne in order to prepare the future ...
When you have arrange only the space without the thought then you see the deficiences that are not exaggerations because you have not heard the ...
Take up close Tasmania because the islands because of structure can help sturdily the decisions of future that recognize the past because they ...
At first they han't noticed, but with the Master, Time functioned completely differently than before, as if he filled it with so much substance, that ...
Without been anywhere, they had to be everywhere, without a rest, always on the voyage of Time. The dilatation was of a commando nature to begin with, ...
After this symbolic defeat of barbarism He wanted to pass through another key point and so, he again began the strategic night hunt. Without fatigue ...
The first battle took place in the desert next to a hidden oasis with stone roses. The barbarians wanted this water source because it constituted a ...
With the rocks the future began, as they were capable to cry out loud when people remained silent. But the hardest rocks were the brains, those which ...
Personne d'autre n’irait à travers les passages. Aussi puissant qu’il soit il fallait qu’ils pensent d’eux-mêmes à la chronostratégie. Car seulement ...
Il y a longtemps une place n’existait que dans l’espace, jamais auparavant ils ne l’avaient entendu pour le Temps . Et si quelque chose d’analogue était ...
Où ailleurs avait-il entendu parler d’une telle mission? Nulle part parce que personne n’aurait pu défendre un tel espace temporel. Mais ils comprirent ...
Le combat devait avoir lieu en dehors de l'église. Il y pensa et le sourire lui vint aux lèvres. Le château de Didymotique était le point de référence. ...
Το βέλος του τοπίου ανήκε στην εκκλησία κι από αιώνες έδειχνε τον ουρανό όχι για ν’ απομακρύνεται μα για να παραμένει πλησίον των ανθρώπων ακόμη ...
Ανάλαβε ως εάν ήσουν ο τελευταίος τού αγώνα για να μεταφέρεις με την ορμή σου την πνοή του ανέμου που ξεπερνά ακόμη και τα βουνά για να φτάσει ...
Μέσω του πίνακα όπως μέσα σ’ έναν καθρέφτη μπορείς να φανταστείς πέραν των κύκλων των ζωγραφισμένων από τον Dante την οδύνη ενός λαού που είχε αντισταθεί ...
Εάν συλλάβεις τον κυανού χρυσό της Provence μέσα στην έρημο όπου το θυμάρι βλασταίνει θα αντιληφθείς έναν πίνακα οσφρητικό ως εάν ο Vincent είχε ...
Everydayness is merely an attempt filling the emptiness. Therefore, we are trying in this way to state that we did something during the day that passed. ...
The Armenian people wasn’t born a victim of genocide but was genocided because of civilization since the barbarians don’t tolerate the difference ...
Nel buio nessuno vedeva e gli avevano chiesto di guidarli per trovare il percorso più breve. Viaggio notturno. Eppure con lui era diventato un corteo. ...
Thank you not because you came but mostly because you didn’t die and you continue our struggle for the dead and the unborn and I wait for you ...
Wrong internationalization you seek since our genocide was paradigm for the invention of Lemkin’s word and this is de facto and de jure a crime ...
The civilization of the Armenians has deep roots and if you cut the tree they become stronger this is why Armenity endured the genocide because the ...
Aveva attraversato i deserti per affrontare l’altro oceano. Era un fine ed era diventato realtà. Perfino le gocce della pioggia ne erano una dimostrazione. ...
Lo spirito non teme le nuvole nere perché sa che su di loro c’è il sole della giustizia e anche se è sera allora vivono i soli della notte. Questa ...
Tutta l’alleanza avrebbe giocato contemporaneamente. Sulla scacchiera si dovevano coordinare i pezzi. Così cominciarono le super mosse che non c’erano ...
La preparazione era avvenuta e le due stelle erano pronte. Nuovi Temi sull’Australia. Approccio bizantino con gli acriti del Tempo moltiplicarsi nello ...
La barbarie non si aspettava tale trattamento. Si era abituata all’abitudine che uccide il pensiero. Sempre erano esistiti dei sovversivi ma erano così ...
L’indipendenza delle stelle era positiva a livello locale creava però problemi strutturali a livello integrale. Perché ogni indipendenza, era anche ...
Così ogni stella della Federazione aveva importanza così pure il ruolo che avrebbe giocato nel riconoscimento dei Genocidi. Ogni stella era un passo ...
Uno dei continenti, ove esisteva la spirito europeo era l’Oceania. Lì l’Australia giocava un ruolo dominante. Sotto la Croce del Sud, c’era l’influenza ...
