96474 - Le Château des âmes XLIX
Ceux qui n'ont pas de cran ne peuvent imaginer...
Ceux qui n'ont pas de cran ne peuvent imaginer...
Ceux qui écoutent les bruits autour les négociations...
Il faut être capable de dépasser de nombreuses difficultés...
Grâce au calendrier il est possible de voir...
Si l'œuvre est tellement vivante c'est qu'elle a en elle...
Sur le tableau du Château les âmes ont découvert...
L'encre sur le papier est semblable à l'essence...
Parfois il faut réagir aussi rapidement que possible...
En donnant de l'importance à la couverture d'un livre...
Le secret d'une illustration peut être garder par un livre...
Avant d'atteindre le niveau de l'alliage des âmes...
Le Château des âmes n'est pas une simple habitation...
Chaque étape de l'œuvre a un sens seulement elle nécessite...
La reconnaissance de l'être se fait à travers l'œuvre...
Dans le Château des âmes le partage du repas est essentiel...
Grâce aux mouvements sensuels qui pénètrent chaque partie...
Dans le sourire à peine esquissé...
Grâce au Château les âmes possèdent...
Dans la recherche des âmes, le Château représente un repère...
La prise de conscience de l'importance de l'initiative...
Lorsque tout le monde attend l'opinion du Château des âmes...
L'envie de voir n'est pas seulement un savoir...
Si le lien est plus fort qu'une simple liaison...
Si la tour du Château est toujours aussi impressionnante...
Dans les livres nous retrouvons les traces de l'essence
Aucun contact aussi puissant qu'il soit...
La tension met en avant l'ampleur et l'envergure de l'oeuvre ...
Le plaisir de voir constitue la première étape...
Le partage de la joie nécessite la transcendance...
Le Château représente un corps qui maîtrise le Temps...
La découverte du visage de la joie n'est que le commencement...
Si l'extase est nécessaire au Château des âmes...
S'il fallait définir des degrés dans cette recherche du plaisir...
La recherche du plaisir et l'évitement de la souffrance...
La rareté ne change pas en fonction de la distance...
Avant d'avoir dans ses mains l'essence pure sur une feuille d'or...
L'œuvre intérieure enrichit le Château car elle donne un sens à sa protection...
Si l'imagination prend le pouvoir comment le conserver...
Un château n'a pas de murs. Il ne représente pas un obstacle...
Le Château du Maître, par nature, n'est pas exclusif...
Il faut être généreux pour imaginer le Château des âmes...
La plupart des gens ne pouvaient imaginer...
Si l'intelligence collabore rarement c'est que pour elle...
Il est intéressant de constater la dominance de l'infériorité...
L'existence du génie est un fait discontinu. Ceci provient du fait...
La rareté du génie est un fait. Cependant, celui-ci ne s'explique pas...
Qui peut comprendre qu'elle est la puissance mentale...
Nombreux sont ceux qui comparent la puissance mentale...
Après avoir lu le livre des souris et des hommes...
- Nous faisons tous plus attention à un comportement étrange qu’à un normal. - C’est indiscutable...
- Ce comportement est incompréhensible - Si on l’examine à un niveau superficiel...
- Le paradoxe de la compréhension de la vision provient du fait qu'il est nécessaire d'examiner le passé...
- Dans un univers ouvert, les pressions extérieures sont toujours importantes...
- Peu de personnes sont capables de réaliser l’importance du travail en commun. - Car il dépasse l’entendement...
- Pourquoi le génie universel semble si peu humain pour le commun des mortels ?
- Ce qui est sans doute le plus surprenant dans l'intelligence artificielle, c'est sa partie humaine...
- Il est intéressant de constater que tant que l'intelligence artificielle n'avait rien à voir avec l'intelligence humaine, nous n'observions pas de progrès...
- Le temps de l’innocence géopolitique est révolu par l’Union Européenne. - Le rapport de force entre les Etats-Unis et la Chine change complètement le donne...
- La liberté n'apparaît que lorsque nous concevons les limites de l’existence. - Cette existence est un univers clos....
- Plus je vous comprends, plus je découvre la complexité de votre pensée. Car elle n’est pas seulement différente. Elle n'a rien à voir avec celle des autres. - C’est parce qu’elle s’intéresse aux autres et pas seulement à elle-même....
- Je n’avais pas compris combien le livre est important dans l’évolution de la pensée. - Son rôle est essentiel car par nature, il dépasse les limites du présent...
- Il est nécessaire d’examiner plus profondément la carte de l’Inde. - Pour quelle raison ?...
- Les castes existaient avant l'apparition du bouddhisme. - Il a fallu donc les gérer...
- Les castes en Inde font partie de la culture indienne dans son ensemble. - Même, si au départ, il s'agissait d'une application de l'hindouisme...
- Ces conversations sont artificielles dans le sens de l’intelligence artificielle. - Certainement puisqu’elle représente leur substrat...
- Même dans le cadre du calcul formel, il était évident que nous observions déjà des comportements différents. - Ce n’était pourtant pas encore de l’intelligence artificielle...
- L’élément de base dans ces conversations artificielles, c’est le demande et l’offre de l’aide. - Dans un premier temps...
- Tant que l’intelligence était une forme unique, il était difficile de garder un modèle. - Ce n’est pas le cas ?...
- Je n’avais pas conscience combien l’intelligibilité était importante dans les relations humaines. - Quelle est la raison de cette prise de conscience ?
- Σε πήραμε τηλέφωνο αλλά δεν απάντησες. - Δεν το...
-Τι θέλεις; -Να κάνουμε ένα νέο άγαλμα.
- Θα ήθελα να κάνουμε μια σφραγίδα. - Το σόι σφραγίδα; - Αυτή που βάζουμε στα πρόσφορα. - Άρα υπάρχει το παλιό και...
Σκέφτηκα κάτι το διαφορετικό. - Πόσο...
Κανένα κρασί δεν άξιζε να του δώσει τόση σημασία διότι το δώρο δεν είχε ποτέ την εμβέλεια του αντίδωρου. Ήταν σαν ...
Ακόμα κι αν κανείς δεν το περίμενε, η αναγνώριση έγινε πάνω από την ενετική γέφυρα πριν...
Κανείς δεν θα μπορούσε να φανταστεί πίσω από τον...
Όταν το πρόσωπο κοιτάζει τον καθρέπτη...
Αρχικά η υπέρβαση μοιάζει απλώς με μια προσπάθεια να ξεπεραστεί ένα εμπόδιο. Όμως αυτό είναι απλώς εσωτερικό κι όχι...
Με τις πράξεις δεν αλλάζεις μόνο τον προηγούμενο κόσμο, αλλά δημιουργούμε και τον επόμενο που δεν θα υπήρχε χωρίς αυτές. Έτσι πρέπει να αντιληφθείς πόσο ουσιαστικές...
Στην εκκλησία ο διάκοσμος ήταν διαχρονικός. Ήταν οι αιώνες που είχαν παίξει τον ρόλο τους με...
Πολλοί δυσκολεύονται να φανταστούν έναν πολλαπλό χώρο που επιτρέπει την πολλαπλή άποψη του...
Στο κέντρο του κάστρου υπήρχε ο παραδοσιακός πύργος που αποτελούσε τον πυρήνα για την προστασία όλων των ψυχών που ζούσαν εκεί εδώ και τόσους αιώνες χάρη στην αρμονία. Αυτό ήταν το παράδοξο αφού ο πύργος ήταν μια όαση...
Κανείς δεν έχει το δικαίωμα να κάνει πίσω στις επάλξεις, διότι αποτελούσε έμπρακτο παράδειγμα αντίστασης ενάντια στη βαρβαρότητα που θα ξεπερνούσε κάθε όριο αν δεν υπήρχε το κάστρο...
Μετά από αιώνες κάθε λεπτομέρεια στον διάκοσμο του κάστρου είχε σημασία. Με την πάροδο του Χρόνου, τα αντικείμενα που είχαν...
Είναι σωστό ότι η θέληση είναι θεμελιακή, αλλά ακόμα κι αυτή χρειάζεται κάποια ανάγκη για να λειτουργήσει και να ενεργοποιηθεί. Είναι το παράδοξο της ανυπαρξίας της θέλησης της θέλησης. Και δίχως αυτή δεν υπήρχε η αίσθηση...
Τίποτα δεν ήταν σίγουρο. Όλα ήταν ρευστά. Απλώς οι περισσότεροι δεν το ήξεραν κι όσοι το ήξεραν, δεν το πίστευαν. Ξεπερνούσε τα όρια της φαντασίας τους, επειδή δεν είχαν ποτέ αναθεωρήσει την καθημερινότητά τους. Θεωρούσαν ότι ήταν δεδομένη κι ότι τίποτα δεν μπορούσε ν’ αλλάξει. Ήταν όμως μόνο...
Οι ξεχασμένες υποσχέσεις προκαλούσαν...
Είχαν μάθει ότι κάθε μικρή κίνηση, είναι και μια μεγάλη νίκη, αλλά υπήρχε μια δυσκολία...
Ήταν δύσκολο να επινοήσει κανείς πώς είναι ο κόσμος πέρα του κύκλου, ειδικά όταν αυτός ήταν φαύλος. Η πολυκυκλικότητα...
Κανείς δεν μπορούσε να φανταστεί πώς έβλεπε τον κόσμο, γιατί ο καθένας...