When you say you are a successor of the spirit of ANZAC and enclave yourself in a trap of religion do not accuse the others since you chose ...
With candles on shoulders we carried the holy light conscious of the mission we were carrying out in the Occupied Territories since it was proper ...
The momentum of the recognition of the Genocide of the Armenians due to the anniversary of the 100 years, is more powerful than some may think. Belgium ...
The recognition of genocides is not only a matter of resolution but first of all of dignity since as humans and not as institutions we decide ...
La battaglia non aveva più luogo in un continente. Il vecchio era l’inizio e l’esempio. C’era però la continuità con le ramificazioni. La barbarie ...
L’incontro avvenne nella chiesa dei secoli. Lì pregarono i discepoli ed il Maestro. E decisero che ora erano pronti per la prossima volta. Incrociarono ...
I barbari entrarono nella torre. Nonostante fossero rimasti sorpresi dalla pausa della resistenza. Non trovarono nessuno al piano terra. E salirono ...
Quando si trovò sul piano mise piede su un tappeto azzurro. I guerrieri erano appostati alle finestre. Capì che analizzavano i posti e le mosse del nemico. ...
Pontus has EEZ and this is not a detail but 93.000 km2 which belong rightfully to the Greeks of the region and if some forgot about the victims ...
Hellenism was never powerful in forces but with intelligence has always managed to surpass its opponents and not to die while the others couldn't ...
The society believes that a library is always useless, in the sense that it doesn't deal with everydayness. What constitutes the daily routine, is where ...
When we are talking solely about social relationships, we engage in communication. Whereas, when we talk about human relationships we engage in consultation. ...
In order for the Turkish regime to avoid the accusations, that all these years it spoke exclusively for the revolutionary action of Kemal, it has started ...
Έσχατη προετοιμασία ήταν καθώς είχε ανακοινωθεί η άγνωστη αποστολή αφού ξέραμε κάθε ένα από τα μυστικά της για να αποφεύγουμε τα λάθη και να πετυχαίνουμε ...
Η συμφωνία του Mozart μας ευαισθητοποίησε στη νοημοσύνη του παιγνίου που δεν είναι μόνον ένας εγκεφαλικός άθλος μα και ανθρώπινος με την έννοια ότι ...
Ognuno attendeva di vedere qualcosa. Ma nessuno quello che vide. Il lottatore nero sostava in un punto ove l’erba aveva un colore strano. Dava l’impressione ...
Gli assediati emettevano grida di gioia. Avevano visto tutta la scena. E se anche ebbero paura all’inizio furono così contenti alla fine che piansero. ...
Videro da lontano il lottatore nero. Ancora avevano in mente le sue gesta. Erano in cinque e decisero di attaccarlo tutti insieme per stremarlo. ...
Σκέψου την πραγματικότητα και την πολυπλοκότητά της για ν’ ανακαλύψεις την ουσία των πραγμάτων που λησμονούμε μέσα στην αδιαφορία ελλείψει δυνατότητας ...
Μέσα στον χώρο και στον χρόνο που διασχίζουμε επιχειρούμε να δημιουργούμε κομβικά σημεία για να εγκαθιστούμε τη μνήμη στους κόλπους ακόμη και της ...
I want you to imagine the inconceivable and to see with our faith the 353 thousand becoming martyrs of the church because we know that they were ...
Nuova ramificazione. Era dentro il fossato della Città. La spada come il suo sguardo era ancora fissa. Perché aveva appena detto la sua preghiera. ...
The vital space is very often used as a concept referring to, a non-living space for the others. Therefore, there is of course, no respect. So what you ...
As cruel as barbarity is, civilization resists and in the end it always wins. Hagia Sophia which is also a monument of world heritage is a church, whether ...
Per quanto sia dura la barbarie, la civiltà resiste e alla fine sempre vince. Santa Sofia che è pure un monumento del Patrimonio Mondiale è una chiesa, ...
Chi ha visto la quercia ulivo? Soltanto chi è capace di vedere un Cavaliere senza armatura quando lotta per il Tempo. Non vedeva sogni soltanto visioni. ...
La battaglia del Tempo aveva preso una nuova forma. Adoperava i Temi marini che non erano stati valorizzati in passato. Eppure tutta la forza degli ...
Poiché avevano conosciuto le zone occupate Si diede inizio allo studio dei castelli per vedere la cronorete diacronica in fase di azione. Scoprivano ...