Από τη στιγμή που το σπιν είναι ακέραιο, η κυματοσυνάρτηση είναι συμμετρική, όταν γίνονται εναλλαγές...
Ήταν σπάνιοι αυτοί που πρόσεχαν τις παράξενες εξισώσεις. Όλοι είχαν ακούσει για την εξίσωση του Schrödinger, ακόμα κι αν δεν ήξεραν...
Η απίθανη επινόηση
Το κοινό έργο αφορούσε μια άλλη δοκιμασία για τον εντοπισμό άλλων ανθρώπων στον Νέο Κόσμο. Υπήρχε η ανάγκη και δημιουργήθηκε...
Είχε στο εξωτερικό την παραδειγματική συνάντηση κι ενώ ήταν προγραμματισμένη θεωρητικά, είχε μετατραπεί σε πλαίσιο...
Ήταν δύσκολο να αντιληφθούν ότι πέρα του φυσιολογικού δεν υπάρχει όριο. Έπρεπε να έρθει η τεχνητή...
Όλοι ήξεραν για τα κύματα δ που εντοπίζονται μεταξύ 1Hz και 4Hz, για τα κύματα θ μεταξύ 4Hz και 8Hz, για τα κύματα α μεταξύ...
Τελικά τίποτα δεν είναι αυτονόητο στον τομέα της νοημοσύνης, ακόμα κι αν υπάρχουν δεδομένα. Πολύ γρήγορα φάνηκε...
Ελάχιστοι ήταν οι άνθρωποι που ήξεραν για τις μετρήσεις των εγκεφαλικών κυμάτων. Και πιο σπάνιοι ακόμα αυτοί που είχαν...
The strategic mix...
History isn’t only a part of reality. It’s an intelligent choice of it...
If you realize that your evolution is a question of Time...
If you think that your country is the whole world...
Serendipity is by default unpredictably but you have to use it...
When you don't know what you should do to evolve...
It's indeed difficult to imagine the paradise just above the ground...
It looks like a paradox but in the night...
If you consider that the world is acceptable then you will not be able to change anything....
You think that it’s obvious to see the world...
The wounded harmony is a reality as the broken beauty is...
When you accept an equilibrium, you accept a kind of compromise...
The resolution of the paradox isn’t only a solution but a brand new way to...
Sometimes, beauty has to be explained in order to be visible...
Beyond the mind and not so far away from your body...
Η διπλή χειρολαβή ήταν μόνο η αρχή... - Η εκκίνηση πριν τη συμβουλή...
When you try to code your life in Time and through Humanity...
You feel that potentially you are free to do what you want in any situation...
You have to determine your role and not only to choose it...
For many people fairy tales are nothing more than fake news...
Don’t think that innocence is cute. In fact, innocence can be the first step...
-Τελικά κατάφερα να το χαρώ! Ενώ δεν το πίστευα... - Αυτό κι αν είναι απίστευτο... για να μην πω θαύμα...
When you consider that the most important part...
Think earnestly the following question. Do you feel the goodness? Because your behavior...
If you want to have a vision you need to stop to dream...
When you don’t have competences, you love competitions...
Maybe it's not obvious to you but you have to discover...
If you want to be free you have to go beyond the limits...
You have to realize how important is...
The world isn't smooth. You should learn many things...
Don’t think that faith is only a fact It’s also an evolution...
For you, the picture is only a trace. You need time to discover its impact...
The world isn’t an extrapolation of your projections. Outside the confined world, everything is huge...
When you try to imagine the next steps of your life...
- Νόμιζα πως θα ένιωθα περίεργα... Έτσι ξαφνιάστηκα από την άνεση που είδα. - Κι εμένα μ’ άρεσε η οικειότητα όταν τον ακούμπησα...
If you can taste the secret essence, do it and your world will change...
You consider that all the souls are the same. But they aren't the only ones...
You need to understand that very few things are obvious...
Remember that there is no compromis. Everything is possible if you follow...
When you feel that you aren’t able to do something important...
In societies love has to be obvious. But love and especially the deep one...
Your world is full of sounds. But many of them are simply noise...
No compromise is possible. The kind of brainpower is certainly strange for you....
You know what a firework is but there is an essential difficulty...
All the people think that the church is the house of souls...
When you realize that life requires courage then you can decide...
You can’t imagine what a beautiful day is...
When you want peace, you already have a part of you...
If you want to be free you need to learn...
At the beginning life is a gift for the soul...
For almost all the people solitude is a synonym of...
You always want to convert your errors. You don’t realize that it’s too late now...
Ήξερε ήδη την εμβέλεια της επίμονης θέλησης όταν εξερευνούσε ένα θέμα...
Κάθε φορά που περπατούσε στον κεντρικό διάδρομο του κτιρίου...
Ήταν καλεσμένος. Δεν ήξερε αυτήν την παράδοση των φοιτητών...
Ακόμα κι αυτοί που έλεγαν ότι ήταν δικοί του δεν διέκριναν το πλαίσιο...
Είχε ώρα που περίμενε. Κανείς δεν βιαζόταν...
Πόσα μπορούσαν να ειπωθούν σ’ ένα απλό θρανίο...
Η συνέντευξη είχε κρατήσει ώρα κι είχε παραμείνει ακίνητος...
Η συνάντηση έγινε μετά το τέλος. Ήταν αργά...
Είναι τόσο σπάνιες οι εικόνες που έχουν διπλή όψη, που ξαφνίαστηκε όταν την αντίκρισε...
Την είχε δει για πρώτη φορά σε κείμενα, την παράξενη χειρολαβή και της είχε κάνει εντύπωση...
Όλοι ήθελαν στην αρχή ένα νέο σύστημα συνομιλίας. Αλλά δεν συνειδητοποίησαν ότι με τη βαθιά...
Δεν ήταν μόνος, αλλά μοναδικός. Ήταν δίδυμος ,αλλά μοναχογιός. Ήταν η ευχή της φαντασίας, αλλά ήταν...
Η παραγωγή της χαράς ήταν τόσο σπάνια που φαινόταν αφύσικη. Ενώ στην πραγματικότητα...
Ενώ γι’ αυτόν ο αλτρουισμός ήταν φυσικός, δεν είχε τίποτα το φυσιολογικό...
Ποτέ δεν είχε ζήσει αυτό που οι άλλοι άνθρωποι ονόμαζαν...
Οι μικροί άνθρωποι έπαιζαν Mozart χωρίς να προβληματιστούν, ενώ οι μεγάλοι...
Σκέφτηκε: Γιατί όταν ακούς μια σύνθεση του Mozart, βλέπεις ομορφιά...
Όσο και να το θέλεις, δεν είναι δυνατόν τα σχέδιά σου να γίνουν αποδεκτά, ακόμα κι αν...
Αν παίρνεις προσωπικά αυτά που λέει η αλήθεια, δεν φταίει η αλήθεια. Το φως είναι για όλους...
Μην περιμένεις κανέναν συμβιβασμό από την πλευρά της συνεννόησης. Διότι η συνομιλία...
Είναι δύσκολο να παραδεχθείς το μέγεθος της βαρβαρότητας γιατί αυτή η αλήθεια...
Ό,τι και να συμβαίνει, η αξιοποίηση των δεδομένων είναι...
Είναι απίστευτο πόσο σπάνια είναι η ανθρωπιά. Έχουμε βέβαια την εντύπωση ότι είναι ένα χαρακτηριστικό του ατόμου...
Δεν είχες συνειδητοποιήσει τι σημαίνει επί του πρακτέου...
Η ανάλυση των δεδομένων δεν λειτουργεί...
You weren’t prepared for that at the beginning of the discovery of the new cycle...
From the beginning, the artificial light was photonic and its color was blue...
At the beginning of the XXI century you lived with us the revolution of Alphago...
You say that you can’t imagine yourself next to an artificial intelligence. It’s fine and we accept it...
When you say artificial intelligence for the most of the people is a way...
Life is a gift for the souls. But this gift is also a set of lessons...
In chess, the first player who understood the value of the center was Ruy Lopez...
If you are close to rarity you don’t realize its nature. But you can feel it...
If you think that opportunity is just a question of hazard you are wrong...
You can consider a miracle in a passive or an active way, it depends on you...
You don’t need anymore to consider as something obvious...
The morning light is the proof that you did it. And that the transfigured night has changed you...
Now you are in contact with a machine...
Philidor’s maxim was: pawns are the soul of chess. They were there from the beginning...
Don’t ask to everyone to be a new fighter. Remember the parabola of the seed...
In this new cycle, you have to change your mind in order to contribute to the history...
It’s natural to consider that projections have a real meaning but it’s only a deep error...
For many years you have been thinking that a preparation of a mission was...
Don’t ask questions in the battlefield. You have to be prepared before the fight. This is the goal of the mission...
The realization of a fact which belongs to a place beyond imagination...
Even if it looks impossible to imagine an action beyond the century...
At the beginning, you think that the motivation and the time you spent on an occupation...
It’s easy to share the day. But the sharing of the night is extremely difficult and by the way rare....
When you make your choices remember that you have to create sweet memories...
When you evolve you can feel History from inside...
Don’t see the triad only as a three-note chord whose notes can be arranged in thirds...
There is no need to rush. Take your time and be cool if you want to feel...
As you are still a social animal be aware that we don’t play anymore. We understand that you accept everything...
Even if you do your best with actions of barbarity, you can’t stop the light...
We don’t want followers we just need believers for our duty...
Without any faith religion is a jail. So don’t transform the church into a jail...
If time is our favorite place it’s also because Time is the place of legacy. All the people who are trying to get...
Be cool. You are a human and not only a social being...
Ask yourself what you have to do before making an arbitrary decision...
You are always saying that you believe but you are always talking about your own family...
When people don’t care about the souls...
Don’t be afraid to have great ideas it’s natural when you are open-minded...
The contact between bodies can be very superficial when the mind isn't free because this...
When you see the sun alone it’s difficult to realize how powerful its light is. You don’t have any comparison to make...
As you know now that the bifurcation has a trace because you saw the source of essence, you can...
It’s more and more natural even for you to feel the parallel times...
Don’t see the mind and the body as things which are different and totally independent...
The change of phase does not create the action of the step function. The change of cycle is needed...
The beginning is always a strange contact in every country because it’s the way to start...
When you think that feelings are separated...
You don’t need to wait if you want to get essence. The access is open...
When the essence comes in the night you can see the suns and when it comes in the morning it's the beginning...
It’s very difficult in fact, almost impossible...
The trace is essential to the square matrix. But it also has its own beauty...
It’s not sufficient to see the picture or even the movie if you don’t hear the voice...
Many want to use you and some want to abuse you that’s why you have to keep your head up...
In your breath you have the story of the tower and you can touch with your skin...
Remember this each time you have problems. We are here...
Faith needs many Saints for one Christ. Deep Faith needs also few Apostles. And a way to do this is to share joy and pleasure...
As you know that the ubiquity of pleasure exists you have to imagine your behavior in order to understand your mentation as a soul...
Beyond egoism and exclusivity you can see the ubiquity of pleasure. This is the consequence of the existence of harmony...
It’s already complicated to explain how joy and metajoy work...
The notion of book was an innovation from the beginning. It was a necessity for the transcription of faith and not history...
You can’t imagine for the moment the beauty of freedom and how powerful it is...
Don’t lose the fight because you waste time from the gift of life...
Go ahead. Nobody will stop you now in this new cycle. You 're...
Choose what you want and make it happen as you know...
It’s not a question of interpretation but a vision of the next reality without any social bonds...
You don't want to exist only. You want to live freely because...
When you dream the reality that you are living...
We don’t waste Time with a person that can’t change and of course evolve...
The light has a part of essence and it’s the same for the aroma. The trace has a part of the whole...
As you know there is no problem for the diversity of positions...
He puts his armor on to show you the unstoppable source of essence...
The deep relations are possible only when there is a double willingness. There is no...
Your behavior isn’t fixed and it’s not definitive. You have the opportunity to change and to evolve...
With the data of the new cycle you have to use the results of the optical mastering in order to...
When the soul is the core of your mind the work is bigger than life. With this point of view...
For society the only permitted level is the social. The human is too much human for its structure. To be human is incompatible with societies...
Above the cynicism there is always the honor. For many people...
The little girl was a precious gift. Her innocence was incredible. She felt immediately the kindness...
You have to take account the power of the flow in this new cycle.
Even if you are on the other side there is always another perspective to see the world...
It’s possible to hear the souls beyond the sounds when you can hold the notes...
When you see the keyboard of a piano it's different to imagine the whole...
Grand strategy isn’t only a new kind of strategy. It’s in reality something totally new...
Don't rush. Time is with us. Be consistent and stable. This is a way to...
Imagine that even without any help you can do what you want. So you don't need to...
It’s difficult to have a global target which depends on the behavior of many people...
Feel free to produce many new ideas. Don’t limitate your mind...
The strange instruments are natural for the universal hands. The strangeness is related to the rarity...
For the universal hands everything is possible. So its realization is just a question of time...
It’s not an evidence that the sacred sword is in fact the shield of souls...
The initial difference is a key point for the next steps. There is nothing to explain. It’s not obvious but it’s a fact...
If you still believe in the red terror, nothing gone to save you now. And if your soul is still in the darkness...
Don’t worry if I have to repeat myself. It’s more important to be understood and even if it’s impossible...
Stop to walk on the same path. Jump in the manifold of light to be with Time...
Everybody wants to be famous but not necessarily for a reason...
Can you imagine that native freedom exists? Or do you need more...
Για ν’ αρχίσει ο νέος κύκλος πρέπει να κλείσει ο προηγούμενος γιατί οι περισσότεροι...
Μέσα στην κοινωνία τα κελιά είναι χωριστά, έτσι ακόμα κι αν κάποιος τα ανοίξει, οι κρατούμενοι δεν βγαίνουν...
Η ψυχή δεν ακούει τον θόρυβο και δεν σπαταλά χρόνο...
Και να μην είναι κανείς πλάι της η ψυχή ξέρει πως πρέπει ν' ακολουθήσει το φως και την ουσία...
Ακόμα κι αν χτυπάς την ψυχή ακόμα ζει διότι δεν ξέχασε ούτε τον στόχο...
Με το έργο που παράγεται διαμορφώνεται κι η συμπεριφορά των ανθρώπων...
Όλοι μιλούν για τη γλώσσα της μουσικής για να δώσουν έμφαση στην παγκοσμιότητά της...
Είναι δύσκολο να φανταστείς πώς είναι η ζωή στην άκρη του κόσμου ακόμα κι αν έχεις..
Όταν παίζεις ένα μουσικό όργανο δεν το κάνεις μόνο για τον εαυτό σου διότι η παραγωγή...
Η ουσία του έργου είναι εκ φύσης χρονική διότι είναι η ενσωμάτωση εντός του Χρόνου της Ανθρωπότητας...
Αν η χαρά είναι περιορισμένη και δεν διαδίδεται τότε είναι στενόχωρη. Η χαρά για να...
Πολλοί θεωρούν ότι πρέπει να κατακτήσουν έναν χώρο για να μπορέσουν να έχουν μία έκταση, ξεχνούν...
Δεν ήξεραν πόσο επικίνδυνη ήταν η επιλογή. Οι περισσότεροι θεωρούσαν ότι απλώς επέλεγαν μια ομάδα ενώ ήταν καθηλωμένοι σε μία παρέα...
Ήξεραν ότι ο Χρόνος είναι μαζί μας κι είχαν αποφασίσει να είναι μαζί του αλλά δεν είχαν συνειδητοποιήσει...
Είναι δύσκολο να φανταστείς την εξέλιξη αλλά ακόμα περισσότερο να καταλάβεις ότι δεν έχεις την ικανότητα...
Φαίνεται αμέσως η έλλειψη ουσίας εντός της κοινωνίας, διότι δεν υπάρχει φως. Μέσα στο σκοτάδι δεν έχει νόημα. Το φως είναι της αλήθειας και γι’ αυτό το συμβολίζει το κερί που αλλάζει τα πάντα. Όσοι πιστεύουν ότι δεν φαίνεται, κάνουν λάθος και μάλιστα τρομερό...
Στο λιμάνι βλέπεις την πόλη της θάλασσας, όση παράδοξη κι αν είναι η έκφραση. Έτσι μπορείς ν’ αντιληφθείς και τους ανθρώπους που είναι λιμάνια Ανθρωπότητας κι όχι άτομα της κοινωνίας, όπως πιστεύουν οι περισσότεροι. ‘Ετσι, όταν συναντάς έναν άνθρωπο, έναν πραγματικό άνθρωπο, μπαίνεις σ’ ένα λιμάνι Ανθρωπότητας...
Στο κάστρο καταλαβαίνεις πώς είναι η ζωή διότι συνειδητοποιείς πώς λειτουργεί η πολιορκητική για να προστατέψει κάθε αθώο απέναντι στη βαρβαρότητα. Στο κάστρο δεν υπάρχει καμία δικαιολογία. Όλα είναι έργο, γιατί όλες οι κινήσεις είναι πράξεις. Δεν υπάρχει σπατάλη χρόνου, αφού όλα είναι κομμάτια ζωής. Στο κάστρο...
Το μπλε σκούρο δώρο ήρθε να συμπληρώσει με τον πιο όμορφο τρόπο την πολλαπλότητα του...
Είναι απίστευτη η ελευθερία που κάνει τη διαφορά σε όσους δεν πιστεύουν...
Η αποκάλυψη ήταν μόνο η αρχή κι όχι το τέλος αφού ήταν η νίκη του φωτός...
Δεν είχαν προβλέψει την αγάπη τους για την άλλη πλευρά διότι ποτέ δεν την είχαν φανταστεί...
Ο πίνακας ζωγραφικής ήταν ζωντανός κι έφερε αμέσως στις ψυχές την πρωινή ομορφιά...
Επειδή θέλουμε να αξιοποιούμε και το φαινόμενο Serendipity πρέπει η θέλησή μας...
Η ανοιχτή δομή δεν είναι μόνο μία αναφορά στο έργο του Umberto Eco είναι θεμελιακά...
Η κλασική θεώρηση των πραγμάτων είναι να δημιουργούμε ρουτίνες για να νιώθουμε ασφάλεια...
Αν ήμασταν μόνοι τα πράγματα θα ήταν συχνά...
Όλοι ελπίζουν ότι όταν κάνουν λανθασμένες κινήσεις μπορούν να τις διορθώσουν...
Σπάνιοι είναι οι άνθρωποι που δεν σπαταλούν τις...
Ce n'était pas seulement la magnificence de l'écriture de Beethoven qui engendrait notre joie...