Beaucoup attendent les prochains pas tandis que nous nous réjouissons déjà des reconnaissances par le monde pour cette raison dès maintenant nous ...
Tu te demandes comment les étrangers voyaient ceux qui ont commis le crime contre l'humanité alors que tu peux avec l’exemple de Palmyre voir ...
Dans les chansons nous entendons désolation et lamentations mais jamais fierté de la civilisation alors que c’est cela le but ultime du génocide ...
For those who are unaware of the Artsakh issue, they can't understand what of its proportions coinside with those of our Thrace. The problem derives ...
- I played the guitar... - And why are you upset? - I broke my string. - And you haven't another? - No. - You must learn what's the meaning of a ...
The individual is he, who is anonymous and belongs to society, and who has not chosen anything at all. The human is he, who fights to belong to Humanity. ...
It is good to let an empty space and not to fill everything so that the Time will operate in order to manage the hyperstructure of knowledge ...
In the beginning in Australia they will love you because you are Greek at least this you will think but with Time you will understand that this ...
If you notice that the radio is an immaterial museum then you will decide to speak to the memory of future with the internet without restriction ...
We are not of maintenance and only of memory but of utilization of knowledge in order to prepare the future with the past without to have the ...
Prometheus was strategical advisor for Zeus and for this reason he rebelled when he saw that the authority had not substance and didn't help ...
When the Australians learn about genocide too they are ready to help in the continuity because they see the human element that surpasses the social ...
If your action until now is not annoying for the abuser then it means that you are not effective for the human rights and for the struggle of ...
Con le missioni nelle zone occupate i discepoli diventavano guerrieri se avessero resistito come i Mercenari sia la salita sia la discesa. Sempre pronti ...
The President of Cyprus followed with consistency the decision of Cyprus for the Recognition of the Genocide of the Armenians. He didn’t try to use a diplomatic ...
With Chrysa was made a new beginning for the genocides and anniversaries since slowly from the moment of silence which is unacceptable we will pass ...
La resistencia de Palmira ya no es teórica porque ahora la civilización sufre el ataque de la barbarie mientras pertenece al patrimonio de la Humanidad; ...
Dopo il cambiamento di fase e lo shock intellettivo cominciò la preparazione temporale con le missioni nei luoghi occupati. Così si realizzava la differenza ...
L’insegnamento era iniziato con i Maestri di ogni epoca fin quando si trovarono i discepoli che avrebbero divulgato l’opera. Non era cosa semplice il ...
La chiesa dei secoli non era un edificio ma Tempo di ritrovo. Si era evoluta in questo modo per non diventare bersaglio. Ogni società cercava di inibire ...
The resistance of Palmyra is no longer theoretical since now civilization is undergoing attack of barbarity while it belongs to world heritage of Humanity ...
La resistenza di Palmira non è più teorica poiché ora è la civilta' che è soggetta ad un attacco di barbarie mentre appartiene al patrimonio mondiale ...
La résistance de Palmyre n’est plus théorique puisque la civilisation subit maintenant une offensive de la barbarie alors qu'elle appartient au patrimoine ...
A century of cry is what recognition needs and not of course a moment of silence because for years nobody says absolutely anything for the victims ...
Il canto aveva condotto al cerchio. Come se ci fosse un elemento comune che attraversava i punti ed apparteneva al cerchio. Ogni canto era tangente ...
Nuovi schemi mentali erano apparsi con la Cronostrategia. La strategia non era più imprigionata nel presente. Era stata liberata precedentemente dal ...
Nuovi Annali erano iniziati ai limiti, nelle ramificazioni. Chi si interessava ad esse, se non conosceva neppure le fondamenta? Le società passavano ...
Mnemosyne is not commemoration and does not concern only the past because it remembers it but it doesn't forget the future and continues to generate work ...
We never go back in the struggle of recognition because our steps are steady and grounded in a strategic manner so that we get to the next stages ...
Many in the area of Greece believe that the word genocide is greek. If they examine though its etymology, they will realize that the innovation of Raphaël ...
I would firstly like to say that it is an honour for us to be here. I do not want to thank you for being here. Because that is duty. It is logical ...
Prima delle ramificazioni, gli uomini vedevano solo l’Impero. Non avevano percepito le strutture parallele. E la super-struttura era invisibile. Dovevano ...
Quando qualcuno superava lo stadio della fantasia, si metteva in funzione la tempestività. Occorreva preparazione anche per questo. Poiché l’ educazione ...