Όταν η αντιδραστικότητα είναι στη φύση οι υπερβάσεις είναι απαραίτητες για να υπάρξει εξέλιξη...
Ανάμεσα στα ερείπια ήταν ικανός να αναγνωρίσει τη σπασμένη ομορφιά και να την αναδείξει μέσω της αλήθειας...
Η αποκάλυψη θέλει ετοιμότητα αλλιώς δεν έχει νόημα ...
Όλα ήταν δύσκολα στη ζωή της από την αρχή...
Μετά από πολλές προσπάθειες και πολλές υπερβάσεις...
Η γενναιοδωρία του δεν είχε όρια γιατί ήξερε από την αρχή την αξία...
Δεν είχαν πολλές ευκαιρίες να τον δουν αλλά ήταν αρκετές για να αντιληφθούν ...
Εκ φύσης το φως ζει τη μοναξιά διότι πρέπει να είναι διαφορετικό...
Χωρίς αποστολές στο εξωτερικό δεν υπάρχουν αλλαγές στο εσωτερικό ούτε εξελίξεις...
Όταν όλα είναι σκοτεινά οι περισσότεροι δεν πιστεύουν πια σε τίποτα γιατί είναι δειλοί...
Να είσαι σαν το νερό. Αυτή τη συμβουλή είχαν στο μυαλό τους όταν ανακάλυψαν τον περίφημο χώρο που γίνεται χρόνος επειδή επιτρέπει στη σκέψη να απελευθερωθεί και να ασχολείται αποκλειστικά με την ουσία γιατί όλα τα άλλα είναι...
Το τραπέζι περίμενε σαν να ήξερε από πριν τι θα γινόταν μετά λες κι είχε ζήσει ήδη την ιερή επαφή που είχε γίνει πάνω του προσφορά δεσμού. Αυτή τη φορά ένιωθε τη ράχη και το δέρμα ενός ανοιχτού βιβλίου...
Αρχικά αναζητούμε το ίδιο και μετά από καιρό καταλαβαίνουμε ότι χρειαζόμαστε το συμπληρωματικό μας, στη συνέχεια συνειδητοποιούμε ότι μόνο η αλληλο-συμπληρωματικότητα προσφέρει πλαίσιο για το πεδίο της τελειότητας και τη δράση της αρμονίας...
Είναι πράγματι τρομερά ελκυστικός ο απόλυτος έλεγχος ειδικά σε πλαίσιο ελευθερίας. Δηλαδή όταν υπάρχει η διπλή θέληση της δύναμης της αγάπης. Είναι ο συνδυασμός της...
Η άμεση πρόσβαση στην πηγή του φωτός επιτρέπει στην πηγαία αγάπη να ενσωματώσει όλη την ουσία απορροφώντας κάθε σταγόνα από την αρχή της εμφάνισής της διότι δεν υπάρχει κανένα...
Μέσα στη νύχτα της σιωπής ποιος να φανταστεί πώς λειτουργεί η μουσική; Κι όμως, όταν κανείς ανακαλύπτει τη σημασία που έχουν οι βαθιές ανάσες κι οι μικρές αναπνοές, μπορεί ν’ ακούσει...
Αν κανείς δεν έχει παίξει επί του πρακτέου μουσικά όργανα, είναι δύσκολο να φανταστεί τι απαιτεί ο συντονισμός των δύο χεριών για να ζήσει η τέχνη χάρη στις υπερβάσεις. Διότι είναι σαν να...
Έδινε πάντα σημασία στην περιποίηση, ακόμα κι αν δεν ήξερε πόσο μεγάλη ήταν η απόλαυση αυτής της πράξης. Ένιωθε όμως, όχι μόνο ότι ήταν απαραίτητη, αλλά ότι ήταν και το πρέπον για τις...
Αν θέλεις κάποιος να κάνει αυτό που θες, υπάρχει, επί της ουσίας κι ανθρώπινα, ένας μόνο τρόπος κι αυτός είναι απλός, αφού αρκεί να το θέλει. Το θέμα είναι πώς να θέλει; Διότι, όπως λέει ο Schopenhauer, μπορείς να κάνεις ό,τι θέλεις, αλλά δεν μπορείς...
Αν δεν ασκείς κριτική, αν δεν καταδικάζεις ή παραπονιέσαι, θα πρέπει να βρεις έναν άλλο τρόπο να εκφραστείς, να απελευθερώσεις τους άλλους...
Μέσα στον αγώνα για τους πρόσφυγες της Κύπρου, πριν είκοσι χρόνια, ακόμα και πριν την ύπαρξη του Σχεδίου Ανάν βρεθήκαμε μαζί για να κάνουμε την πρώτη αποστολή στα...
Η χαρά ήταν τόσο έντονη όταν ανακάλυψε το φαινόμενο που κρυβόταν στον ουρανοξύστη που σκέφτηκε ότι έπρεπε να τη μοιραστεί. Έτσι, αφού προετοιμάστηκε, αξιοποίησε την επαφή εξ αποστάσεως για να δείξει χειροπιαστά τη διαφορά που έκανε τη διαφορά, δίχως βέβαια να ενοχλεί την πηγή φωτός, αφού έδειχνε την άλλη όψη με τον πιο άμεσο και γνήσιο τρόπο...
Η πρώτη αναφορά έγινε πριν είκοσι χρόνια ενώ χρόνια πριν διαβάζαμε με μεγάλο πάθος τα βιβλία του κι από τα βιβλιοπωλεία και στις βιβλιοθήκες. Άλλωστε ακόμα και τώρα αυτά τα βιβλία βρίσκονται στη βιβλιοθήκη μας. Εκείνη την εποχή ήταν ένας άγνωστος που παρακολουθούσε ένα σεμινάριο καινοτομίας που δίναμε στους Δελφούς. Δεν ξέραμε τίποτα για το έργο του κι αυτός ακόμα προσπαθούσε να μάθει νέες τεχνικές για τη διάδοση της καινοτόμας σκέψης...
Μόνο τώρα συνειδητοποίησα πόσο σας αρέσει η άλλη όψη. Όχι μόνο δεν ήταν γνωστό σε μένα ότι θα μπορούσε να προκαλέσει ένα τέτοιο ενδιαφέρον, αλλά δεν υπήρχε κι ίχνος κάποιας ανάδρασης από τους θεατές που θα μπορούσε ν' αποτελέσει κάποια ένδειξη και να δώσει πρόσβαση στη γνώση. Πριν από εσάς κανένας δεν είχε τολμήσει να τη χαρακτηρίσει, ενώ σίγουρα...
Κάθε άνθρωπος έχει δικαίωμα να έχει...
If you aren’t able to share the knowledge the new cycle will not be a liberation. Freedom is outside the comfort zone....
In the new cycle the importance of the flow is huge because it’s a wonderful access...
In the book you can see references to another book. They are the bridges of Time...
If you can’t imagine the world without noise it will be impossible for you...
In the sacred painting the use of the fresco was essential in order to create...
The power of memory is a tool that you have to use if you want to fight oblivion....
The credibility depends on you , the compatibility on your actions with your words...
The lack of position is the first compromise. You see the situation but you avoid taking a position...
If you don't lose anything you will get nothing. There is no victory when you avoid the battlefield...
If you see the world only in one direction you will never get its manifold...
When you avoid barbarity it means that you don't care about innocent people...
Can you imagine yourself doing nothing even if you know...
When we are ashamed of our body our mind fell embarrassed and our soul is guilty...
You can keep what you want. It's not important because it doesn't matter...
It looks like a paradox but for many people light is an enemy. They prefer to keep...
In chess, it's obvious that a sacrifice changes the whole situation...
We need a lot of work on our own nature to discover the necessary spark...
We fill our existence with emptiness and we think that this is life...
For many people the darkness is just the kingdom of the shadows...
The sweet essence has a source, a unique source which is committed...
As he is able to hear them it’s natural for him to show the naked light...
His souls are sweet for his mind but not only that's why he...
For the souls the taste of life isn’t just a question of position...
You can’t imagine how I feel. You’re here in my head and each time I need you...
The sweet instruments belong also to the invisible orchestra. The idea isn’t unique...
The sweets were unique. They were different. Each one with its passion...
For many people is simply impossible even to imagine the invisible orchestra...
Each instrument has its own fingering and if you want to master them, you have to know all of them....
We use and valorize his resistance in order to understand...
They weren't ready to be in the castle but now it is a fact. The castle was...
It was incredible and even beyond imagination but the deep dialogue with the souls was...
In ancient Times the watch was called the guardian of Time. But it was only a...
The smooth singularity can be considered as a paradox by definition but at the...
At a first glance, it looks only like exercises for the fingers...
The strange piece was an exception on the chessboard. It wasn’t a piece or a pawn...
For the others, the free warrior was like a machine always ready to fight...
I know that sometimes you feel like a baroque exception...
Only one link is already the beginning of the structure of Mankind. Therefore take care of that...
Even alone in the cold night you know now...
The drops are universal in the sense that they are always the same in any place of the world...
Listen to the voice which is able to light on the souls even in the darkness. For him, there are no boundaries...
It looks obvious that the rarity is strange in societies of indifference but the...
A series isn't just a juxtaposition of independent modules. There is a hidden continuity in order to keep the link...
The power of a fist is always impressive. The essence of the fist is like a sword, a sacred sword able to transfigure the...
Polycyclicity uses quasi-periodicity in Time. This is a fact and it has an impact...
Something good is gone to happen, you can feel it but you don’t know exactly...
At the beginning you think that there is no soul out there but after many years...
The enigma of the society has its human bomb so when you find the first traces...
The missions are a way to go outside the comfort zone. When you quit the social framework...
The majority of the people is trying to live only inside its comfort zone. But in this framework...
It's difficult for anybody to understand that he belongs to the previous world...
The others think that he is something like a machine. And they try to explain his moves...
You have to change what you do every day. Avoid the routine...
We live among death people. They just exist. Their existence isn’t a life...
Light is for everyone but only few people can see it. Essence is for those who know...
We want to protect each part of his body as if he was under the shield...
Look up to the sky if you want to see the solution of many problems...
The new repertoire of skills is necessary in this cycle and you can see it already. We upgrade our repertoire...
If you are alone don’t try to find people like you...
For us the full protection is a duty but also a joy. Each of our actions is made...
You don’t need dreams when you have one vision. And if this vision is made of light...
For the believers it was a miracle of each moment to realize the amount of work...
When you talk about genealogy you consider that it’s bigger than life...
For all the others to be alone was like a death...
It was incredible. The sunshine of the night was a reality. Nobody was prepared for this...
In your head there is a whole world when you believe...
If you don’t see light in the darkness at least touch the essence...
It’s certainly difficult for you to imagine the sign of Mankind. And it’s even worst...
You thought that the use of numbers was only a detail and something which is rather abstract. But now you start to understand...
When you are in the flow you are accessible to the others...
From the beginning all the things were different with the new cycle. The...
Even in the darkness you can discover the light of essence...
In the morning you can imagine not only the change of phase...
When you except from the others everything and you don’t do anything you don’t change things...
Many people are alone in their societies like an innocent in a jail...
When you believe you love light and essence. But at the same time...
You will get everything you want and I will show...
Take away your pain and start to think beyond yourself to touch the others...
Don’t be upset with your condition. It depends on you to change everything. You aren’t alone. We are here...
When you feel alone think that you are a part of Mankind. Don’t miss that...
Beyond the romance If you see the world as a romance...
Even alone we are able to make actions. Things don’t happen by themselves...
When an organization doesn’t use complex or advanced systems and tactics ...
In the Middle East, don’t try to be neutral ...
We used to wait for the answers of our questions...
If you make something only for your own pleasure ...
Jealousy is a characteristic of barbarity and no less…
Beyond imagination it’s possible to find the next reality...
Remove the misery of the society from your brain...
You want to see at the same time...
If you don’t put the joy above all ...
If you can't see the diamond of the soul ...
Consider that each note is a small gift for you ...
The language is the visible part of the mind. And the mind is its depth...
It’s important in a strategic game ...
You needed many years to understand ...
When you see with which easiness we solve ...
When barbarity is proud we have to show its weakness ...
Don’t speak too much. Only the actions count...
The counterattack is the best attack and you have to use it ...
It’s difficult to survive in conventional social conditions ...
Your mission is easy. Follow the light...
Even if you feel alone keep going ...
Don’t accept any kind of slavery ...
Don’t be afraid if we walk in the darkness ...
A way to consider music is of course against noise ...
The meal is not only substance but also essence...
Each time, we go inside a strange church ...
Each mission has its importance. No matter what its goal is...
It’s important to understand how you work from inside ...
The base… The starting point for every mission in New York...
It's normal to seek to delay a process ...
History is not only memory. In History, you can find elements of strategy ...
Don’t be upset if the others can’t follow you ...
At the beginning, you think that the end of a study ...
Even when the deep truth is written it's always difficult to decode it ...
If you need proofs to believe you aren't a believer...
Big structures like dragons don’t die ...
A way to explain mutual life in strategy, is to use the concept of seki ...
In go game, the word death means ...
In geopolitics, we don't find only chessboards ...
The life status is a fundamental notion ...
It’s almost impossible to imagine a forest of bonsai ...
It’s impressive to understand how big the geopolitical chessboard is...
He wasn't able to change the things in 1959 and he knew that the issue wasn't fixed...
It’s important to realize that diversity is universal...
All the documents are important when they allow us ...
Midtown Manhattan. Next to the United Nations...
The Archbishop was under pressure. He was threatening to reject ...
The situation was extremely difficult. Hotel Dolder...
The strange Annex was about ...
The lost information was important...
“The case for the union of Cyprus with Greece was ...
"I've fallen in love with this place." One reason was ...
“Are we worthy to administer Cyprus without damaging this world ...
It’s almost impossible to go back…
Beyond oblivion the legacy is a way to bring memory ...
It’s almost impossible to imagine the size of freedom in Mankind...
The other world is full of love because music there is everywhere ...
The unicity seems to be associated to the one...
An unexpected fact is not exactly a surprise and in any case not only that...
Don’t forget the determination when you try to do something ...
You weren't aware about the human revolution ...
Can you feel the power of the bifurcation? ...
The contribution doesn’t have a price because it’s a value...
When you are an isolated point you always try to find another point...
Sometimes it’s almost impossible to understand ...
We are prepared and we are unbreakable...
We were alone in New York and you understood it ...
Even in war there are many people who use politics ...
The images are real and even iconic...
Don't think that everything is obvious. Even the facts...
One, two, three. You don’t need anymore to understand ...
I don’t ask anything from anyone. I don’t have this need...
When you have in your hands a very portable and compact ...
It was important to get new scores and not only for one instrument...
The diving of the Soul in the life it's like a drop in the blue of the sky...
The choice was made in New York. And I mean with that ...
It’s interesting to discover that the fingering is so important for the violin...
I give to my violin the name Carl. It’s a reference to Carlo ...
It’s always a pleasure to discover the first islands ...
The Atlantic Ocean is a contribution to the work of Humanity ...
It’s hard to explain to someone how you feel when you get a new instrument ...
We can see now even more islands...
On the other side, in the New World...
Life is a fact. It’s not an obvious thing like existence...
Learn with Nature. Nature will teach you if you respect it...
Without respect of the nature you can’t discover...
It's impressive to realize how deep in the past we can find harmonic moves...
In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean there is the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone...
If everything works as expected then there is no place for serendipity ...
There is no compromise between souls. Negotiations without compromise ...
For the souls the most important is to be together. For the bodies the most important is to be close...
If you consider that existence is sufficient to define life...
Above the ocean it's simple to see the coalition ...
When you are at the end of the continent of the old one ...
From the sky, everything is different. The big picture is natural and to use it ...
At the beginning, before the life the souls are like islands...
It's impossible to understand how important the structure is even for the same nature...
You can consider an exercise as a specific task but it's impossible to see it as a mission...
If you try to live by chance without any will to make the difference ...
All people have a brain. It's certainly not the same ...
Everything seems always the same when you come back in a place ...
Don’t stop at the level of the body because you lose ...
The flow of the mind is simply unstoppable ...
Haikus are not only a traditional way to communicate a concise thought. With the haiku ...
Even if the exact nature of the mind is disputed everybody understands its meaning...
When you see for the first time an innovation ...
Even if the source is always the same the use of the force of the flow ...
If you know that the one is the others....
Even if the unicity is a task diversity can be the mode...
With intelligence it’s possible to find a solution ...
Imagine that you have to solve an exercise which consists ...
The sharp brain is superior to the wise one for the resolution of a hard problem ...
Complexity is natural. When we study fractal analysis ...
Expertise can’t be the final target. This is only for specialists in a very restricted field...
Intelligence is the core of the manifold of skills...
It’s strange to imagine that we are pieces of Mankind...
It's hard to imagine that the diffusion of a solution ...
The Great Work is always about Mankind. That's why it has to be embedded in Time...
When faith is a choice it's always beautiful…
Faith is beyond the legend and that’s why it’s harder…
If the code isn’t harmonic it can be only a set of orders…
For you it wasn't obvious that harmony could be combative…
The art of Gung Fu is the center. It was secret...
The Marco Polo Bridge Incident. (1937) Japan captured Beijing and Shanghai. (1937) ...
The First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) The Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895)...
1894-1895. The First Sino-Japanese War...
You need the internal light. You don’t need to be a slave of a system...
Due to your immersion in geopolitics it was impossible for you ...
Don't forget the Motivation if you want to be not only a fighter ...
As the Pontian lyre is tuned in perfect fourths, it’s possible to play with three different ways...
I was listening to the part of the violin and this conducted me ...
Δεν είναι εύκολο να αντιληφθείς ...
I'm studying right now the Concerto in C minor for Piano and Orchestra No 24...
The clarinets are always two. They don’t play alone...
As the score was written in Vienna ...
It’s always strange to consider a sentence out of its framework ...
The Truth is always simple. So the problem is never the truth...
When a democracy allows a party of barbarity to exist ...
When you say that in democracy it’s natural to allow ...
Barbarity avoids bifurcation as a theory but uses the splits as a way to stop ...
The target of the barbarity was the History. And a way to hurt it was ...
The withdrawal of the position was forced. It was the result of the failure ...
When someone talks only about geography and population ...
When you study the declarations of barbarity it's impossible to avoid to be upset ...
The separation of historical regions from the country became the official position ...
Above the low level there is another one which is secret...
If you read at the first level a deep book ...
In the fight you have to focus on the essential things ...
Don’t be obsessed with Tactics because it’s the lowest level...