Anticamente credevano che il tempo fosse assoluto. Avvenne però un capovolgimento. Morì l’assoluto, nacque lo spazio-tempo. Tuttavia non divenne tutto ...
For so many years silence prevailed. That was the aim of the genocide. And no one dared to speak. They were all were afraid to die. Until the Just ...
When you believe that all movements regarding the matters of genocide are innocent, then you should look even more in order to see what's hidden behind ...
In strategy it's more effective to think of the end before the beginning, because in this manner you become organized methodologically with the collection ...
The new resolution of the City Council of Willoughby is another step for the preparation of Australia in relation to the recognition of the Genocide of ...
Nuestras hazañas en la época bizantina contra los árabes y sus invasiones durante el siglo séptimo parecen como las gestas de Europa y es absolutamente ...
Mentre ciascuno di noi dice di lottare nella battaglia della vita e la maggior parte della gente dice alla fine che è impossibile vincere, in realtà ci ...
Avec le soleil dans la bouche, j’ai pris ton souffle pour soulever la mer dans l’ancienne Théra et retrouver ma source, le chant bleu. Avec les mains ...
One of the important things to understand in relation to the use of zeolite in agriculture is that zeolite deals primarily with our soil and the effect ...
A notre Emilia Tu protégeais l'église comme la bougie dans le sanctuaire parce que tu croyais au Christ et que tu ne craignais pas les flammes. ...
Luxemburg erkent de Armeense Genocide, via het Parlement, dat unaniem de resolutie stemde. Leden van het parlement Luxemburg waren onder druk van de ambassadeur ...
Zeolite is like us so it cleans the soil of the elements who disturb to help the development of life without barriers because it is a mission that ...
Luxemburg recognizes the Genocide of the Armenians, through the Parliament which voted the resolution unanimously. Luxemburg’s members of the parliament ...
a Andrea Papafilippou Cada noche, una madre espera a sus hijos, pone sobre la mesa la hogaza, el pan. Una noche, una mano le quitó su vida ...
The lighthouse is a mountain in the sea and the lake is sea in the mountain think about it and imagine for the first time one lighthouse ...
The island is discus center mountain castle monastery and you only look at the beach as if you were to the coast of the land without to ...
As much as you hit me I'm a bell and my wounds become sounds that are calling all believers so that they hear the sacred speech in order to worship ...
For the joy of disciple had to show the path of light and for that reason we were there where we should for her to feel that she was not alone the ...
Από μία γνωστική άποψη, είναι προφανές ότι η πρωτοβουλία διαδραματίζει έναν κρίσιμο ρόλο και αυτό, σε διάφορα επίπεδα. Σε αυτό το άρθρο, πρόκειται να ...
Search deeply what the human need is in order to see the gaze that illuminates the darkness with the stars in the mouth since you know about ...
Structurally, Constantinople constitutes the cutting edge of Europe and not of Asia, because it is the edge, and the angle top of Thrace. Created around ...
You are wondering constantly if you constitute a continuation of Antiquity, because some have told you, that you have nothing to do with those given facts ...
For you and only like a scream which became voice in order to listen the word that you desire so much in order to see the suns of the night ...
Se hai sentito le parole che non si sono dette allora hai capito cosa devi fare per resistere li ove si trova la dura lotta ed il futuro della terra perché ...
A few years ago, the term "war reparations" was not unknown to most, but they nevertheless believed, that it was utopian in regards to the period data. ...
The Greek zeolite becomes a reality during these days. In Kokkalo region, near the village of Petrota in southern Evros, work regarding the research license ...
Lo fácil no es tan difícil y por lo tanto olvidamos fácilmente y recordamos difícilmente así que tienes que combatir por los conocimientos cada ataque ...
Un genocidio entero no cabe en un momento de silencio y sólo si conoces sobre él puedes impedir el siguiente; de hecho debes pensar de forma diferente ...
When we chose, following 1974, the symbolic code phrase "I wantn't forget" we could not predict all its future interpretations. This code phrase, which ...
As there is no war without deaths, there is no peace without sacrifice as well. In order for sacrifices not to occur, those responsible for wars, are ...
A la forêt pétrifiée nous avons vu notre nature d’il y a quarante millions années devenue mémoire de pierre pour nous rappeler que nous existions ...
Ad Andrea Papafilippou Ogni sera, una madre attende i suoi figli e mette sul tavolo la pagnotta il pane. Una sera, una mano le ha spezzato ...