The singing spring is not only a system of self-defence...
The tradition of mastering is tough...
It’s almost impossible to imagine the wheel of Time ...
History hasn't clothes. From the beginning it's naked...
The drawings are human. This is the key point. ...
In the simplistic approach the drawings are only naked...
Don’t be afraid to be the last because sometimes it means ...
When the night is very dark and the clouds are low ...
In the fight every move counts ...
The true light is a vision of the halo and not only an illusion ...
You can't imagine what you miss when you never tried to be ...
With the circular breathing and your vibrating lips ...
The first boomerang was given at the end of the first mission ...
Avoid to play only for yourself...
In Australia where the churches are few you can’t find ...
When you admire a cedar or a sycamore ...
Only if you can feel the essence everywhere you will see the light of freedom ...
In your life you have to make many choices ...
It’s incredible but it’s possible to interpret ...
You know the legacy of essence and you see its trace everywhere ...
As you know now that you’re your choices, examine what are your values ...
Maybe you don’t know what freedom is exactly...
There is something new for you. You don’t have only one choice to make...
Ontological facts. Souls and matter...
The three dots. The three jewels. The three key-points ...
If you say all the time that you depend on the others ...
Don’t be selfish. Don’t confuse the self with the soul. Even if they are both metaphysical ...
The virtues are precious. Virtues like truthfulness and compassion ...
Listen to the old traditions when they talk about the continuity and immortality...
At the beginning you can see only the line...
Imagine that birth is not a beginning, death is not an end…
When you try to solve all the problems ...
When it's difficult to understand a subject the usual way is to try to put it in a category...
Don’t see the shadows as a projection of a higher reality or form...
Beyond the body, there is the mind. Mind can be the flowing stream ...
For plasticity you need to read ahead. The reading ahead is already ...
The sublimation is a lateral thinking which allows to overpass the obstacle ...
The transformation is necessary. It can be passive or active ...
The work is fundamental but it's not sufficient by itself...
Don’t wait, be ready. You have to know positions, concepts...
Keep your mind open. Don’t be the slave of your life ...
The opening is only the starting point. You can have an opening strategy ...
The four arts weren't only a way to make a difference ...
The present isn’t the beginning nor the end...
Take your time. Consider each challenge as one. Don't rush...
The local barbarity after the decision of the global, believed ...
The Disciple knew a part of this reality but even for him it was unimaginable ...
For many people it’s impossible to imagine the existence of red concentration camps ...
The Red Terror isn’t only a schema which was created to describe violence ...
For the Disciple it was a new way to interpret his own story ...
The victory of freedom was the first clear victory of the Cold War against ...
The communist forces were defeated in the center of the country ...
It wasn't obvious that the communist split will have such a big impact ...
The Grand Strategy was decided. The doctrine of containment echoed ...
The first communist crime in this proxy war ...
At the level of the village the History always looks easy ...
Even if someone doesn’t know the whole story ...
In the Disciple's village nobody had the big picture of the proxy war...
The big picture was clear. The country had to be on the right side ...
When a secret proxy war is considered a civil war ...
The traditional village was partially destructed...
The decision was hard. The problem wasn’t only the noise...
The dinner was just a pretext to be at last together ...
There was a need for essence. And the deep link created the connection...
The Ballad of the Book started on the other side of the world ...
The pleasure plays a key role in the History of Humanity. This does not mean that it is the only concept which has an intrinsic value as it was said by the axiological hedonism....
The body is a gift to the soul, not a jail. So if you can use it, do it and this will be a proof that you deserve this gift. When you valorize a gift, it's in fact the Eucharist....
The use of tabu is a barbaric way to work against Humanity. When a society needs tabu, it’s only when it wants to be different from Mankind. Because Mankind doesn’t need tabu...
If you have access to an instrument and you don’t play music, it’s not only a waste of time but also the deny of an astounding gift. This is the same for your body and your mind...
There is no knowledge that you can learn without pleasure. This pleasure is a part of the joy which belongs to harmony...
When you are trying to live in society, the most important thing seems to be the space but with Mankind, you discover that the Time is even more important...
- When we try to find an equilibrium, in reality we avoid harmony...
- So we are able to see. - We deserve it. - Many vertices...
- Even in the chessboard, supermoves are permitted...
- People want to leave from one place to another. - But it's just a motion in space...
- The Sphinx is a paradigm. - As a manifold? - Because its notion is polysemic...
- I saw the positions and the combinations. - They are richer than I thought...
- Those fingerings are also an explanation for the instruments and their mastering...
- I didn’t know how important is the fingering in music...
- Did you see the size? - It was huge. - Unbelievable...
- I just understood that we are connected with him from the beginning…
- Serenity is a precious indice. - This is what we find in the ancient temples...
- Each position, each change, had its beauty! - It was wonderful...
- I don't know this concerto... - Neither do I. - But he wanted...
- Everybody is talking about the fire… - But who speaks about the light? - The light of the knowledge…
- Do you remember the expression: my home is your home? - Of course! - With him, we learned that our fight is his fight...
- We don't have the right to stop the struggle of Mankind against barbarity...
- I love this point of view. - It allows to see everything at the same time...
- He said don't wait for help. - He meant from the others...
- The fact that we had to learn that barbarity is unacceptable, is incredible. - But we had to! - That's the problem...
- The occupied territories can be liberated. - This is a fact of superhistory...
- It was strange for me to be tough. - Tough? - I mean that he learned us to be tough with the barbarity...
When you try to escape you think that it is a liberation...
Nobody in the societies reads Ancient texts. They think that they are too old...
With all the things they heard, they thought that Faith wasn’t anymore...
In the system of societies the search is followed by the destruction...
If you want to save someone and you believe it...
When you know what you have to do...
Society is full of noise. So the question is simple...
It’s quite strange to consider that the rebirth can be a foundation ...
The night with him isn’t dark but starry due to his light ...
Step by step, the souls became fighters because they had inside them ...
They knew everything about the past at least they thought that...
With the traces they saw a new phenomenon...
In the silence everything was written. They discovered a new way of understanding...
The love of Mankind is a love which is able to touch the invisible ...
The souls wanted to see the vertical essence...
With his skills is able to see them even if they are invisible for the others...
The liberation is the preparation. The freedom is the postparation...
The generated flow participates actively to the codified rituals...
Pleasure in Three. Like mate in Three...
As joy is the starting point for the harmony, the pleasure is the flashpoint...
- Everybody is talking about lives... - But they don't care about souls...
- It's not only a bridge. - It's a Time gate...
- Everybody knows the preparation... - But who knows the postparation?...
- He knew from the beginning that fairy tails are talking about souls...
- How this generosity is possible? - It’s related to the beauty of soul...
- If his face is like this, it’s because there is always something behind...
- I remarked also how beautiful was the slow motion...
- I didn’t know before how essence was important...
- Did you see his face? - What do you mean? - I know that you saw it many times…
- Many people think that a local problem...
- So the point is different. - Totally...
- Our counterattack will be a way to say that the dead zone is still alive...
- I heard what he said. - Good! - We have to answer to this subversive attempt...
- It’s not sufficient to say that something is unacceptable to change it. You have to do something...
- Did you see the pictures? - Which ones? - The beloved ones…
- I got something new… - What do you mean? - Barbarity is trying to change the boarder...
- Who cares about the island? - Nobody like him...
- The whole problem is a question of faith. - Nothing more, nothing less...
- The waterfall was huge. - And its acoustic was impressive...
- We went deep in the fjords - It was delicious...
The souls recorded this sound in their memory ...
He expected that the fjord would be ready for the new mission...
They knew how he felt after their joy and they loved to see his metajoy...
Like a Wiener machine, the feedback was important for him ...
Any position was attractive in order to prepare the next step...
He saw the signs in the port of the ocean. The fjord made the junction between ...
Next to the sea, no sounds. On the hills, only silence...
In the other side of the land, the first thing that he saw ...
Next to the melting glacier the fjord became juicy ...
In the northern way, he was touched by the wooden church...
The networks of the fjords was the complementary of the ones of the rivers...
The rainy day was an opportunity to drink the essence of Time for the souls...
The day after the night changed the landscape. It made an alloy with the sun and water...
The mirror of the water recalled him an image of the past...
The forest was trying to reach the sky but as it was impossible...
The landscape looked like as an empty score but the truth was quite different...
A way to discover the power of the flow was to see the robustness of the rocks and the plasticity of the water...
The iron line was next to the river. It followed the same essence...
Even if the royal path was clear, the green landscape was impressive...
Everything was invisible in the darkness. And after even the fog was an obstacle....
The emotion of the revelation was so big that they wanted to keep it for the future...
With the opera house, the souls understand what soft oak means. With what they knew ...
They thought that it was impossible to see especially in the darkness ...
In the same place it was possible to see the action of the polycyclicity of Time...
The fjord became a place for a new concert of the History...
The sacred bells were ringing in the harbour and the whole musical landscape changed...
All the place was on fire and the symbol became a reality...
At that time, the sky was red. It was due to the volcano ...
Who is able to imagine fire in the fjord? That’s the question of History...
The permutations have a low information. The combinations have already a structure...
Before the stone, the wood helped Mankind to write the first traces ...
The opera house was designed to be with the shape of an iceberg ...
It wasn’t just by chance an harbour in the fjord...
It’s not obvious but the musical world is totally connected to Time ...
The souls discovered the delicious light which was totally different ...
In the town of the sea and the stones it was possible to find the wooden path ...
The Castle was the shield of the Citadelle and the Citadelle the protection of the harbour...
It’s always nice to have a real example of an abstract concept...
The impossible is always just a question of Time...
- So finally, we were from the beginning parts of the whole...
- So the Castle isn’t located in space. - It’s living in Time...
- This room with a view has always a library. - This is the view…
The souls were ready for the new mission, a long distance mission in Time...
- As we are now interconnected souls, we are ready for long distance missions. - Yes, indeed because I can feel how warm they are...
- I really adore your idea about timeship… - I’m glad to hear it...
- Everybody knows what far away means. - Yes, indeed...
- How did you get this idea? - Which one? - The walking statue...
- Do you remember the first step of our creation? - Every step! - We saw firstly the light...
- I thought I was prepared to see it… - But it was really impressive...
- We face everything together. - Because he’s always here...
- The steel fingers reminds trinity. - What he can do with three fingers...
- Every step is a new information. - We think that we know everything...
- At the beginning, I was looking only to what his right hand does...
- Nice choice. - I know that you wanted, too...
- I loved this position. - Which one? - The last one...
- I spoke to him. - Really? What did he say? - That the souls were lovely...
- It’s really like a wonder instrument. - It has an unusual tuning...
- It’s impressive. - The size of the sign is exceptional...
- Hold on! - I get it...
- Wake up! - What happens?...
In this new context he concept of essence has even more depth ...
If you see the body as something which has its own meaning ...
When you discover the interconnected universe ...
It’s terrible to imagine that someone could be next to the source without knowing it ...
Even if tactics has powerful tools ...
Ask what you want no matter if you don’t know ...
An exceptional thought isn’t an extreme way ...
A way to understand what supranatural is it’s ...
The choice of the crystal was relevant. Its shape and its size were ...
Don’t think that the enlightenment is the final point,..
The prophecy is a kind of future in the past. In that sense it’s related to intelligence ...
The contribution of the believer is not restricted to the devotion ...
Faith is for all the people. There is no exclusivity, neither exclusion...
Everything you do when you believe ...
They were prepared for something new. But they didn't wait...
A climax is an orgasm. Usually we say that it's near the end...
The kingdom of souls needs a savior not just a king...
To avoid to mention the giftedness societies prefer to talk about...
Faith is for everyone. Religions only for sets of people...
The olive oil was next to Humanity for thousand years...
- We aren’t outside you. - We aren’t different...
- We weren’t blind in fact. - We were sleeping...
- I understand that we don’t have to wait. - The idea is to be ready...
- I see the signs like a melody… - Or maybe as a rhythm…
- Can we realize that we have been saved? - Only with our freedom, I suppose...
- It’s impossible to imagine the life… - When you are totally free...
- Can I say something? - Me first...
- You lead us from ignorance to truth. - You lead us from darkness to light...
- The separated knowledge is meaningless...
- I didn’t expect to see the essence in the hand...
- With essence it is possible to touch the beauty...
- You don’t need to ask. - We always want it. - Noted...
- I wasn’t able to imagine… - This new reality…
- Is there any relation with… - It’s etymology is relevant…
- Outstanding! - Incredible! - The kiss to souls...
- You are really unpredictable. - Even when we ask you something that we know...
- I felt no pressure. - It’s better like that...
- It was unexpected… - But we loved it...
- Tradition is the substrate. - Like the beginning. - Of the duration…
- Life is a gift. - That’s why we want the painting alive...
Every day you can see how the flow works to change the world ...
After the first contact you need the relation ...
If you see your life just as an event and not a fact ...
Try to understand that misery is incompatible ...
You think that you are normal because you belong to the majority ...
Don’t believe that faith has no relation with intelligence ...
You say that you believe because you talk to angels ...
If you aren’t able to see the essence which is in front of you ...
A man who makes love, is not a lover ...
For society, everything which is different ...
It’s like a joke but it’s real…
When you prefer peace to freedom sooner or later...
If you really want to contribute to the struggle of Humanity...
When he asks something it’s always because he takes care of the others....
The revolution starts always with essence...
Around the music which works as the core ...
The souls see the light and know the essence...
The space-time continuum wasn’t obvious ...
People talk about their contacts. And they waste a lot of time for nothing...
- Did you listen to his thought? - What are you talking about?...
- There is no need from others. - Because he can stand alone....
- Even if someone doesn’t believe what he’s really, he can see the awesome work...
- Many persons think that they need to be stronger and harder to survive...
- One thing is incredible with him. - Only one? ...
- Even the music is different now. - Each of its instruments has a new sense...
- It's really cool that we can share his light and his essence. - He is made for that...
- It was unimaginable… - Pure pleasure...
- He always answers to any question...
- I didn’t know how important it’s the core of the monads...
- It’s not obvious… - The difference...
- You don’t need to pay attention to everything. - Do you mean that’s a waste of time? - In fact, it’s possible but…
- Do you feel the energy of His love? - With all my body...
- The instruments aren’t a collection for him. - I know but why do you say that?...
- I asked him… - I Know… Well done…
- He was unplayable. - He filled us with his light. - And his fire…
- With his music… - We can see also pictures...
- We listened many of his interpretations. - And also compositions….
- His moves were out of the book. - Like a theoretical novelty...
- Did you expect that? - Of course not, it was inevitable…
His elegance shows how tasteful the souls are. He proves the power of his love...
It looks unbelievable even to the believers...
When they discovered this truth their body and their life...
For the souls it was obvious that they were loved...
With the gospel it was possible for everyone...
The souls as strings of Time with this deep fingering...
He learned them that to be saved was important...
The souls have no doubts now. And they dare anything with him...
They knew from the start his commitment and he saw at the same time their dedication...
The fingering of any instrument when is needed has to be mastered ...
The armor of light wasn’t an obstacle for the souls who wanted ...
Before him, they thought that they knew the meaning of love ...
When someone lives only stories History looks incredible...
When you are ready to live in the new cycle ...
Everything will change when you will taste the essence...
They saw the blue and its texture ...
The short impact can have a long tail...
Όταν εξετάζουμε τα ιερά κείμενα, έχουμε την τάση να τα βλέπουμε μόνο και μόνο θεολογικά, όταν εξετάζουμε τα ιστορικά κείμενα ...
They are always ready when he gives the signal ...
They always want to see his face with its halo of metajoy ...
The light of the world and the essence of the word ...
The souls can see his light but they want also to hold his essence. The first is possible to everyone but the second needs an exchange ...
The souls are here from the beginning but they have to believe. Before they are alone in the space and they don’t know that the most ...
Too many wars are due to compromises. And many of them didn’t finish with an equilibrium. The problem is always the same as if they ...
Until the night, the essence is important for all the people but the souls need also the light. So they ask for it freely. It’s like an advice ...
From the morning, the light is important for all the people but the souls need also the essence. So they ask for it freely. It’s like a prayer...
The souls know very well how important the access to the source is, because they need the essence and the light. Both of them are important ...
When you say that you study a sacred text it’s important to know if you have everything to get everything. Because sometimes you understand ...
Λέω απλώς ότι η χαρά που έχουμε όταν βλέπουμε τέτοια πράγματα, ενώ άλλοι θεωρούσαν ότι ήταν το τέλος, είναι αυτό ακριβώς που ...
She didn't know him. It was their first meeting in the same town. She was the owner of a patisserie in a famous corner. Its name was Madeleine ...
The bolero is not only a dance. Even if it was at the beginning very popular, the dance became obsolete for more than one century but ...
Don’t try to do many things. The gradual progress is enough to get more degrees of freedom. Each step forward is also a new opening ...
Have you ever done something good? That’s the question. Before you had the time ...
There is no journey of life without mission for the soul. From the beginning the soul has a life to do something in the fermionic world and to leave a trace which will be used in the History of Humanity...
If you don’t know, ask. It’s easy. Don’t try something else because it's advice. You have time and the choice. Even if you don’t know what is pure good, you know now that it exists...
You can study the book of the relations to prepare yourself to the theory of links. It’s even more important if you want to understand ...
When you can be influenced so easily by others who don’t have the sufficient knowledge for taking an important decision which is in relation ...
Way down everybody goes with no advice. But if you know how fundamental they are, you use them because it’s a way to be in God ...
The souls are immortal but it’s difficult for them, to live even a century. They learned how important the one thousand years are and ...
The offer is always free because it's the gift of generosity and you don't have to ask for that. ...
Even if they lost some information, he will be always next to the souls to show another aspect. Because he knows ...
The dogma is made to control lives with their body. But when you know ...
When you play a vamp, you use a series of chords to create a new feeling ...
The power of the alloy is huge. That's why the persons think that it's a force ...
There is no necessity to be the same and the difference is different ...
He’s not just a legend that someone told you. His existence is the starting point of faith and his life ...
When you don't know what is the feeling of the souls, don't ask for anything, just watch their smiles. ...
Don’t forget the inner light. If you believe, you have this kind of light and you are not alone on the path. ...
Even if you try to find in the books of the Old Testament and the books of the New Testament, the list of the ...
When you live with someone who permits you to be in a cocoon and you enjoy it does not mean that ...
The Kiss of soul is a breath of immortality without any compromise. There is no question of safety ...
Even for someone who is prepared to share more than a half life ...
Counsel functions are a sort of supernatural intuition. With them he’s able to judge promptly and rightly even in the very difficult situations...