Στο πλαίσιο των γνωστικών ερευνών, θα μπορούσε κάποιος να αποδείξει ότι μια ομάδα είναι πιο ισχυρή από μια ενότητα. Η δύναμή της δεν προέρχεται μόνο από ...
The assumption that we are all the same is not only simplistic, but is in contradiction with the very human evolution. As we are not all the same, we ...
Within us live the souls of all our ancestors. This constitutes one of the most important lessons of death. That does not only arise from the creative ...
Eventually, in order to discover a new theoretical concept, you should experimentally study a system, which functions perfectly, at least in society's ...
Από στρατηγικής άποψεως, ένας πόλεμος πάντα διδάσκει πολλά, όχι τόσο για τις συνέπειες, όσο για τις επιλογές τακτικής που προκύπτουν από μια ισχυρή στρατηγική. ...
Σε προηγούμενο άρθρο με τίτλο, Ισότητα της διαφοράς, αναφέραμε ότι η έννοια αυτή βρίσκεται στα θεμέλια της δημοκρατίας. Το άτομο φυσικά θεωρείται ως ...
No obstante que me golpees soy como las campanas y mis heridas se convierten en sonidos invitando a todos los fieles a escuchar la Palabra santa ...
Nonostante le martellate sono come una campana e le mie ferite diventano il suono che richiama tutti i fedeli ad ascoltare la parola santa e ad ...
Κάτω από τη βροχή αναμένοντας στον ήλιο ετοιμαστήκαμε για να υπερβούμε τα όρια των ανθρώπινων δυνατοτήτων επειδή η πτήση μας δεν είχε παρά μόνο έναν ...
Έχουμε ανάγκη ο ένας τον άλλον για ν’ ανακαλύψουμε τον κόσμο γιατί χωρίς όλους αυτούς δεν μπορούμε να φανταστούμε την Ανθρωπότητα επειδή είμαστε ...
Quando sei nelle zone occupate devi proteggere ogni piccolo uomo da tutti gli attacchi per questo motivo sei anche tu con noi in questa lotta così ...
Μια κλασική συναυλία κατά τη διάρκεια της προετοιμασίας της ελβετικής πτήσης μας έσπευσε να μας θυμίσει τη σημασία της μουσικής στον πολιτισμό μας ...
When we say Byzantium don’t always think that we are referring solely to the Empire of the past because we carry on the words of the Old Man and ...
Man’s freedom is a cost option because he does not wish to die before he lives and this is all that occurs in society which despises diversity ...
With the exceedances of Digenis, we see the task of Hellenism. Each duel is a symbolic battle. Digenis is simultaneously a Greek hero, and the Hercules ...
The chosen chronostrategic myth was Digenis Akritas. And the reasons were multiple. The afterlife had a mission. Hellenism had to aid Christianity ...
If the Empire of Byzantium was merely a religious context, then the methodology of approaching it was the attack against faith. And one method of attack ...
For centuries on, everyone had believed that Hellenism had died, without questioning the fact. In actual fact, Hellenism was transformed and had taken ...
The Battle of Time had not started suddenly. It was prepared for centuries on. That's what the big picture was portaying. Regardless if most could not ...
Only the word genocide has substance for us since only this coined term by Lemkin condemns the perpetrator on an international level, other words ...
Athanasia’s speech already contained the elements of the teaching because the student wanted to live freely with knowledge and not with dependencies ...
Little humans are not reactive just curious they want to learn and to test everything they see and touch so the ideal is freedom with the Master ...
If you read slowly you must think of but a few things and not of many and thereafter you must not forget because you too will be responsible for ...
Let the reaction be and now, analyse the possibilities of criticism in order to foresee the actions of the future and change yourself so that ...
It is rare to read a book without knowing its title yet it, is not what explains the work, which is why it is necessary to imagine the object ...
When they tried to murder the crosses of the cemeteries was because no one of them wanted to exist any trace of civilization because the barbarians ...
Για έναν στρατό που έχει έναν περιορισμένο αριθμό πολεμιστών, η επιλογή των αμυντικών του όπλων είναι σημαντική. Εφόσον δεν εξαρτάται από την ποσότητα, ...
Es la misma Humanidad que permite el regreso a los pueblos indígenas porque vivían milenios en su patria y un genocida solo no puede excluirlos ...
Hay una diferencia muy importante que no analizamos sobre la cuestión del genocidio: Alemania ha reconocido el crimen, que cometió el régimen ...
Cuando cuentas la multitud de las víctimas no mires exclusivamente a los muertos sino cuenta incluso a esos que no nacieron debido al genocidio ...