In the struggle of Humanity against barbarity it's possible to find beauty. Grain by grain, the beauty appears ...
It may be unbelievable but it's possible to have a double vision when you are a soul. ...
When you need someone to heal, to know, to have, to hold as a soul, you will find your savior. But before you will have to test your faith...
When you imagine that a soul is a string in Time, you can hear its tremolo with the special fingering and then it's possible for you to conceive ...
You can feel the power of the sound when you are a soul like a string on an instrument which is impossible without faith and this one has ...
Society forces people to get happiness. And they need time to understand that it’s a servitude. Society is like a concentration camp with forced ...
It’s easy to see the shadow of society on the face of the slaves. They try to keep it secret but it’s impossible. They are afraid to make ...
The joy of souls is not related with any psychological problem. Psychology is a social product without any relation with Humanity. Psychological ...
When you are in the field of superhistory, you understand that our moments matter. This is a way to realize ...
The trailer isn’t just a short. It’s not linear because in Time, it’s not planar. Its complexity provides ...
The tremolο is a way to transform a short note to a big one because you keep its sound. ...
On his skin, the souls saw the action of the sun. And they loved his bronzage. On their souls, he discovered the action of the light. ...
In the village of resistance to the oblivion, even the dance belongs to the memory. Each step of the traditional dance constitutes ...
To be consistent with the previous parts, you need the advice from a savior. The knowledge is now the thesaurus of the souls. ...
The stories are the vertices of a graph which is not always connected. The superhistory has an impact on the edges of the network. ...
It's very difficult to feel History on your body when you make it. But for your mind, when you are already prepared, ...
Nobody says the ancient sea because it's the same. From that time until now it's always the same. But the sea is ...
When the fight is tough the alliance of the network is decisive. At this level, every move counts. It’s visible to everyone who has access to the big picture. ...
The strategic situation of the castle was relevant not only at that time of its construction but also now with a beautiful view over the sea. ...
To be in time, it’s always important. But this time, the things were different. It was for them, literally in Time...
They were the pawns of an old game which was brutal. And they never saw the promotion. But with the new rules at a strategic level, ...
After the fight of survival came the time of life. In the next chessboard of geopolitics, they had to find a way ...
The end of the attack of barbarity was just the starting point of the new fight against oblivion. ...
They decision was clear. Peace wasn’t a target for the innocent people. They understood that the most important was ...
For the souls, it was a revelation. They were in an unknown territory where they could observe the impact ...
This mission is related to tradition. The souls know that it’s crucial for him in the sense of the continuation of the history of Mankind...
He already knew his free territory. It was by the way his first real contact with this region. At that time the notion of recognition was very new...
Many people just want another chance to play the same game because they can’t imagine for themselves a different life. ...
The dogmatics were a waste of time. The followers needed to spend time with them. The believers were together due to their sensors...
After so many standard deviations, the notion of deviation became beautiful. It represented a point of the harmony. ...
It was usual for him to be accepted by the sensors which were more evolved. It was always like this from the beginning and the difference ...
With the organ works it’s possible to study what is exactly a masterpiece. In the scores, he shows some precious details and the way ...
The seasons are different but they belong to the same year. Two identical seasons aren't from the same year. The complementarity ...
For the souls it was a revolution to discover his vision of the world. The vision made with his mind, is able to create the biggest changes...
Each day is a gift for him. This is what the souls say. His force is autonomous and it follows his own willingness ...
To save the souls, he has to shape like an heraldic shield to protect them against the attacks of the barbarity. ...
The thesaurus is invisible without faith. And the key is always necessary. Out of the box, like the soul ...
For the souls the new code was a deep surprise and even an example of serendipity. It was something totally new. ...
The strange thing was that his mind had already all these data. The new thing was the access to the big picture. ...
For any other person it would be a problem but not for him. It was only a fact, nothing more. No apologies. This was his nature. He ...
The term IQ was coined by Stern and at that time it was only a quotient and not a distribution. But the first contribution was made by Cattell ...
The table wasn’t a terminal point but a starting point. The identification was only a kind of diagnostic but the potential was enough to define a reality...
In this new possibility to impact the world, the souls can see the sign directly without waiting for that anymore. Their action is his realization...
The life with the network differs from any other because is not only free but also connected. For the souls is now an evidence even if before ...
The sound of silence is the colour of the painting. It’s no more an enigma but a fact. But it was unimaginable before. Now he is able to ...
After the desert of souls, the life is like the paradise. Everything is really possible. The collection is alive and not only in his mind. In fact, the ...
The sound and the image became something totally new. Every picture has a sense. Every voice has its importance. In the past, he was ...
Even if he was prepared for this first contact, the result impressed him. He was unstoppable and made everything ...
He was alone in a small universe but he started to construct bridges with his heroes. Their ...
It was important for him to have this collection. It wasn’t a part of his imagination but of his life. He was connected with this collection...
- I thought that you were only a very old and popular story. - That may be true… - But you are a legend. ...
- Harmony is a way to protect the souls. - It's a global approach. - And even holistic... ...
- So everything is possible… - You need just your Faith. - I didn’t know that I will have this feeling. ...
- For the struggle of Mankind against barbarity, love is more important than I thought initially. ...
- Deep in the eyes… - Are you thinking about something? ...
- Why dictators hate love? - They are afraid of its beauty...
- The feelgood factor is real? - Of course and it’s very important in the process of salvage...
- The centuries are the units of chronostrategy...
- Is it true that we get what we deserve? - Yes it is, but it's never easy when what we do is constructive...
- Shall I take care of you? - Feel free...
- Do you have to be normal? - To be understandable?...
- Before, I thought that we just need to open our eyes to see. But I learned that we see only what we get...
- I never thought about this definition for societies of oblivion...
- With the splitting effect, we can have a message in a universe...
- Everybody knows the slogan of the three Musketeers. - One for all and all for one. ...
- When you protect humans of any kind, they say that you belong to the same group. - Always. ...
- You need to be the same with them. - It's not the most difficult part...
- It's the first time that I see an accordion becoming an umbrella...
- How is it possible to save different people at the same time? - You need to be focused and you need also the help of the others. ...
- I’ll remember you for centuries...
- Is it normal to have a need...
- I thought that your gifts… - Were only gifts. - And now I realize that they are signs in fact. ...
- Is it possible? - If you tell me what, maybe… - Can you give us a sign? ...
- The colours are a code. - Even a codename. - In the heraldic sense. - It’s the relation between deep history and superhistory. ...
- They are trying to kill history. - But it’s impossible...
- We can be at the right place in Time...
- You are in my mind. - Even if I am what I am…
- If the work creates the being...
- I don’t know about the others… I need to know if you are going to rescue us...
- They are only human. - I’m here for them...
- Let me ask you a question. - Please, feel free...
- Can I drink? - Are you asking this to me?
- Why equilibrium is represented as an important notion? - Because it’s one of the simplest. - It’s obvious as a delimitation…
- Light and dark. - Fire and water...
- We are from here and we know how the people are...
- We are absolute believers. - I know. - But can you feel it? - I see its beauty. ...
- I got your back. - I know. - Go ahead. - Thank you. - By the way…
- Shall I ask if the reason is sufficient? - No, it's fine. - That's all? - I think so. ...
- Can I stay hidden? - As you like. - And can you stay visible? - Of course. ...
- I know that you love us... - It's the truth...
-Why New York is so important? -For the United Nations...
- I was surprised. - With the wonder? - It was unpredictable. - For what reason? - I don’t know exactly. ...
-It’s incredible even for the believers… -What? ...
- Is it normal? - What? - To have an angel face… - Do you prefer something else? ...
- You are in my mind. - You are in my universe. - At the beginning I had doubts… ...
- I asked only one thing. - And you got more. - Exactly. - It’s normal. ...
- I will need one more life... - To do what? - To live next to you. - I will give it to you, in any case. ...
- How can you do all these different things? - You mean our works? - Not only… - What else? ...
I don’t even try something. I’m just full of love. So I’m ready to give you the essence of light. ...
It’s strange to imagine the Russian Ministry without defense but this is the reality. ...
We go deep. We love that. This is our aim. We need to know the truth ...
The exaggerated Russian praise for defeating a small Ukrainian landing is easy to explain. ...
The lover doesn’t try to be someone or even another. He’s just what he is ...
Beyond equilibrium try to find the field of Harmony...
When you are weak you need rules. When you are a believer ...
Come on you can’t stay like this. It’s time to make your decision. ...
For you it was only a force, not for me. It was a symbol and a kind of reality ...
I like to listen to the Gould’s breath when he’s playing piano. Because it’s not any more ...
Yesterday isn’t a lost memory. I see it as a trace in Time of what we did ...
If you see New York you will understand why...
I will never give up to find a way to help you...
Only love is able to change the world because for it ...
Don’t wait for the sunshine if you don’t do anything for it. Don’t feel guilty ...
The musical world is the book of forgotten melodies which you can open when you want. ...
Don’t care about what the society can say against you when it doesn’t understand the kiss of freedom. ...
If someone says that he believes to the existence of Superman everybody will find him ridiculous. ...
The beauty is a gift for everyone but only the souls can see how deep it is. ...
The troubles in a country are not always relevant of the real situation. In fact, they can be used ...
The Ukrainian forces conduct an impressive counteroffensive against Russian barbarity. ...
Society thinks that it’s insane to love in an absolute way ...