La civilización de los Armenios tiene raíces muy profundas y si cortas el árbol se fortalecen por lo tanto la Armenidad ha resistido el genocidio ...
El Armenio no ha nacido genocidiado sino con historia y civilización y cuando el genocida trató de eliminarlo no era sólo la Armenidad que estaba ...
Braid of souls I found in the body when I came to find you and love of the poor I took in the mouth when I drank the water because with you I discovered ...
Crociata contro il Genocidio di tutti i paesi liberi è necessaria per la lotta poiché la propaganda dei sistemi dell’indifferenza e dell’oblio non ...
Crusade against the Genocide from all the free countries is needed for the struggle since the propaganda of the systems of indifference and of oblivion ...
Cruzada contra el Genocidio por parte de todos los países libres se necesita para la lucha dado que la propaganda de los sistemas de la indiferencia ...
Solo una parola genocidio ha importanza per noi perché solo questa invenzione di Lemkin condanna il carnefice a livello mondiale le altre hanno ...
Sólo la palabra genocidio cobra sentido para nosotros porque es solamente la invención de Lemkin que condena al verdugo a nivel internacional; las ...
Il presidente di Cipro ha seguito coerentemente la decisione di Cipro riguardo al Riconoscimento del Genocidio degli Armeni. Non ha cercato di adoperare ...
Il primo passo della Germania in rapporto al riconoscimento del Genocidio degli Armeni è stato fatto dallo stesso suo Presidente. Nella cerimonia religiosa ...
In one of the oldest Christian churches of the world, in the city of Etchmiadzin, the Church of Armenia canonized as martyrs the victims of the Genocide. ...
The Flemish Parliament recognizes the Genocide of the Armenians and simultaneously exercises criticism on the efforts for its denial. It doesn't merely ...
Il parlamento fiammingo riconosce il Genocidio degli Armeni e contemporaneamente critica gli sforzi applicati per la sua negazione. Non ricorda semplicemente ...
Het Vlaamse parlement erkent de Armeense Genocide en tegelijkertijd bekritiseert de pogingen tot weigering. Het herinnert zich niet alleen de slachtoffers ...
Это не резолюция парламента Австрии, а совместное заявление шести лидеров политических партий о Геноциде армян. И тем не менее, несмотря на его символический ...
The black church had taken the color of the volcano stone for the locals too to live the spirit of Christ with the two spires nailed to the sky ...
Y sobre la cuestión armenia tenemos que pensar lo impensable para prepararnos en serio antes de la barbarie porque hay que tener en cuenta algo ...
Если 100-летняя годовщина геноцида Армян так важна, это не из-за местного противоречия, как это хочет представить турецкое руководство. Геноцид армян касается ...
Greece continues with the large licensing round regarding the 20 marine plots located in the Ionian Sea, under the Southern Peloponnese and south of Crete. ...
Probeer niet te vermijden de lessen van het hellenisme want ze coördineren het project van de menselijkheid door middel van tijd aangezien het ...
Wanneer de president van Turkije verklaart dat hij de beslissingen die het Europees Parlement negeert wat betreft de genocide van de Armenen vanwege het ...
In 938 eindigde de eerste oorlog met een uitwisseling van gevangenen. De gevangenschap was de mentale vorm. Zo ook de gijzeling. En elke gijzelaar was ...
In una delle più antiche chiese cristiane del mondo, nella città Etchmiadzin, la Chiesa dell’Armenia ha santificato come martiri le vittime del Genocidio. ...
With the letter that the President of Russia wrote on April 22nd 2015, he clarifies that the atrocities of 1915 are indeed genocide. He doesn’t use any ...
Met het schrijven geschreven door de Russische president op 22 april 2015, stelt dat de wreedheden van 1915 is inderdaad een genocide. Hij gebruikt geen ...
It is not a resolution of the Parliament of Austria, but a common statement by the six Leaders of political parties on the Genocide of the Armenians. And ...
Hoe zou het voor jou geweest zijn als ene kerk geen mogelijkheid van de doop heeft terwijl je weet dat deze daad jouw vanaf het begin beschermt ...
Two chapters. Two pages. The first for the future, the second for the past. Simultaneously on the same sheet. Two heads, one eagle. The same mental ...
Who could believe in the strategy of history? It was not a rhetorical question. If you do not believe in the thousand year old human how could you see ...
As much as the perpetrator wants to convince you you should never forget that we are not alone because we have with us all the dead of our genocide ...
Little Electra had not perceived the value of her role and played at the palace because she hadn't met Orestes yet so that she sees the need of ...
Without principles only with values we decided to live with Antigoni's spirit without to fear the system, the state, tyranny and the arbitrary ...
Crisis is a way to learn how to overcome them by activation of our intelligence because there is need for the continuity to live beyond the difficulties ...
As much as some argue, and actually, for some years now, Greece will not be expelled from the eurozone.Not only because there is no such disposition, but ...
Because we hear many opinions and interpretations regarding the movements of ENI following the drillings on the Onasagoras and Amathusa reserves, its wise ...
È la stessa Umanità che permette il ritorno ai popoli indigeni perché hanno vissuto millenni nella loro patria e non è ammissibile che un genocida ...
Per sfuggire alle condanne il regime turco, che per tanti anni parlava esclusivamente dell’azione rivoluzionaria di Kemal, aveva cominciato a parlare più ...
C’è una differenza molto importante che non teniamo conto sulla questione del riconoscimento del genocidio: la Germania ha riconosciuto il crimine ...
Quando conti la moltitudine delle vittime non guardare solo ed esclusivamente i morti ma conta anche coloro che non sono nati a causa del genocidio ...
Quando cercarono di uccidere le croci dei cimiteri era perché nessuno fra loro non voleva che rimanesse neppure una traccia di civiltà perché ...
E riguardo la questione armena dobbiamo pensare l’impensabile per prepararci con serietà dinnanzi alla barbarie perché bisogna avere in mente qualcosa ...
Occorre professionalità nella battaglia per il riconoscimento del Genocidio, non certamente in rapporto al salario, perché i combattenti non sono mercenari ...
Professionalism is necessary in the struggle for the recognition of the Genocide, not of course for the salary, because fighters are not mercenaries but ...
Se è così importante la ricorrenza dei cento anni del genocidio degli Armeni non è a causa di una protesta locale, come vorrebbero presentarla le istituzioni ...
Look closely at the Apostles that are beside Christ at the Notre Dame and you will see not only crosses and books with keys but also swords ...
It is difficult to talk for the things that will be made after that's why we need the future memory because by its sacrifice we can think about the ...
If everyone saved the others then we would all have been saved because everybody thinks that they should save only themselves and never mess with ...
One form of transfusion is the book which is giving to human the notion of freedom that comes from long time ago because the past never forgets ...
When the body responds in the other's need without waiting not even for a thank you you should remember the mother that is breastfeeding the child ...
A whole genocide can't fit in one moment of silence and only if you know about it you can avert and the next so you should think differently about ...
Light inside darkness is the hidden element and constitutes for us a form of resistance so you should think too that a lot of small exist inside ...
The triple link had withstood for eons. It was devised for this reason. Chess. Hellenism. Romiosyni. All the elements of the SER chessboard. The ...
Now that we are not hungry and we don' t give value into one simple food that several miss thereby we forget how valuable life is and how easily ...
La civiltà degli Armeni ha le radici in profondità e se abbatti un albero diventano più robuste per questo l’Armenità ha resistito al genocidio perché ...
Se non pensi che sei sempre libero quando la tua mente è libera allora anche senza prigione sarai prigioniero mentre il tuo ruolo come guerriero ...
If the one hundred years anniversary of genocide of the Armenia is so important it isn't because of a local confrontation, as the Turkish body wants to ...
The Armenian wasn't born genocided but with history and civilization and when the genocider tried to annihilate him it wasn't only the armenity ...
Father of the Church is John Chryosostom and a Master recognized everywhere in foreign doctrines also because his preaching overcame everything ...
The problem was when faith was becoming a religion. This is what the history of Humanity taught . Who read the quadriform script? They all said that ...
The anthem of Pontus is about Constantinople because this is its essence and for that reason the eagle continued even after staring at it so ...
The eagle of Byzantium at the beginning was single–headed slowly the biceps appeared but they continued using both symbols without preference ...
Many refugee associations have a single target, to maintain a tradition through the dances and the cuisine. For example, sometimes they maintain also schools ...
The revelation was made through the castles. Through the studies of the past the future had changed. And what seemed utopian, had occurred. Someone ...
In 938 the first war ended with an exchange of prisoners. The capture was the mental scheme. So was the hostageship. And each hostage was dangerous ...
Arestis's tasks do not only have a cognitive value for that period. Because the duration of the conflict lasted five eons. and this means that, it doesn't ...
When they forbid you the blue you should ask yourself why they have imposed on you the green and why everyone forgot that five communities exist ...
Wat het overheidsorgaan van Turkije dan ook doet, we vallen niet in retorische valstrikken. Het probeert er om een puinhoop van te maken, terwijl alles ...
La rivelazione avvenne tramite i castelli. Con gli studi del passato il futuro era cambiato. E quello che sembrava utopistico, era avvenuto. Qualcuno ...
Three peoples in Greece have been through genocide the Armenians, the Assyrians and the Pontian Greeks and yet only two have been recognized so I ...
In 2015 Netherlands joined the group of states which are trying to recognise the Trinity of Genocides, ie, the Armenian Genocide, the Assyrian genocide ...
It is difficult for someone to imagine that the issues of EEZ and of Genocide can be correlated. And yet reality proves it. An efficient way to understand ...
The strategic importance of the Cypriot liquefaction plant does not seem to be understandable to all, although, all are dealing with the issue of the islands ...
Ιn order for the conception of history strategy to become even more comprehensive, it makes sense to possess the Link Theory, so we can realize that events ...
As much as the government institute of Turkey beats itself, we shall not fall into rhetorical traps. It is trying to create chaos, while things are quite ...
The value of Armenian begins with his existence since he is a form of resistance simply he has an extra strategic goal because he combats the barbarity ...
If you want to remember this thing that I will tell to you take notes because you will be surprised and you will forget the valuable informations ...
Nel 938 la prima guerra terminò con lo scambio dei prigionieri. La prigionia era lo schema mentale. Ugualmente anche la detenzione degli ostaggi. Ed ...
With the black eyes I saw you in the dark but I woke up after the dream which became nightmare with the occupied land in order to show you the ...
It has become a tradition to use carnations on 24 April, owing to the Genocide of the Armenians. In this way, the survivors, their families, their friends, ...
When the lion was born in mother' s sleep she was afraid because she didn' t know yet about glory but when she had recovered they explained to her ...
Our elderly saw us again after the second death and they lived through our gaze. They were alone for their entire life in company with the missing ...
It rained warmth inside the house but no one was thirsty. They should touch the panel like the blind persons. Only in this way they could see the invisible ...
Bright music comes to reinforce the complex sounds in order to feature the continue with the past which is not only one contact but a diachronic ...
Let the fingers in you want to play like Xenakis and search again with your mind how the hands are capable to see the after while they are inside ...
Social injustice is not just pure and clean like most think, futhermore it is beautiful for that reason it is killing you.
In occupied Nicosia we went by foot and with one wheel–chair of humaneness in order to see from close our churches at the night the time that ...
The first real book is not necessarily and the first because it needs little knowledge in order to begin your course upon the path of light so ...
A little before the day of the anniversary Saint Gregory of Armenia became a Master of the church and this move is evidence of his worthiness for ...
En el Gran Asedio de Famagusta los Otomanos y su muchedumbre desde 30,000 que estaban en Malta se convirtieron en 200,000 en 150 barcos para atacar ...
In the Great Siege of Famagusta the Ottomans and their magnitude from 30.000 that were in Malta became 200.000 with one hundred and fifty ships to ...
En el Gran Asedio de Malta los Otomanos y su muchedumbre no lograron nada más que morir frente a los Caballeros ya que su arte desde 1530 que llegaron ...
In the Great Siege of Malta the Ottomans and their magnitude didn't succeed anything but to die in front of the Knights since their art from 1530 ...
The moat of Famagusta is intact as strange as it may seem for the occupied territories of Cyprus. However it has been there for centuries now, without ...
Decision Theory is not Game Theory. The first is a special case of the second, when there is only a single player. It is therefore interesting to find ...
Gli eroismi di Aresti non hanno solo un significato per l’epoca. Perché la durata del conflitto si prolungò per cinque secoli e questo vuol dire che ...
Il problema era quando la fede diventava religione. Questo insegnava la storia dell’Umanità. Chi leggeva la scrittura quadriforme? Tutti dicevano che ...
At a practical level, many of us do not know exactly what to do in the Occupied Territories in order to change things, while in actual fact everything ...
Every mayor, every municipality in the Occupied territories, instead of waiting for the barbarians to rename villages and towns, they could implement the ...
Poco antes del día del aniversario San Gregorio de Armenia ha sido declarado Doctor de la Iglesia y este movimiento es la evidencia de su valor ...
The Pope’s strike surprised the genociders because they thought simplistically that with the protocol they had disarmed him and now comes another ...